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Harvard College 

By Exchange 


• 1 


The undersigned, Committee of the Trustees of the Pilgrim Society of Plymouth, hereby certify that, with the 
sanction of the Society, the Trustees have accepted the design of Mr. Hammatt Billings for a National Monu- 
ment to the Forefathers, and he is authorized to appoint agents, receive moneys, and to solicit and collect sub- 
scriptions for the prosecution of the work. 




The importance in our annals of the event to be commemorated by this Monument — the birth of a nation which, 
in less than two centuries and a half, has risen to rival the first empires of the Old World in power, wealth, and the 
refinements of civilization, while it has far outstripped them in the race of progress, by establishing the capacity 
of mankind for self-government, based upon universal education of intellect and morals — demands from those en- 
joying the blessings inherited from the Pilgrim Fathers a noble and lasting testimonial; and the Society rely 
with confidence upon the patriotism and liberality of their countrymen to sustain them in this effort to erect a 
monument to the faith and self-sacrifice of our Forefathers, worthy of the grateful remembrance in which they 
are held by their descendants. 

Agents for soliciting and collecting subscriptions will visit every part of the country, and it is confidently hoped 
that every American whose belief in universal liberty is sustained by seeing, day by day, the principles first planted 
upon the Rock at Plymouth by the Pilgrims of the May Flower, spreading over wide wastes of barbarism, and 
building up new States in the wilderness, will contribute something toward the first great monumental record ever 
built by a nation to commemorate an event perfectly peaceful in its nature, and to preserve the memory of men 
who sought a new land, not in pursuit of wealth, power, or glory, but for the free exercise of their religious faith, 
and the establishment of the principles of universal self-government. 
Every person contributing 60 cts. will receive a copy of the Memorial. 
" " " $1.00, will receive a steel plate view of the Monument and the Memorial. 

" " "' $5.00, an elegant steel plate Engraving of the Monument and become a life member of 

the Pilgrim Society. 

" " " $200.00, a Bronze Statuette 23 inches high, being an exact model of the Monument in 


Communications should be addressed to Hammatt Billings, Abchitect, or Rev. W. M. Harding, General 
and Financial Agent, 8 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. 



" We are going to COMPLETE this Monument. We in Ohio will do a little, you in Massachusetts will do 
a great deal, and all New England will do something, and thus the monument IS TO BE BUILT." — Hon. Sal- 
mon P. Chase. 

And why not? To think of anything else would be worse than folly after so much has been done, and after it 
has now been well begun, and about one fourth of the necessary amount has been already subscribed. If it is 
asked who approve and aid the work, we refer to the six thousand members of the Pilgrim Society whose names 
may be found in another part of this book ; and then there is a still larger list of contributors of sums under five 
dollars whose names arc enrolled, and to be handed down to posterity, in the Records of the Monument. 

Now, Reader, will you be one of the number to complete this Monument? If you cannot give a large sum, you 
certainly can give a small one, even " in these times," — " Where there is a will there's a way," — and thou- 
sands more can do the same, and the work will be done. 

Do not fix your mind upon the aggregate amount required and exclaim, — " Such a sum ! It cannot be done ! " 
You are not expected nor desired to do the whole, any more than a single soldier is expected to win the victory 
in battle, but simply to do your proportion. 

You think, perhaps, that a monument less costly would be sufficient, and for such a monument" you would do 
something. Then, friend, give that " something" now; and if enough others add their "somethings " and build 
the costly monument, why should you object? 

How long need it take New England alone to furnish the funds necessary for the work? If fully awakened to 
the object, as Mr. Everett awakened the country to the Ladies' appeal for Mount Vernon, the thing would be done. 
Let us then hear no more of the impracticability of building the Monument. We hope that no descendant of the 
Pilgrims, no New Englander, no lover of the Union, every foot of which was sacred in the eyes of him who will 
ever be first in the hearts of his countrymen, will use as a reply to this remark that the Pilgrim Fathers have a 
more narrow claim on our national gratitude, and that the reverence, to their memory is restricted to local Hues, 
to the limits of any portion of the Union, any class of sectarians, any less than the whole American people, the 
whole Christian world. Whoever has a tittle of real love for Washington, real admiration of his virtues, real rev- 
erence for the conscientiousness which formed the basis of his greatness, will have the same admiration, tho same 

( See third page of cover.) 

• \ 


(A£ ( 2. 0>yo ,36- £~ 


" They sought in ire item wild* to meet 
Some spot to reit their weary feet, 
Some spot to Tear their house of prayer, 
Beyond the mitre's an pry ^lare ; 
"Where freedom winged might raptured roam, 
And find at last a genial home/* 


The nnecp?T prepn rat inns having been made, and the 
arrangement Mir tlrd for the vuvueje to America, twu small 
vessel* were*" 1 uhaied, one in fiolUmrf, called the " Speed- 
weiyfcf uV Qt *i* x y tr) u s burthen*— » Lhc other, called the 

to*# l (iTr am* A in Biiglanti, where they expected to 
be fo" t! \- some o.'icre of L like mind with themselves. 

The "-Sjecdwcll * T waa finallv ftbaiidonodj and the band 
of Filgrin\ embarked in the w HayvFloweT, at Plymouth, 
Eru/lay id T in the IGth of September, upon the voyage which 
has rendered their vessel mid themselves alike immortal. 

In our thy it would be considered some; what hazardous 
even with' 4 C p^ter knowledge which wo possess of the 
sea, anil the securities which science has enabled us to 
gather, arouno. us, to attempt this oce^n voyage in a little 
vessel of thjO si/i of the (1 > Lav-Flower/* — and the hazard 
would bt> regarded a? much onninecd hy the clumsiness and 
apparrnt untifawonbinr^ uf the craft. Imt, small as she 
was, clumsily and tulHjJn? ;i *; she was model Wtl, the " May- 
Flowir," breasted well t,. fl billows of the Atlantic, rode out 
the fierce n<irth-oasters of iv^ ctjiiinox, and strolling i*al- 
lantly onward with her prcciotr* freight, finally brought the 
little band in safet/ to the destination prepared for them 
by Providence. " * . 

Nor was this her only service i . i " .e i ' T "w V- __ 

land colonization. 

In 1620, she was stiU engaged l.i crossing between Eng- 
land and America, carrying a company of Mr. Robinson's 
fcongregation, who had remained in Holland up to that 
time ; — and again, in 1630, July 1st, O. S., she arrived in 
Charlestown harbor, bearing a portion of Winthrop's com- 
pany, who laid the foundations of the Massachusetts col- 
ony. What finally became of her is unknown. 


On Saturday, the 21st of November, 1620, (the 11th, ac- 
cording to the old style of computing time,) the Pilgrim 
Fathers arrived at Cape Cod, in the May Flower, and an- 
chored in Provincetown Harbor. Before making the usual 
arrangements for landing, they entered into a combination 
which served as the foundation of their government in 
their new home. This became necessary, as some of the 

strangers who were with them had let fall discontenteJ 
and mutinous speeches, threatening that they would usJ 
their own liberty when they came ashore, because noncl 
had power to command them on account of their patent! 
being for Virginia and not for New England, where thew 
happened to be. The agreement was drawn up and signed 
in tne cabin of the May-Flower by the heads of families! 
and such others as were considered of proper age, the actl 
being held in their opinidh as firm as any patent, and ir| 
some respects more so. The form of this instrument! 
generally Known in history as the Social Compact oil 
the Forefathers, is preserved in " Bradford's Histor)" 
of Plymouth Plantation, in the following words : 

In y 1 name op God, Amen. "We whose J 
names are undcr-writen, the loyall subjects of our dread 
soveraigne Lord King Ja m e 8 , by y« grace of God of I 
Great Britaine, Franc & Ireland King, Defender of the 
Faith, &c, 

Haveing under-taken for y* glorie of God, and advance- 
mente of y Christian faith, and honour of our King & 
Countrie, a voyage to plant y* first colonie in y northerne 
parts of Virginia, doe by these presents solemnly & 
mutuary in y* presence of God and one of another, cove- 
nant, & combine our selves togeathcr into a civill body 
politick, for our better ordering & preservation, & further- 
ance of y* ends aforesaid ; ancl by vertue hearof to enacte: 
constitute and frame such just & equall lawes, ordinances^ 
acts, constitutions, & offices, from time to time, as sha, v 
be thought most meete & convenient for y e generall go< 
of y* Colonie ; unto which we promise all due submissi. 
ana obedience. 

In witnes wherof we ha-e hereunder subscribed our 
names at Cap-Codd y e 11 of November, in y* year of 
y e raigne of our soveraigne Lord King Jam e s of Eng- 
land, France & Ireland y 8 eighteenth, and of Scotland 
ye fiftic-fourth, An° Dom. 1620. 

In alluding to this inimitable agreement, John Quincy 
Adams has aptly said in his admirable discourse, delivered 
at Plymouth in December, 1802, " This is perhaps the only 
instance in human history of that positive original social 

I compact which speculative philosophers have imagined as 

i the only legitimate source of government. Here was a 
unanimous and personal assent by all the individuals ot the 
community, to the association by winch they became a 
nation, ft was the result of circumstances and discus- 

I sions, which had occurred during their passage from 
Europe, and is a full demonstration that the nature of 
civil government, abstracted from the political institutions 
of their native country, had been an object of their serious 
meditation. The settlers of all the former European colonies 
had contented themselves with the powers conferred upon 
them bv their respective charters, without looking beyond 
the seal of the royal parchment for the measure of their 
rights and the rule of their duties. The founders of 
Plymouth had been impelled by the peculiarities of their 

. situation to examine the subject with deeper and more 
comprehensive research." 

The names of the signers are not p,iven in Gov. Brad- 
ford's manuscript, but are believed to have been essentially 

I as follow. — 


I-AJS ■:-' EATON, 
JiJ!i-\ .ttACKVTi "\ 
J<>itS r BlUJSGTij 


: wii.' t ah J 

! Kl. A •.!{[ W- . V 

WU.l. \1 !*.*■ t ' 

, i,. VLL:-.i'T *-. 

I MYLhfl STANDIsil, 

,1'MfV AI.PFV, 






J.illN II LAND. 



I THOMAS tivkf:r, 

, JiHI.V RH.. ['ALE. 

| The first act under this constitution, — for such it was, 
to all intents and purposes, — was the election, on the day 
J of its adoption, of Jonn Carver to be the Governor of the 
' new colony, an office to which he was re-elected in the fol- 
j lowing April, and which he held but for a very short time, 
| as he dieu a few days after his last election. 



The names of the adult male passengers may be found 
the 2d page, append* to the SodalCompect. Those 
the female passengers axe the following, as given in 

following, as given : 
iwlford's History:— 
fs. Catharine Carver, 
M Mary Brewster, 
" Elisabeth Winstar, 
■« Dorothy Bradford, 
" Mary Allerton, 
'« Rose Standish, 

w Martin, 

u Mullins, 

" Tinker, 

" Susanna White, 

u Elizabeth Hopkins, 

Whole number of passengers, including children, 102. 

Mrs. Ellen Bflhngton, 
" Ann Tilly, 
« Elizabeth Tffift 
M Alice Rigdale, 
" MaryChfltan, 

« Fuller, 

" Sarah Eaton, 

Miss Mary Chilton. 
" Priscffla Mullins, 
" Desire Minter, 

44 In grateful adoration now 
Upon the barren sands they bow. 
What tongue of joy e'er woke such prayer 
As bursts in desolation there ! 
What arm of strength e'er wrought such power 
As waits to crown that feeble hour I " 


==_- - ^ ^ 

In the year 1620, there stood on the beach of a sandy 
lore, at the south-eastern curve of Massachusetts Bay, 
sneath an abrupt ridge facing the sea and some twenty 
> thirty feet high, a large boulder of greenish granite, 
pon whose top, sometimes covered by the angry waves 
riven in before the north-east wind, probably no white 
tan had ever stepped foot. On the 21st of December, a 
ttle shallop was steered to the foot of this rock, and upon 

climbed, one after another, a small party of emigrants, 
jeking a home in the wilderness where tiiev might wor- 
lip God according to the light which he had given them. 
his sandy shore, then covered with woods, was the shore 
f Plymouth, the granite boulder was the Forefathers' 
:ock, and the party of sea-beaten, care-worn emigrants, 
ere a portion of the Pilgrim Fathers. 

He who now reading their strange and eventful his- 
>ry, cannot seethe finger of God tracing the course of 
lis people, leading them through weary wanderings to 
lis place of rest, and separating them from evil and trou- 
lesome companions by guiding them to this apparently 
lhospitable shore, must, indeed, be blind; and he who 
mong their descendants can attempt to turn their trials 
nd misfortunes into ridicule, or speak with irreverence, 
yen of the spot made immortal by the mark of their foot- 
teps, is not without the cold heart and the shallow 
rain of the scoffer. 

It was natural that the Pilgrims should themselves re- 
ard the rock merely as having been the place where they 
inded, and that their immediate descendants, with the 
ares of a new country upon their minds and hands, should 
ave dwelt but little upon the hallowed associations which 
^ere gathering around it. Yet we find that in 1741, 
hen it was proposed to build a wharf near the rock — 
hose position had been up to that time undisturbed— 
ider Thomas Faunce, who was born in 1646, fearing that 
ie rock might be injured, expressed great uneasiness; 

and in the presen ce of many citizens, pointed it out as the 
one on which the Pilgrims had landed, from their own 
testimony repeatedly wren to himselfc 

Not the pass whereLeonidas and his companions turned 
back the waves of Persian invasion,— nor the slope 
upon which the brave Switzer, Winkehied, gathered into 
his own breast the sheaf of spears, —nor the spot when 
Hampden fell in defence of right,— nor any place famous 
and hallowed in human story is more worthy to be held 
in perpetual remembrance, than this rock upon which 
were planted the feet of those who brought in themselves 
thegerms of every quality essential to national greatness* 

The rock was broken in two in an attempt during 
the Revolution to remove it to the Town Square. The 
piece represented in the engraving, is now placed in front 
of Pilgrim Hall, where it is surrounded with a heavy iron 
railing, upon which are the names of the passengers of 
the May Flower. The otherpiece remains m its original 
site ; and the Pilgrim Society is erecting over it a canopy 
of granite, for the double purpose of enabling it to be seen, 
ana to preserve it. 


The first notice we have of John Carver, in the history 
of the Pilgrims, is At the time when they had determined, 
if possible, to settle somewhere by themselves in the terri- 
tory of the Virginia Company, and endeavor to obtain from 
King James a special dispensation of religious liberty for 
themselves and tneir descendants, — and Carver and Cush- 
man, who are represented as influential members of the 
congregation, were sent to England to negotiate with the 

Carver was, at this time, a Deacon of the Church, —he 
took an active part in all the arrangements for the voyage 
and settlement, — was one of the passengers in the " May- 
Flower," and, upon the signing of the social compact, was 
elected governor of the colony. 

Shortly after the departure of the " May-Flower " for 
England, which occurred on the 15th of April, 1621, Gov- 
ernor Carver, who had been at work in the field, came 
home complaining greatly of his head. In a few hours he 
became speechless and insensible, and died after a short 
illness, to the inexpressible grief of the colonists, who at- 
tributed his death to mental anxiety and exhaustion occa- 
sioned by his ceaseless labors for the common good. His 
wife died but a few weeks afterwards. Bradford, whose 
faithfulness to the cause had been abundantly proved 
through the whole season of their trials ajid sufferings, 
was chosen to succeed him, with Isaac AJlerton as his as- 
sistant. j*f 

Among the few memorials of JbrrOgrims, preserved 
inPilarim HaD, is the chair oJ^Governor Carver, repre- 
sented above. 


(A£ ( 269^,36 


: * They Bought to western wild* to meet 
Some §pot to rest their weary feet, 
Some spot to rent their house of prayer, 
Beyond the mitre's angry glare ; 
Where freedom winged might raptured roam, 
And find at last a genial home." 


The nercp^T preparations having been made, and the 
arrnnwinem s^ied far the vovnge to America, two small 
vessels werci ni shaded, one in f tuUimd, rolled the " Snced- 
wcMBf ui ut fi i x 2* tons burthen^— the other, called the 

AHW 1 n ijli" rf f 1 1 r ninflfV urm rfftit; ton, uhirb wn9 
to hw ; i t\Jt nrri^ ■! in Jtaghmd, where they expected to 
be fo" >d \ some o: acts of u like mind with themselves. 

Th* l[ Siccdutll " waa finally abandoned . anil the band 
of rilgriti^ embarked in the M ftajvFWc?* at Plymouth, 
England, *n. the 16th of September, upon the voyage which 
has rendered their vessel and themselves -.dike immortal. 

In our dty it would be ctmaidcrcd somewhat hazardous 
even with U^ greater knowledge which we possess, of the 
sea, ami the Kcuiit&a which science has enabled us to 
gather around j^ tcj attempt this oee:m voyage in a little 
vessel of the sk * of the *' May-Mower," — and the. haziird 
would be regarded ^a much enhanced by the clumsiness and 
apparent itoieawoniuncas of the craft, But, small as she 
was, elmns% and tnb-ii]tp m phe wns modelled, the " May- 
FIowct," breasted well t..» billows of tlie Atlantic, rode out 
the fierce north-easters of iN c e()uinox, and struggling gal- 
lantly onward with her preciotib .freight, finally brought the 
little band in safet/ to the destination Jbrepored for them 
by Providence. * . 

Nor was this her only service i . t .e « " "^w T* 

land colonization. 

In 1629, she was stiU engaged ;.i crossing between Eng- 
land and America, carrying a company of Mr. Robinson's 
congregation, who had remained in Holland up to that 
time ; — and again, in 1630, July 1st, O. S., she arrived in 
Charlestown harbor, bearing a portion of Winthrop's com- 
pany, who laid the foundations of the Massachusetts col- 
ony. What finally became of her is unknown. 


On Saturday, the 21st of November, 1620, (the 11th, ac- 
cording to the old style of computing time,) the Pilgrim 
Fathers arrived at Cape Cod, in the May Flower, and an- 
chored in Provincetown Harbor. Before making the usual 
arrangements for landing, they entered into a combination 
which served as the foundation of their government in 
their new home. This became necessary, as some of the 

strangers who were with them had let fall disconten 
and mutinous speeches, threatening that they would i 
their own liberty when they came ashore, because nc 
had power to command them on account of their pat< 
being for Virginia and not for New England, where tl 
happened to be. The agreement was drawn up and sigr 
in tne cabin of the May-Flower by the heads of famil 
and such others as were considered of proper age, the ; 
being held in their opinion as firm as any patent, and 
some respects more so. The form of tins instrume 
generally Known in history as the Social Compact 
the Forefathers, is preserved in " Bradford's Hist< 
of Plymouth Plantation, in the following words : 

In y 1 name op God, Amen. We wh< 
names are under-writen, the loyall subjects of our dr< 
soveraigne Lord King Ja m e s , by y e grace of Got 
Great Britaine, Franc & Ireland King, Defender of 
Faith, &c, 

Haveing under-taken for y* glorie of God, and advan 
mente of y Christian faith, and honour of our Kinj: 
Countrie, a voyage to plant y* first colonic in y c northei 
parts of Virginia, doe by these presents solemnl) 
mutualv in y* presence of God and one of another, co 
nant, & combine our selves togeather into a civill b< 
politick, for our better ordering & preservation, & furth 
ance of y e ends aforesaid ; and by vertue hcarof to ena< 
constitute and frame such just & equall lawes, ordinam 
acts, constitutions, & offices, from time to time, as si 
be thought most meete & convenient for y c generall g< 
of y* Colonic ; unto which we promise all due submiss 
ana obedience. 

In witnes wherof we hi/"e hereunder subscribed 
names at Cap-Codd y e 11 of November, in y e year 
y«raigne of our soveraigne Lord King James of E 
land, France & Ireland y 8 eighteenth, anc 1 of Scotl; 
y« fiftie-fourth, An<> Dom. 1620. 

In alluding to this inimitable agreement, John Qui 
Adams has aptly said in his admirable discourse, deliv( 
at Plymouth m December, 1802, " This is perhaps the c 
instance in human history of that positive original so 
compact which speculative philosophers have imagine* 
the only legitimate source of government. Here w; 
unanimous and personal assent by all the individuals ot 
community, to the association by which they becan 
nation. It was the result of circumstances and dix 
sions, which had occurred during their passage f: 
Europe, and is a full demonstration that the nature 
civil government, abstracted from the political instituti 
of their native country, had been an object of their s. ri 
meditation. The settlers of all the former European coh, 
had contented themselves with the powers conferred u 
them by their respective charters, without looking bey 
the seal of the royal parchment for the measure of V 
rights and the rule of their duties. The founders- 
Plymouth had been impelled by the peculiarities of t 
situation to examine the subject with deeper and n 
comprehensive research." 

The names of the signers are not c,iven in Gov. B. 
i ford's manuscript, but are believed to have been cssenti 
; as follow. — 


I wii ■ * *m: *■■■*' ~' ,j v ) 

; MY Ltd GTAXUIfiU, 

jolis au>en. 
kamhei, eilleh, 

<. ■KRJM'iiriiEK MARTIN. 

WNiJ AM Ml ■l.l.LN.S, 







| The first act under this constitution, — for sue' 
. to all intents and purposes, — was the election, on 
I of its adoption, of Jonn Carver to be the Govern* 
new colony, an office to which he was re-elected ii 
I lowing April, and which he held but for a very sin 
I as he died a few days after his last election. 

t 'A.\ -- EATON, 
\ • HILTON, 
(rKl)K(iK SOCLE. 



perpetuated to generations yet unborn, and that the Anglo- 
-Saxon race, to which we alike belong, may rise to that high 
and holy destiny which the God of Nations seems to have 
appointed for them as the conservatives of the peace and 
liberties of the world, is our ardently cherished wish, and 
will continue to be our earnest prayer. 

John Elsam, Mayor 
G. B. Blenkin, Vicar. 
Mr. Dallas replied as follows : — " Mr. Mayor, Reverend 
Sir, and Gentlemen of the Committee : The repair of this 
chapel, as a memorial of the Rev. John Cotton, you have 
ascribed to the generous sympathies of a number of my 
countrymen. Hence it is that my presence is deemed 
aroropriate, to represent, in some sort, the American con- 
tributors ; to accept, on their behalf, the acknowledgments 
of the parishioners of St. Botolph: and to recognise the 
moral ties which bind in fraternal * »eling the two Bostons 

of Lincolnshire and Massachusetts. Agreeably to your 
authentic annals, this ancient borough furnished, soon after 
the Pilgrims of the May-Flower landed on Plymouth Rock, 
more of her best citizens for Transatlantic colonization 
than any other town in England ; and, in furnishing, as 
she did, in 1633, a man so eminent for his ability and 
attainments and so resolute in his civil and religious 
opinions, as John Cotton, she gave a specially vigorous 
and wholesome impulse to the newly-started community ; 
of which its present generation gratefully desire to per* 
petuate the memory, when John Cotton, dissenting from 
the discipline, not the doctrines, of his church withdrew 
from its vicarage, which he had occupied for twenty-one 
years, and sought Jiis favorite " Christian Liberty " on a 
soil yet tenanted by savages, he was welcomed with open 
arms, and affectionately received by the Pilgrim Villagers 
of Ishmut, at the head of Massachusetts Bay '&& 

- ^ 


descent from this magnificent pile wna to the humble mud 
and straw enclosure of his mecting-shed. Hia fervid and 
fearless genius made of that little lecture room a focus 
whence radiated the glnwina beams of spiritual freedom. 
Indeed, the rapid gi-owth ofthc whole region attests the 
power and purity of the flced first sown, and irresistibly 
proTBs the virtuous seal and energy with which he and his 
associates worked at the foundation of an empire, — I 
touch on this without pome further, and only as explana- 
tory why l&hmut relinquished its Indian name, preferring 
yours, and why the citizens of that now opulent and re- 
fined metropolis naturally press forward, as soon as per- 
mitted, with me tributes of a just and honorable gratitude. rt 
An elegant brass tablet is affixed to the wall beneath the 
eastern arch, bearing a Lntin inscription from the classical 
pen of the Hon. Edward Everett. 


In. the opinion of not a few persons, they were a set of 
stem, bigoted, and intolerant men, who fled from persecu- 
tion in their native land to become the persecutors of others 
weaker than thenift&lvEH, But nothing can be farther from 
the truth* The pilgrims of the May-Flower were a com- 
pany of men ana gentle women, with their children, ■ — a 
large portion of them young men and women, between 
twenty and thirty years of age when they left England for 
Holland^ where they remained some twelve years, and then 
embarked for the New World, In numlK>r about one hun- 
dred, they Left Delfthaven, August 1, 1020, and, after seve- 
ral delays on the coast of England, they reached that of 
New England {then known as Northern Virginia), near 
the beginning of winter. The work of exploring the coast 
for a suitable landing place was attended with peril, from 
the climate and the Indians, and occupied many davs. A 
company sent out for this purpose in an open boat found 
themselves in a storm of snow and rain t the £ca rough, their 
rudder gone, their mast broken in three parts, overtaken 
by one of the darkest of December nights, under the lee of 
a small island in Plymouth harbor. Here the Sabbath 
found them, hut th*y were not the men to pursue their ex- 
plorations on that day. They rested, and for the first time 
the silence of the New England wilderness was broken by 
the voice <if Christian worship and a Christian Sabbath. 
At length the landing was effected on the 21st of Decem- 
ber, 1620. That EYE NT 3 s the parent of all the other events 
in our national history, which we commemorate by monu- 
mental structures or by annual festivities. In cherishing 
and honoring the children, then, let us not be unmindful of 
so worthy a parent. 

Having landed, the work of preparing some means 
of shelter was nt once commenced. The privations and 
sufferings of almost shelterless women and children, "with- 
out sufficient food, — aud even what they had, injured by 
the long voyagCj—^ scanty clothing, colds and sickness 
from exposure, — of these thimrs wc can but faintly con* 
ectve in our luxuriouslv-furnished dwellings, by our com- 
fortable firc-sides, and m our expensive garments. As a 
result of tht^ir privations and exposure, within the first four 
months after the landing, forty-four of their number had 
passed away, and their graves were carefully concealed and 
leveled, and sown with grain, that the keen-eyed and hos- 
tile Indian might not learn their decreasing number and 
consequent weakness* And before the firct anniversary of 
their landing six others had increased the number of the 
dead, thus lending but half the orignal number ; and nearly 
all of those self-sacrificing men and women had gone from 
the scene of their privations aud sufferings bvforc that 
period of persecution on which some persons persist in 
fixing their minds.* 

■It may bo proper to cite* In thli connection, ■ small portion pf the 
testimony at hand In TvxArA tn the character of the I*llirrlmf t — 
rtiMrfcLTiJim the first place, hiiw*?rr, tlmt wu are not u> J ~ 

ll^I-J.-l^.. » I L.J,* •„,! nuau »t **. t, h1 * h,l ■ IV.. I 


their duir by present li^ht and present itandflnls. W u ifre [n a mnn; 
tolerant age. anil cannot but teel tlmt many. at h.aJt.of the fault* ofthut 
period, were fautlaof the i-intr^ rather Mian i»f the i»-n, whatever may 
lutTO been the rmrttenbir relijriouj c^nn Mimical in whleh they irere 
found. Ch'Wrfblly do <rc alkiw the force of fflii rrmnrk In apply To 
tho*t whom hiatury TiTrrcl* na the MrfCCtitotl Qf tOf early Puritans, and 
nt' the Flljrrim* immediately prtredtntf their ■Jt'jJirtiiTU f f'tl their native 
bind. May i-'i'inl lfbernKlT i>f aenticuunt be *U Li-rEni n ed lnwinl the 
Fihrrlmxiud t J it early Fathers of New England, ih.^^li we feel thut 
there la hut little, If any nrcajinn h Uirapoloary In Ih.'ir he half* 

" White H therefore* It would floubUeM be, unwise to claim ftn them an 
elcmntion from the common innrmiM** uf our nature, Ihe opposite ex- 
treme t which withhold! a jmtrecngnltljn ufUlclrbigh uchltteiiiciitdJ, la 
liable to fiir (?reat*-f eonde in nation,™ 

The testimony cif the Utitch mDgiatratc* ts tn the character of the 
Fllgrima ul their embarkation fur America, !•» •* They have lived among 

The fact that a lurce portion of the pilgrims were tfOttngr 
men and women, with their children, and voting peope un- 
married, should not be overlooked* A number of them 
were undtr twenty, and few only had more than reached 
the* meridian of life. Ardent, full of hone, they led the 
way, — the forlom-bope that fttorms the fortre&B, and per- 
ishes in the attempt. They opened the pates to this broad 
and rich domtiim They eiiw the land of promise, but fell 
as their feet touched its borders, or ere any of them hnd 
long been permitted to enjoy those civil and religious in- 
stitutions of which they ptantcd the seed, while over their 
neglected dust a crowding population has gone up to take 
possession of every valley and hill-top. 

Have these men and women, that thus periled all, and 
thus fell in the very flower of their life, no claim on our 
grateful remembrance ? Have they no claim on the young 
men and young women of this day P Is it not fitting that 
some monumental pile should be placed where they l[mded r 
~- where, too, they fell, and where their dust still reposes, 
— a structure worthy of such men — of sutm tctimrn f and 
of such sacrifices, and on whltrh Hhnll be inscribed their 
names ? Is it not fitting that the vonng men ami young 
women of this age should place their names within this 
structure, that coming generations may know who willing- 
ly contributed to this cud, in grateful remembrance of the 
tne sacrifices and sufferings, and to commemorate the early 
death of those Pilgrims of the May-Flo wer ? " 

Docs any one say, " I am too far removed from Fly- 
mouth to feci much interest in this monument enterprise r " 
But are you removed 6epaittithe benefits — the inestimable 
privileges, civil and religious, which are daily flowing and 
spreading wider and wider through the land, from the 
prmefpia upon which the Pilgrims founded their Com- 
monwealth ? AVhat has distance to do with the question ? 

It is not merely for the people of Plymouth, of Massa- 
sachuuetts, of New England, but of the Nation, without dis- 
tinction of sect or narty, to be interested in this preat 
work, and to aid in bringmg it to its completion* Wher- 
ever intelligent Faith, with her open liihle, and pointing 
heavenward; wherever Morality, Education, Law, and 
Liberty arc recognised and cherished in this land, there 
should be found liberal contributors to the croctmn of a 
structure which shall be an honor to the Pilgrims, nn 
honor to the contributors, and an honor to the age and 

ui nnw these twelve yu«n T mlA yet ttb nerer htl any suit or necuni- 
tion apiinit any nf thi'm." — Itr*iif/}*rii, V»T, 3,f>. 20. 

Oo l]ie QwunOq, v, llut th* Ml&rjm* KTt>ng V>e JnrtifTTisf " ve Would 
refrr th* rcur!j»r Uj an sblc urtkle in the " CouervL-nLLuunl Quarterly "ftp 
April. ]*W, from which we mike i riti^le eilrut't": — 

Iinltvhln&la ■iTifinfftheeju-ly Htlkra nmy havu tre&iKiFiiptl tipnn tht 
rights Of the fnrli^iLS, priri dutie llu-irl UTrunn, but*' The fac 1 1 h at the tint 
Rtternptitn ni-Hlcm Htiw§ to e?hii£cHxc- tJiii' Leithen were minle hy the 
Pltprl 111" nil I he nutivca Of New Ei^litirt ; Ihut the first miiriihnftry 
OrjT4lTi I tuftsin 111 ProlJ'fctitrt Chrlitemlnui — the ^fkidttv for Pr"| lasting 
tJu- Gn*|n-1 ani'tng (ho Indian! in Xi»r[h .\uwrifii, 1 - wils lbniu-d mf r ]t.-]y 
lillld thfflC n«MiMpt*i thut, |irt!v3<HL-lv ti> the hrenking out nt' t'Jiili^'s 
Wnr f theue nilJ<-*hf imiry liil^jr* IibtI rt-Liftci In the tmnBl al iLnn of the ^ntin; 
Bihle fiiLi.i the Imllucl tDHiriiL 1 ; the cntln-iin.ij t-t' eix Imli m cd'i ':■ i mit 
of thErt.V-*ix vlHri^L 1 ) of l prayina Iji'liiui.-/ am\ thu ncFiinl tmriL<kym^nt 
nf nearly flft Y Ivn-: h i*rt un 1 1 1 u t<-i:h L '■t.v. f ! 1 1 a ' i f h ami Iinlmn. in the rtlE- 
eFoiJ Anil <t]1iiii^iiiiilI truininej of Ertrme rhilur.'ii rf the ((ith'I, nt nn 
annual r tpeti he t>f between acv^'naorl fiflht hmul^^rl i>nii]i th* a It 1 rl i ng l — 
thpsE authentic dth! worU-ViiowTi facta inipht ln<l<'L j U he pet hi trS- 
nmnhant array BgaLmt the nun ?n ofvrortj? and (ttiErajre intlleted On 
thofle ]i.*ir Ii-mNuti by the very men who were to laborioujly and *nt> 
cefaAOly elnpluyecl In CODViTtlliH them. 

There are atlrntt two aoitiof people tn whrni the wcrid owe most of 
th<lr ml.ifi>iu^ L iitH>iiH In this multifr ( arrl iteu hupp^na that they nn 
peranm vith whom hLnrnrlea! fnWJ Inbuilt tlu or no wcitj^t. One is the 
sent! mm tilling whoa? Interest In ' the chllurra of the forert,' anrt Umlr 
■ftather-rtnctnrfcl rhief h ' in nttrely apni-tic niiifyor fi?rvn>Fj wbEeh cjid- 
nnt endure the idea of turning; nn IiuJiiiti hiintirtu^ruUMi] jiUfia ci>m- 
IlehK aftCrine-mnrtnranil penile ihlo n prtsf-iuit], ontVn birth-hjirk OAnoe 
lnla nflteamlMj/tt [nfid ttJtquLiliil w^mim inM> a n-rlnC'l and I'll ri»rJq.ct 
dvreUhtjtr] Anothf-r L" the nhna'philafiLhropiil, viiDH Jumi unity in of ■ 
textum tn he W*a vlnxlEetlat h-ilim n lieiglihor murOCHHl, than titatfrng 
tlie murderer hiinjp [ and whom ujt»tlii:rtrore, from prlnriplc nnd enn- 
Science on d con riUteney. condemn the mun — especially the CtrmUstt 
man — Who nhouta" flown D> tUTtiw, when be mlflitivohl Itn- v.r.:esvily 
by pcrmitrlnjir hlmvclf to ho tomahawked flrnt ljkjitni-kul fart*, whq.t- 
ever Uieir henrjiiff, can. have noli] nutnee nn either of theur cfu#i**, «a 
]i<iir ai It frhll remtkn an ailmltted Loet thut the white mun hsi actually 
lunplnn ti-il the rrtl." 

Jaiucd Otin llntd the frtllnwino; Inrijniopr to CrOTerTtrir Bumard in 
1~(3. (i The Ttlfllrtnff bail rierfect enj|rlcitne»? fn out F"n[berF h fiinl anpitrd 
to them In all thtir fliElienltieii. N'ntlntpp hu heen GjulU- '1 wlikh^N«r»ef 
4i r hn .infi/f *f n i j i.j in- J, Wc u-'-.irt, Ui uhcir cuuduet : Vl (i..".u! or It nd u» 

To Iheahflre may he added the fotlowtne; from Jcihn Quiney _\drm*f, 
mi the New England Cotifederaey : — " r jfhc whnle territnry nf Neir 
Kiii-li H'l wu ill in nurchiLfrec, for Tithiable convideratirm, by the new- 
eomen, nn^l the Indium title WAHeJttlnjjfuSuhed by compact. fEi Mi hi njj tlu 
la w o f j uftlit! bet ween man and m h n . Th o nit>*T. m tin mix rite r t< ri tiio 
law of naticmi. ofniiKleTii lime* (VttteD.hM p JL i[| a warthy trthutc of 
rL?peet1'j our fj»refutlnTH t ftKr theh- ri^id ob*fTTr*Hce. In ihi* n.ffjn;ctof 
the mifnrnl rlplituF the indnrfn^ni initivea of the country. 1* i* from 
the exnmttle if the New Eiijrlnnd Purl tuna that hedriL«-a <be rurrpotlv* 
rnla,and no awojruj to the ui. merited hunoni fur hnviug eAabU»htd iL" 



Plymouth, Massachusetts, was eo named first by Capt, 
John Smith, perhaps because of a fancied resemblance 
in situation to Plymouth, England ; and this name was 
confirmed by the Pilgrim Fathers, on account of the kind- 
ness which they received at that port before leaving their 
Dative land* If in Smith's time the two harbors bore any 
resemblance to eoch other, this resemblance must be still 
greater at the present time. Those of our readers who 
have visited our Plymouth will recollect the long beach 
which stretches as a barrier between the harbor and the 
ocean, and around the puint of which vessels are obliged 
to pass to outer the harbor. Formerly the harbor of Ply- 
mouth, England, was exposed to the sen, in the same way 
OS the harbor of the Massachusetts Plymouth would be 
were this beach broken away. In order to render the har- 
bor a secure anchorage in case of storm, the government 
of Great Britain, at the cost of about five millions of dol- 
lars, have erected a stone break wjiter across the mouth of 
the harbor, leaving a channel between the shores at either 
end, — thus making an immense artificial beach, corre- 
sponding exactly in position with the beach which protects 
the Plymouth of the Forefathers from the fury of the ocean* 

The following remarks* and description of the break- 
water and its lighthouse, are condensed from an account 
of a visit to the breakwater, by a writer in an English pe- 
riodical ; and show with what affectionate veneration the 
Pflgrims of the May-Flower arc remembered in their na 
tivc land*— 

" Plymouth Sound will surely carry hack any one ac- 

quainted with English history, and imbued with sympathy 
for the heroes of religious freedom] to the time of James I,, 
and bring before his imagination that quaint-looking old 
vessel which once harbored there, —now the well-known 
May-Flower, — bearing in its bosom the Pilgrim Fathers, 
destined by Providence to be the founders of the American 
Commonwealth, — a vessel mere than worthy of being cou- 
pled with the Grecian ayej, and one which the Plymouth 
corporation might well he pleased to quarter in their ar- 
morial bearings* We can fancy the brave-spirited men on 
board that memorable ship talking over the state of then- 
oppressed country, where conscientious people of their way 
of thinking could no longer find a home* The tyranny 
that threatened so many of their fellow-countrymen would 
seem to them like that very sea which was rolling yonder 
with tempestuous fury into the unsheltered sound* One 
of hopeful spirit might have said, l The Lord in whom we 
trust will one day raise upa barrier against such injustice, 
and guard our children from the storms which emperil us/ 
Wc think we hear a rejoinder from one of little faith to 
the effect : l It may be so, my brother ; but my hope lays 
far behind thine. Nothing is impossible to God ; but to 
roe it seemcth as strange that men like us should ever 
have peace and liberty in this land of bondage, — that a 
bulwark should ever appear strong enough to guard us 
against the tempests of tyranny, — -as it would be for a 
rock to rise out of these waters, and defend this town and 
harbor from the fury of the southern gale ! ' 
41 While this fancied conversation falls on the ear* It is 



not a little interesting to turn and find uprising from the 
sea limit of this famous sound a real wall of rock, stretch- 
ing like a reef the distance of a mile, and offering an effec- 
tual front of resistance to the mightiest billows" 

"When the May-Flower, hearing our Forefathers, an- 
chored in Plymouth Harbor, — &nd for more than a cen- 
tury and a half afterwards, — Plymouth Sound was one of 
the most dangerous place* upon the English coast. Lord 
Howe used to remark that "Torbay was likely one day to 
prove the grave of the British, navy." Plymouth Sound 
was more dangerous than Torbay, It was espied in the 
south western gale to a tremendous swell; and the water 
being shallow the vessel was dashed on the hard ground 
and went to pieces. The Plymouth churchy ards and burinl- 
grounds are full of the memories of ngoniring incidents of 
shipwrecks ; and all the more dreadful that they occurred 
within the sight ofhome nnd friends, It is said thaton an 
average ten English ships were lost here every year. 

In 178S, a plan was submitted to the government for 
rendering the sound a secure place of anchorage , but it 
was not till 180C that any active measures were taken to 
carry it into effect. In 1811, after the rejection of vaiious 
other projects, the plan of the present breakwater, pro- 
posed by Messrs. Rennie and Whidbcy, was adopted. In 
form, it is a long, straight dike or mole, expanded some- 
what at the ends. The whole length is five thousand one 
hundred feet ; the breadth of the top, forty-five feet , the 
breadth at the bottom, four hundred and ten feet ; the in- 
ner slope is one hundred and ten feet, and the outer, one 
hundred and five. Notwithstanding the size of the blocks 
of which this immense artificial reef is composed, it was 
twice, daring Its construction, broken through by the waves. 
In 1834, in the month of November, occurred the most 
terrific storm which had been known for several genera- 
tions. The water in the sound rose eight feet above its 
highest mark ; and such was the terrific force of the waves 
that nearly one*ha!f of the breakwater then finished was 
displaced. Nearly two hundred thousand tons of stone 
were lifted up and moved from their position. Yet it is 
probable that even in its then extremely imperfect state it 
saved the lower portion of the town from ruin, by break' 
ing the force of the waves* 

The experience gained from these storms enabled the 
engineers to jierfect their work. The spaces between the 
great blocks of stone were filled in wiLh rubble, and the 
angles of the slopes decreased in order to present less di- 
rect resistance to the waves. 

In 1841 the lighthouse at the western end was com- 
menced, and finished in November, 1843. The height is 
fifty-nine feet ; and the structure forms, as may be seen by 
the cut, a not inelegant tower. It is divided into five 
floors, and the entrance is approached by a narrow stair- 
case from the breakwater, somewhat like a ship's ladder. 
About fifteen thousand cubic feet of granite were used in 
its construction* 


UY HEY, J S» CLAHK, t>. 1>. 

'Why has no painter immortalized his name by trans- 
ferring to canvass this Sabbath scene [on Clark's Island], 
the first ever witnessed on the shores of New England ? 
As an illustration of the true Pilgrim spirit, nothing can 
exceed it. We see them now, in imagination, grouped in 
devout posture around a forest fire, while "Deacon Car- 
ver/' the newly elected governor, reads from his pocket 
Bible an appropriate chapter, and " lines " a favorite psalm* 
which gives vent to full-hearted and high-sounding praise. 
TFe hear the fervent prayers and earnest prophesy ings of 
Bradford and Win slow, who, though yet young, are much 
experienced in these exercises* We behold the solemnity 
that rests even on the sailor's countenance, as, silently 
musing on perils recently passed, he participates in the 
service, while notarising cloud, nor breaking wave, nor 
frightened sea-gull escapes his ever watchful eye. 

But why are they than, under the open canopy of 
heaven, on that raw December day ? Because it was just 
there that the Sabhath overtook them, while searching to 
find a place of settlement for themselves and their little 
ones, whom they left four days ago at the end of Capo 
Cod, on board the May-Flo wer t in charge of a captain who 
begins to talk of setting them all ashore on the sand, un- 
less they find a place soon.* But how is it that, under 
such a pressing necessity they can spare the time for so 
much psalm-sin ging, and prayer, and prophesying? Do 
they not know that works of '* necessity and mercy ** are 
lawful on that day ? Yes, but they do not believe that then- 
present necessities are sufficient to justify a suspense of 
the Sabbath law in the sight of God. They are even mora 
scrupulous than that; rather than approach the Lord's 
Hay under suoh bodily exhaustion as will unfit them for 
religious worship (an essential part of their Sabbath obser- 
vance), they would spend the whole of Saturday in recov- 
ering tired nature from extra fatigue, and in preparing far 
the Sabbath, — as they actually did \ 

Here we have the Pilgrim Sabbath, not as discussed in 
a loomed treatise ; not as explained in a catechism ; not 
as enforced in a sermon, but as a je tmt9§ kspt t and that, 
too, under circumstances wluch exclude all suspicion of 
any sham observance — any mere pretence of religion! 

• In Brad ford '§ Journal, lately discovered \n the Fsluume library* 
Engluml, and printed by the MasiacbuKtti Historical BucScty, tin 
account u rivun thus, [Tamed lately after the rceard of their perilous 
escape to Clark's Island on thai stormy Friday n ight, ■■ J] u i though this 
had been a day and night of much trouble and danger unto them, jet 
God gure them d. morning of comfort md ivfreihTEigtu usually ho doth 
to Ids children), for the next day fii a fair ninihinicg day, and thty 
found thtiiiLfckea to be On an Island secure from the In (liana, where they 
might dry their stun 7 , tfjc their piece* and re Ft them selves, sad gwu God 
thank* for his mereici in their maotfbld dehventnecs. And this bcjnf 
ths lutday or the w*tk, they prepared to keep the Sabbath. 





Sing Jnmos had determined to " harry the Puritaas 
and Separatists out of the land," and the whole ma- 
chinery of despotism was put in motion for this purpose. 
The Court of High Commission, an eclesiastical tribunal 
empowered to detect heretics, punish absentees from the 
established church, and to reform all heresies and schisms, 
possessed power not only to fine and imprison at pleasure, 
but could compel the civil power to hunt up and drag 
before them the miserable victims of bigotry and intol- 
erance, (t An act," says Hoyt, "was passed in 1393, for 
punishing all who refused to come to church, or were 
present at any conventicle or unauthorized meeting. The 
punishment was imprisonment until the convicted agreed 
to conform* and made declaration of his conformity ; and 
if that was not done in three months, he was to quit the 
realm, or go into perpetual banishment- In case he did 
not depart within the time Umited, or returned without 
license, he was to suffer death/' Thus pressed and perse- 
cuted, the church to which Brewster and Bradford belonged 
resolved to take refuge in Holland. 

Their first attempt to sail from Boston, in Lincolnshire, 
was defeated by the treachery of the master of the vessel, 
who, having received them and their goods on board his 
ship, delivered them np to the officers, by whom they were 
rifled of all their money and valuables of every descrip- 
tion. Fortunately the magistrates of Boston sympathized 
with their sufferings, and, after a month's imprisonment, 
they were sent back to their homes* 

But this failure, although so disastrous, did not re- 
strain them from a new effort to accomplish their purpose. 
The year aJter, they agreed with a Dutch skipper at 
Hull to take them to Zealand, supposing there would bo 
less risk m so doing than in again employing one of then- 
own countrymen. 

In order to avoid the risk of embarking at a large sea 

port, they bargained with him to take them on board at a 

| lonely common on the flat coast between Hull and 

Grimsby. Every precaution was taken to prevent sur- 
prise j the men were to gather at the appointed rendez- 
vous in small parties, while the women and children, with 
their goods, were to be conveyed thither in a small vessel. 
On reaching the spot, the ship had not yet come up, and 
the women and children suffering with sea-sickness were 
landed. The ship did not muke its appcaxance until the 
next day, when, the hark in which they landed having 
been left ashore by the tide, the captain was obliged to 
take the party off in Jus boat. 

Scarcely, however, had the first boat-load, consisting 
mostly of men, been taken aboard tfcs ship, when the 
party on the shore were surrounded by a band of of horse 
and footmen, armed with guns, bills, &c, and made pris- 
oners before the eyes of their husbands, fathers, and rela- 
tives, in the ship, who were utterly without means of 
helping them, and, to crown their distresses, the iDuteh- 
man, fearing to be implicated in the consequences, hastily 
weighed anchor, hoisted sail, and was soon a mere speck 
on the horizon. 

The agony of those on board was intense, but still 
more deplorable was the case of the fugitives on shore, 
most of them women and children, with but a few men 
who had remained, to protect them. 

41 The women," says Bradford, " being thus apprehend- 
ed, were hurried from one place to another, and from 
one Justice to another, until in the end they knew not 
what to do with them, for to imprison so many women 
and innocent children, for no other canse than that they 
would go with their husbands, seemed to bo unreasonable, 
and all would cry out at them - t and to send them home 
was as difficult, for they alleged (as the truth was) that 
they had no homes to go to, for they had sold or other- 
wise disposed of their lands and living/* Thus they 
endured a world of misery, until their persecutors being 
wearied out, they were suffered to escape and join their 
relatives in Holland. 



The original of the accompanying likeness is in the 
rooms of the MassachuHetts Historical Society, in Boston. 
It is the «nly portrait which exists of a passenger of the 
May Flower. 

kdward Window joined the FilgTims under Robinson 
at Leydcn, in the year 1617, while journeying on the Con- 
tinent with his wife. Combining with the piety wliich dis- 
tinguished the rest of the Pilgrims, a knowledge of the 
world and society, and threat energy in the practical pursuits 
of life, he was a valuable addition to their number. He 
took an active part in all the affairs of the emigration of the 
infant colony, and was enabled by his influence no leas than 
by bis labors to render the colonists essential service. 

He conducted the first conference with the Indians w r hen 
Massasoit came to visit the settlement ] was four times 
sent to England as agent of the colonics of Plymouth and 
Massachusetts Bay ; and in 1G33, was chosen governor of 
the Plymouth Colony, a station to which he was twice af- 
terwards re-elected. The first importation of cattle into 
New England in 1G"23, was made by him, and consisted of 
one hnll and three heifers* 

Being appointed by Cromwell, one of three commission- 
ers to overlook the expedition against the Spaniards in 
the West Indies, lie died at sea, in the year lti-Jo, in the 
sixtieth year of his age» 


The birth-place of Robinson is unknown, although he is 
believed to have been a native of Lincolnshire; nor is it 
positively ascertained whether he received his education at 
Corpus Christt or Emmanuel College. After his ordina- 
tion he commenced his ministerial labors at Mundham, 
in the vicinity of Norwich, where he was suspended from 
the ministry on account of non -conformity. Retiring to 
Norwich, he gathered a small Separatist church, wiLh 
whom he remained for some years, exposed to the most 
harassing persecution. * "*? . 

He joined the congregation at Scrooby about 1G(H, as an 
assistant to Smyth and Clyfton ; and after their emigration 
to Holland, retained the charge of their little flock until 
circumstances compelled them all to seek an asylum from 
their enemies in a foreign land* ■■■■ «** 

He was a man of gentle and beautiful character, singu- 
larly free from bigotry, extremely liberal in his ideas and 

feelings ; and well-fitted to watch over the interests of his 
people, to sustain their drooping spirits, to unite them in 
the bands of brotherhood, to sympathize with them in sor- 
row, and to lead them through the crooked and narrow 
path which they were obliged to travel. 

As soon as the l^lgrinui had established themselves in 
Leyden, Robinson, Brewster, and other principal members 
took measures for organizing a church ; and not lone 
afterwards, hr having in the meantime acquired the Dutch 
language, Robinson was admitted a meml>cr of the Uni- 
versity. He was much esteemed by the Dutch professors, 
and his intellectual powers were regarded so highly that 
he was selected by them to defend the tenets of Calvinism 
against Episcopius t the must able advocate of Arminian- 
ism, a controversy in which he achieved a complete tri- 

After the departure of the younger and more active por- 
tion of his congregation for America, Robinson lived in the 
hope of joining them, with those who bad remained be- 
hind. But this desire was defeated by want of means, and 
by intrigues which prevented the merchant adventurers 
from advancing money for the voyage. 

In the lutter part of Februnrv, 1025 1 he was taken 
with a mortal illness, and died at Leyden on the 11th of 
March. His remains were buried in the Church of St. 
Peter, as appears from a receipt for his buri;d fees, and a 
record in the book of interments, but no stone niaTks the 
place where he rests. 

In the *■ Allan tie Monthly " for July, ISSfi, is the follow- 
ing beautiful poem, by Frof. Holmes, whii-His copied by 
the kind permission of the publishers. 

RoniNSOX of leyije*"- 
He sleeps not here ; in hone and prayer 
His wandering flock haa gone hrfore, 
But hr t the shepherd, might not share 
Their sorrows on the wintry shore. 
Before the Speedwell's anchor swung, 

Ere yet the Mayflower's sail was spread, 
While round his feet the Pilgrims clung, 

The pastor spake, and thus he said: 
"Men, brethren, sixers, children dear! 

God calls vou hence from over urn. ; 
Ye may not build by Haerlem Mccr, 

Nor yet along the Zuyder-Zoe. 
Ye go to bear the saving word 

To tribes unnamed and shores untrod ; 
Heud well the lessons ye have heard 

From those old teachers taught of God* 
Yet think not unto them was lent 
All lijjflit for ali the coming days, 
And Heaven's eternal wisdom spent 

lu making straight the ancient ways. 
The living fountain overflows 

For every flock, for every lamb, 
Nor heeds, though angry creeds oppose 
With Luther's dike or Calvin's dam." 
He (make, with lingering, long ombraee r 
With tears of love and partings fond 
They floated down the creeping Maas, 

Along the isle of Ysselmond. 
They passed the frowning towers of Briet, 

The <* Hook of Holland's " shelf of sand, 
And grated soon with lifting keel 

The sullen shores of Falhcriaud. 
No home for these! — too well they knew 
The mitred king behind the throne j — 
The sails were set, the pennons flew, 

And westward ho! for worlds unknown* 
— And these were they who gave us birth, 

The Pilgrims of the sunset wave, 
Who won for us this virgin earth r 

And freedom with the soil they gave. 
The pastor slumbers by the Rhincj — 

In alien earth the exiles lie, — 
Their nameless graves our holiest shrine, 

His words our noblest battle-cry ! 
Still cry them, and the world shall hear 
The dwellers by the storm-swept sea! 
Ye fitive not built by Haerlem Meer,. 
Nor on the land-locked Zuyder-Zeel^ 




The Pilgrims are snpposed to have removed to Leyden 
about the year 1608. It was at this time one of the most 
wealthy and prosperous cities of Europe, being second in 
Holland only to Amsterdam. 

In 1573-4 it hud suffered one of the most memorable 
sieges on record; its inhabitants had been reduced to the 
very verge of starvation and despair; and the city was 
saved from the Spaniards by breaking down the dykes and 
flooding the land with the sea* After the pacification of 
GhcnCm 1576, it began rapidly to recover its prosperity j 
and during the residence of the Pilgrims, it had so increased 
In population that it became necessary to enlarge its 

The Town Hall, of which n view is given above, is the 
chief edifice besides the churches \ it was built at an earlv 
period, but the exact date is unknown ; and in 1481, it 
blew up, causing the death of thirty-six persons. After 

having been rebuilt it was remodelled m 1567* The Inte- 
rior contains an immense ball, hung with portraits and 
historical pictures. 

In the pavement at the top of the stone staircase is 
the inscription '*Niet sonder God" (Not without God),; 
and another inscription above the door asks his blessing 
on Holland and Leyden : (Lord, save Holland, and bless 
Leyden!) and a singular acrostic of one hundred and 
twenty-nine letters, answering to the number of days of 
the greet siege, which lasted from Mav 2Cth to October 3d. 
Among the pictures in the Council Chamber are several 
relating to the siege ; and a very curious Last Judgment 
by the scholars of Lucas van Leyden. From the bcll-^o- 
wer is obtained a fine panoramic vjew of the city and ita 
environs, stretching to the westward beyond Delfthaven 
and the Hague. 


The mortality of the first winter was followed in the 
sprint by a great scarcity of food. " Had wo not," says 
Mr. Winslow, " been in a place where divers sorts of 
shell-fish are, that may bo taken with the hand, we 
must have perished r unless God hsd raised some un- 
known or extraordinary means for our preservation. 1 ' 

It has been stated that they were at one time reduced 
to a single pint of com, which, being equally divided, 
gave to each person five kernels, which were parched 
and eaten. «■ 

During the first two or three year* they were for sev- 
en! months together destitute of corn or any kind of 

bread; and in the fourth year after their arrival, they 
wore threatened with the total destruction of their eropj 
and absolute famine. From about the middle of May to 
the middle of July , they had not one shower of ram, and 
the extreme heat of the snu upon their sandy soil had so 
dried up their corn, that they were almost in despair of 
its ever being restored j but in the eveuinc, after a day 
of fasting and prayer, it began to ram, aud by repeated 
showers their corn recovered its verdure, and they had 
a plentiful harvest. 

New comers were extremely affected with the miser- 
able condition of those who had baanvIouwX^cixfeb-^aa^ 



In the country. An interview with old friends in such 
circumstance* of suffering was truly appalling. ** The 
neat dish we could present them with,' 7 says Gov. Brad- 
ford, 1[ was ei lobster or piece of fish, without any bread, 
or any tiling el^o bnta cup of fair spring water; and the 
long continuance, of tbid dieL with our labors abroad, 
has somewhat abated the frtphnes* of our complexion*; 
but God gives us health," 

Many of tboso who were subjected to these privations 
were accustomed in their native land to the privileges 
of affluence and honor. It is said of Elder Brewster, in 
I particular, that u with the most submisFivo patience ho 
bore the novel and trving hardships to which his old ago 
was subjected, lived abstemiouslvj and, after having 
been in his youth the companion of ministers of state, 
the representative of Ins (sovereign, familiar with the 
magnificence of courts, and the possessor of a fortune 
sufficient not only for the comforts but for tin elegances 
of life, this bumble pilgrim labored steadily with his own 
hands in the fields for daily subsistence. Destitute of 
meat, of fish, and of bread, over the simple meal of 
clams would bo return thanks to the Lord that ho could 
suck the abundance of the seas, and the treasures hid in 
the Eand." 

Said another of these men, "I take notice of it as a 
great favtir of God, not only to preserve my life, but to 
ffiva mo conUnttthit&z in our straits; insomuch that I 
do not remember that ever I did wish in my heart that I 
had never come into thia country, or wish myself back 
again to my father's house.' 7 


The accompanying illustration conveys a very good idea 
of the general costume of the Pilgrims, which, nowever, 
varied somewhat, both in form and materials, according to 
the station and means of the wearer. It originated in the 
reign of King James L> and was then confined to com- 
paratively a small number of people* — the members of a 
persecuted religious sect; but in the reign of his suc- 
cessor, Charles 1., it became, with slight mortifications, the 
universally adopted costume of a large and powerful poli- 
tical party , which, taking its stand on the rights of the 
people as opposed to the arbitrary will of the sovereign, 
inally defeated him on the batde-neid, Mid deprived him 
of both crown and lift*. For half a century it was the pre- 
vailing dress in England and her American colonies \ and 
as the costume of John Bunyan, Richard Baxter, John 
Hampden, Oliver Cromwell, end their cotompororiea. it 
will ever be regarded in history as a marked illustration 
of an *gv remarkable for the advances which it made in 

every direction towards freedom of thought and its con- 
sequents, — civil and religious liberty. 

Willi ah BRADvoiui,who succeeded Carver as govern- 
or of the colony, may well be said to have been one of Its 
chief founders. He was a native of Austcrncld, a small vil- 
lage, within u walk of Serooby, where, in his early days, was 
a Separatist church, presided over by » pastor of the 
mime of Richard Clyftcn, tthose preaching exercised a 
great influence throughout the surrounding couniiv, and 
deeply impressed the mind of Bradford,— peculiarly sus- 
ceptible to serious impulses. He was sprung from the 
ranks of the yeomanry, a class of sra&U lauded proprie-l 
tors, among whom were to be found the best of the na- 1 
[[■thill characteristics of the English people, — indei^n- 1 
denco, industry, and manly solf-rrapctt, His parents died 
when he was quite young, leaving him a considerable in- 
heritance for one in his station. Brought up to the labors, : 
and receiving only the scanty education, of a fanner of 
that day, his natural thirst for knowledge and power of. 
intellect enabled him to acquire most of the learning of! 
the age. He mastered Dutch, French, Latin, Greek, audi 
even Hebrew; which he studied with earnestness, "that 
he might see with his own eyes the ancient oracles of God 
in all their native beauty." lie adopted, with the earnest 
enthusiasm which was the great characteristic of his mind, 
the theological views of the Separatist divines, and moulded 
his life strictly in practice to his religious belief. Be- 
coming, early in life, a leading man among the Separa- 
tists of England, he left with the emigrants who fled to 
Holland, and finally became the venerated governor and 
historian of the infant State h America which he had so 
greatly assisted to found. He lived almost through the 
whole period of the English Commonwealth, and saw 
other flourishing colonics, the offspring of that at Ply- 
moutbj rising around him, and forming the germ of an im- 
mense nation; by all of whom he was regarded with the 
love and veneration due to a patriarch* 

Gov, Bradford was twice married, — first to Dorothy 
Mav, who accompanied him to America, but was drowned 
by the upsetting of a boat in Cape Cod Harbor, during his 
absence on one of the journeys of exploration. He subse* 
quently married Mrs, Alice Southworth, to whom he is said 
to have been attached before leaving England, and whocamc 
over to Plymouth, on his invitation, to become his wife* 

In the engraving of Burying Hill may be noticed an obe- 
lisk, erected some years Einco to his memory, over the spot 
where his body lies interred. Many of his descendants 
lie buried around him, — among whom are his two sons ; 
ihe gravestone of one being given below, as a specimen of 
the style which prevailed immediately after the first settle- 
ment of the colony, 



Delfthaven, or the haven of the city of Drift, is about 
fourteen miles from Leydcn, on the river Maas, by which 
it communicates with the sea* It is now a quiet, old-fash- 
ioned place, and of but 1 it tie commercial importance. The 
haven or harbor, consist a of a long canal running hack 
from the river, bordered with trees, and its quay on either 
side bounded by old-fashioned houses, with huzh, quaint 
gables, some of them bearing the dates of their erection 
about a half a century previous to the embarkation of the 
Pilgrims, Here those who were to remain behind, includ- 
ing their venerable and beloved pastor, took leave of their 
friends and companion* in exile, being " not able to speak 
to one another, for the abundance of sorrow to part." 

The place still remains almost the same as when they 
left it ; perhaps it is even more quiet ; and the little Dutch 
vessel represented in the cut is quite as large, and pro ha* 
bit, fuU as seaworthy as the little Speed well, in which they 
embarked upon their voyage, taking their Inst leave of each 
other with many embraces and many tears, and looking 
back with straining eyes, as the level shores, and long fa- 
miliar landmarks receded in the distance* 

fj When they came to the place," says Bradford, " they 
found the ship and all things ready ; and such of their 
friends as could not come with them, followed after them ; 
and sundry also came from Amsterdam to see them 
shipped, ana to take leave of them* That night was spent 
with little sleep by the most, bat with friendly entertain- 
ment aud Christian discourse, and other real expressions 
of CJiri'^tfiiTi love. The next day, the wind bchi|arjhaT t dtt9 
went on board r and their friends with them, when truly 
doleful was the sight of the sad and mournful parting/' 
** But the tide, which stays for no man, calling them away 
that were thus loth to depart, their reverend pastor, falling 
down on his knees, and ati they with him, conimcnded 

them with, most fervent tears to the Lord and his blessing ; 
and then, with mutual embraces and many tears, they took 
their leave of one another — which proved to be their last 
leave to many of them," Such is the affecting description 
of that " Embarkation at Delfthaven," which was then but 
the sorrowful parting of a few poor, sad exiles from their 
friends, but is now seen to be the first act in the founding 
of an empire* 

" Shut now the volume of history, and tell me, on any 
principle of human probability, what shall bo the fate of 
this handful of adventurers ? Tell me, man of military 
science, in how many months were they all swept off by 
the thirty savnge tribes enumerated within the early limits 
of New England ? Tell me, politician, how long did this 
shadow of a colony, on which your conventions and trea- 
ties had not smiled, languish on the distant coast ? Stu- 
dent of history, compare for me the baffled projects, the 
dsacrtcd settlements, the abandoned adventures, of other 
times, and find the parallel of this. Was it the winter's 
storm, beating upon the houseless heads of women and 
children ; was it hard labor and spare meals ; was it dis- 
ease ; was it the tomahawk ; was it the deep malady of a 
blighted hope, a mined enterprise, and a broken neart, 
aching in its last moments, at the recollection of the loved 
and left beyond the sea ; was it some, or all of these united, 
that hurried tliis forsaken company to their melancholy 
fiite? And b it possible that neither of these causes, that 
not all combined, were able to blnst this bud of hope ? Is 
it possible, that from a beginning so feeble, so frail, so 
worthv not so much of admiration as of pity, there has 
gone forth a progress so steady, a growth so wonderful, an 
expansion so ample, a reality so important, a promise, yet 
to be fulfilled, so glorious ? " — Edward LvenWt Oration, 
Dec, ftfcA, 1324, 



u Thursday, the 2Sth of December, po many as eonld | 
Trent to work on the hill, where wo purposed to build 
our platform far our ordnance, and which doth com- 
mand all the plain and the buy, and from whence wo 
may see fur into the sea, and might easier be impaled, 
h firing two rows of houses and nruir street. So in the 
lift cm new wo wont to measure out the. grounds, anr] Qrst 
we, took no tica bow many families there were, Trilling 
that all & lug] e men that had no wives, to join with aome 
family as they saw fit, that go wo might build fewer 
houses- which was done, and we reduced them to nine- 
teen families. To greater famine* wo allotted larger 
ulotg; to every person half a pole in breadth, and three 
m length ; and so lots were east where every man should 
lie; which Wft3 done and staked out. Wo" thought this 
proportion was large enough at the first for houses and 
gardens to impale them round, considering the weakness 
of our people, many of them growing ill with cojd; for 
our former discoveries i n frost and ft ton n?, And the wading 
at Cape Cod, had brought inuch weakness amongst us, 
which increased so every day more and more, and" often 
was the cause of manv of their deaths/ 1 

During the first winter and early spring their bill of 
mortality numbered forty-five* 



Upon the depart ure of the Pilgrims from H oil an J, it 
was agreed that their pastor, Robinson, on account of bin 
age and infirmities, should remain with those who were 
to come over when the settlement was effected; and the 
choice for a minuter fell upon William Brewster, who, 
although not regularly ordained, was well qualified by his 
natural powers, hy education, :md by having long been a 
leading elder in the church, to fill that umce. 

He was a man of good family, had been educated at 
Cambridge (probably itt Emmanuel College founded in 
15&5, by Sir Walter Mildnm) ; and afterwards went tip 
to London to seek employment at court. Here he became 
acquainted with Willi urn Daviwm. Secretary of State, and 
entering his service was employed by him in various mat- 
ters of trust. Davison being sent by Elizabeth tu the 
United Provinces to conclude a negotiation for a. loan 
which she had consented to make on the security of three 
important seaports, Brewster accompanied him; and was 
entrusted by him with the safe keeping of the. keys of 
Flushing. At their return, Davison was presented by 
the authorities with a golden chain, which Mr. Brewster 
wore In England as fljej rode together through the coun- 
try, on their way to the court. Davison and Brewster wore, 
however, destined to feel to the full how little frith can be 
placed in the fa vo r of prince*, f inflexible i i itcgrity , high 
principles, lofty sense of honor, and unsuspicious temper, 
they were both ill-adapted to snst itu for any considerable 
time, a position in a court practised in intrigue, and given 
up to dissimulation of every kind and degree. 

Elizabeth having deter minrd upon the drain of her 
lovely nnd unfortunate rival, Mary, Queen of Rrots, scut 
privately fnr Davison, and ordered him to draw the death- 
warrant, which she immediately signed, and sent by him 
to the chancellor to receive the threat Seal. Upon the 
denth of Mary, the Queen, with her usual insincerity, af- 
fected great indignation at whnt she was pi cast d to term 
the precipitancy of her on fortunate Fccretary, whom she 
threw into the tower, and stripped of the create r portion of 
his estates. Deeply nffertcd by this striking ex urn pie of 
hard-hearted duplicity, Brewster si ill continued by his un- 
fortunate master, rendering htm every service in his power. 

Having at length satis ft c d every demand of duty to Ms 
master and gratitude to his patron, he seems to have de- 
cided to retire from a life, which reqidred for success the 
sacrifice of every principle of honor and virtue, tn one 
mote congenial to an honorable and ingenuous nnturc. 
He withdrew to his estate in the country, where he Jived 
for many years, " doing the best good he could, and wn Ik- 
ing according to the lipht he saw, until the Lord revealed 
further to bum," The tyranny of the churchj constantly 

exercised against both preachers and people whnsc toil- | 
sciences led Them to depart from its usages, led at length j 
to the final separation of great numbers; and of these, ' 
Brewster was one of the leading spirits in his immediate 
neighborhood, encouraging others both by precept and ex- j 
am pic t to help forward the work of promoting the views 
whieh they rntertained in common \ andashisimgthem in 
their necessities under the privations of a relentless perse- j 
cut ion, often f perhaps, beyond his means, 

U|H>n the determination of James to harry the Puritans 
and Separatists out of the land, in whieh he was worthily 
seconded by t lie prelates and Their Agents, acting by nuMMtfl ' ! 
nT the Court of High Commission, Brewster vilh many i 
others resolved to Hy for refuge to Holland, In the ar- 
rangement necessary for the accomplishment of this object | 
he appears to have bad mainly the charge and direction of j 
their business. Although they failed at the first attempt . 
to leave England, at Boston, through the treachery of the 
captain of the vessel hired to transport them, :md were 
seized, scare bed, rifled of their money and goods, thrown 
into prison, and the ringleaders finnlly bound over to the 
assizes, they mumi^-d afterwards, but after many vicissi- 
tudes, to reach that haven of the opj tressed. 

On their arrival in Holland, Ure water, originally a man 
of property, was so reduced that he was compelled to labor 
for his subsistence. His occupation was to teach English, 
which he did with such nioecMi that number a of the stu- 
dents at Lcydcn resorted to him to acquire that language 
after their regular studies ut the university were cunt Wed, 
In addition to this he set tip a private printing press, at 
which many of their books and pamphlets were printed 
in English f and sent over to England for private distribu- 
tion. This rendered him so obnoxious to James and his 
bishops that the English ambassador ut the Court of Hol- 
land was directed to have him sought out and apprehended, 
the Dutch assenting, being desirous from motives of pol- 
icy to preserve the friendship of the English king. He 
transported himself rt ml family for a time to London where 
he remained securely hidden until the danger was over. 

When the Pilgrims had established themselves at Ley- 
den, Kobinson was formally ordained as their pastor, and 
Urewster was at the same time appointed elder. Vpon 
the departure for America, as related u t me commence- 
ment of this article, he was chosen to be the paatu* of the 
emigrants mi til Robinson should be uble to join them. 
This long-hoped for event never occurrodi Robinson dying 
in Holland; and uploa few years of his death, at the ago of 
eighty, Brewster tegnlady conducted the services of the 
church when there was no other minister, preathing twice 
evcrv Sunday; and this " both profitably and povior fully, 1 * 

11 lie di{>d in his bed in pcarc, in the midst of his friends, 
who mourned and wept over him, and ministered what 
help they could unto him." A memorial of £ider Brew^ 
ster in the wlinpr of his chair, a cot of which is given be- 
low, is still preserved in Pilgrim Hall ; and at the head of 
this article is a fac-simUe of his signature* 



On their way from Leyd'en to the place of their embarka- 
tion, the Pilgrims must have passed directly through the 
fine o!4 city of Delft, and between the two fori meugates 
represented in the engraving, winch are now swqit away. 
The canal from Leyden to Delfthaven passes through 
the city, and being then, as now, the universal highway, 
muFt have been traversed by our forefathers; and the 
%rc s *huyt, or caual boat, shown in the cut, is simjlnr, in 
all probability, to that which carried tbem from their 
eleven years home to the place of their departure. The 
Imilding*! too, are those upon which they gazed as they 
loosed slowly and sadly along. The gateways of mingled 
iek and stone, piereeo' with loop-holes above and below ; 
je tall tower of the New Church built in 1381, within 
hich repose the princes of the bouse of Orange; the 
hi Church, a ponderous and inelegant edifice, eontaui- 
the tombs of three famous Dutch Admirals, one of 
i j the great Martin Van Tromp, wsb killed combating 
the English for the empire of the seas, in the year 
._ — the lu^h houses with their variegated trebles, almost 
hanging the canal in the towns through which they 
d, — the long rows of spreading trees, "the, rich 
ows of the country, enamelled with flowers, and spot- 
with alwiort innumerable cattle, — the endless wind- 
s, — the clean country' houses, each with its pavilion 
hanging the water upon the bank of the canal, — the 
ittions of roses and tulips ;*—- all these objects met 
eyes, as Ihey do those of the traveller of the present 
but with what different ctTect upon the mini They 
about to leave a land which hail received them with 
arms and kind hearts when they entered it poor, 
'leas, friendless eiiles, and which had become to them 
gth a second home. They were about to leave the 
tit scenes of civilized Hfe, and its comforts and en- 
**—¥*■ security fron4danger, its various means iff 

employment and support, — to enter upon a long and per- 
liaps dangerous voyage across an ocean, even then but lit- 
tle known, — and to exchange all these advantages for an 
uncertain home in a land of savages, — with an uncleared 
wilderness around them, — and no strength, no security, 
or protection, but the courage of their hearts, the strength 
of their hands, and the overwatching Providence of their 
Father in Heaven, 

Jt furnishes a curions reflection to the American travel- 
ler in Holland to look upon scenes which met the eyes of 
his fathers before the first city was built upon our shores* 
Two hundred and forty years have passed since down this 
canal, between these old towers, passed the first shin-load 
of emigrants to the northern shores of the United States. 
Then this land of Holland was rich as it is now, — its 
springs of industry were full ; its cities thronged with me- 
chanics and merchants, with princes and burghers ; its 
church towers and spires pointed to heaven. — Almost at 
the moment when they left Its shores it had reached its 
highest point of prosperity, as compared with other lands, 
and until within a few years when the mighty engines of 
modem civilization invaded its quietude and repose, Hol- 
land remained unchanged During the same time what 
immense alterations have taken place in the land which the 
Pilgrim Fathers chose for their home ? What boundless 
regions have been opened to civilization 1 what numberless 
cities have been built ! how many commonwealths have 
been founded ! what myriads of ships spec the ocean instead 
of that little bark, then almost alone upon the waters ■ 
And all this change, all this progress, has mainly grown 
out of the inspireoTenergy of those men and women, who, 
on the 1st of August, lb2Q, left Delfthaven in the Speed-. 
weH, and on the 21st of December landed from the May* 
Flower on Plymouth Book. 




" What la the pood of it ? J> say theae who woul d ttcat 
dowTi Eill shrines, and statues, and temples, lest in doing 
homage to the mciunry of the illustrious dead, we ver^e 
upon Pof^nn adoration. Many ages n^o the eloquent 
Pmelcis in an oration hi honor of the hero-dead who fell 
%htin£ for the liberties of Greece, declared in true and 
burninu words the good of doing honor to the TmmorY of 
the noble dead. It Wfts not thai they — immortal in their 
deeds — needed temple or column to perpetuate their fame, 
or reward their virtues, but been use the living, by thus 
spurring emulation of the gnod and heroic dead, inspired 
and ennobled themselves* Their homage was proof that 
thi.y were not ungrateful, net insonsibh' to the deeds that 
cf institute glory and runo™. No wreath is Riven , and no 
monmnent reared hy a nuliim to the memory of its illus- 
trious dead, but it blos^rnna with pt»ud for the hViug 
through ah future time* Virtue is cncouraijLHi, patriotism 
kindled, and all that is noble in our nature inspirt.'d to 
action, by tins homage to the greatucss pnd goodaee* of 
outran -^-T~ - / 


TfLAs ft&JMji 


P* HasierL^wl^ ***&& rivi.i.,v*h in 1CC7- ia a letter 
preserved in the library at the Hague, pives this account of 
the settlement. Tin? houses are constructed of hewn 
planks* with enrdens enclosed behind and at the sides with 
boards. To prevent surprise, each had beside a defensive 
stockade, and tla're were three wooden Rates at the ex- 
tremities of the streets. In the centre, on the cross street, 
stood the Governor's house, before which wa.s a square en- 
closure, upon which four itntwervs were mounted ko as to 
flauk the streets* Upon Burial (then called Fort) JIill, 
was a lai^o square house, with a flat roof, made of thick 
sawn planks, stayed with oak beams, unon the top of which 
they had six four or five pounders, winch commanded the 
whole neighborhood. The lower part of this fort was used 
on Sundays for a church. 


One of the most prominent individuals of the Pilgrim 
Band, the arm and shield of the infant colony, was Cap- 
tain Myles Statidish, a man whose iron nerve and daunt- 
less cour a rd contributed much towards carrying the Infant 
Society tlirough the pmla with which it was menaced. He 
was small of stature but sinewy and robust, with a consti- 
tution of iron, and an intrepidity of spirit nurtured by a 
military education, which no danger could appal. 

His family was one of the oldest in Lancashire* having 
flourished there from soon after the Conquest; arid several 
of them had been distinguished for military spirit and 

Myles Standish inherited in a pre eminent degree the 

family talent, and being compelled to seek his fo 
chose the profession of arms, and served with the 
sent hv Queen Elizabeth to the assistance of the Dd 
their struggle ajmbtft Spain, At Lcydcn he HI ii 
tilt Pilgrims, and waa induced by thclmrof adventi 
1 cm r than an Admiration of their principles, to join tl 
their emigration td America. 

He was a passenger in the May-Flower, with hi 
and daughter ; the former of whom {Rose Stiruli^l 
(hiring the first winter, and the latter (Lara. Standi- 
lore her father, as thgwa by tho folloimig extract frt 
will. u My will is, that out of my whole estate, mv f 
clnrgoa to bo taken out, an£ mv body to be buried ii 
cent manner ; nud if I die in l)ux burrow, my body 
In red as near as convenient to my two dear daughters 
Standish, my daughter, and Mary fiendish, my dau 

At the time of the conspiracy between the Fnom.{ 
MisRaL'husetts Indians to cut oiT the colnnists, C 
St mdifiVs promptitude and bravery in killing the 1 
w re probably tho salvation of the settlement ; ai 
name was ever afterwards a word of terror to the s:i 

After the settlement, tho neighborhood of Duxhu- 
IGngston was allotted to Captiin Standish, John j 
JeTiathan Brewster* and Thomas Prenec, and the II il 
ca T led Captain's Hill, with the adjacent lands, becai 
portion of Standish. Hero he built his house, a; 
tuVself to repose \ here too, in NVjG* he died, at the 
sevrutv-two* but his burial-place is unknown. 

His "house waa burned down while oceupird by hh 
son* but the undcrpining still remains to mark its sit 
form ; and the old hearthstone? with the blackened 
which fonned the back of the fire-places, still stand ii 
places* The estate is now in the possessirm of Jamet 
of Boston, who has collected quite a number of men 
of the original owner* 

The Rood sword of Standish, and a kettle and di* 
to have been his, are preserved in Pilgrim Hat!, \\\i 
also an interesting memorial of Lora Standish, a 
wrought sampler, testifying to her piety as well i 
skill in needlework* 

"Look now to American Saxondom, and at that 
fact of the sailing of tho May Flower* two hundred 
ago* It was properly the beginning of America, 
were straggling settlors in America before; some 
rial as of a body was there 5 but tho soul of it wa: 
ThofO poor mon. driven out of their own countr 
not ablo to livo in Holland* deterariood on tetfctfng' 
Now World* Block, untamed forests are there, anc 
savage creatures; bot not ao cruel as ft Srar-Ch 
hangman* They clubbed their small means to£ 
hired v, ship, the little May Flower, and made reai 
set eaih Ha! these men, I think, had a work, 
weak thing, weaker than a child*, bocomes fitrouj 
be a true- thing. 

* Thos* Car 



On one of the most derated parts of Burying Hill, in 
lymouth, the Pilgrim Forefathers of New England erect- 
I their ftrst place of religious worship. The exact po- 
tion of this rudely built structure can be easily pointed 
it to the visitor who makes his pilgrimage to this 
ulowed spot. Only a few steps, in an easterly direction, 
om the tall granite memorial standing over the grave of 
Ider Cushman may be seen a slightly rising mound, and 
ire tradition places the first site of the Pilgrims' Meet- 
g-house. The following allusion to this interesting 
aiding, if such it may be colled, appeared in the issue of 
* Pilgrim Almanac for 1360 :< — 

" Close beside the green hillock subsequently selected as 
e grave lot of the venerable Elder, the fathers in earlier 
k ys built their humble sanctuary — small , indeed, but 
en the only one in New England, and that one their 
m, and untrammelled by the yoke of antiehristiim 
mange* They did not place it obscurely, shaded and 
dden from sight, as if afraid or ashamed that their 
►use of God should be seen, — but upon the hill top, a 
tide for the wayfarer, a mark for all, — the first object 
attract and welcome the eye of the Pilgrim outcast, 
eking shelter and repose in the land where the most 
ject and Lowly might worship God a recording to the 
dates of their own conscience, uncontrolled by the dog* 
as of an established church and the intolerance of a 
asting hierarchy. Here, still earlier, stood the scanty 
rUficution of the peaceful little band of puritans, — a 
mplc platform, with slender roof and unpretending bat- 

tle mm ts, hewn from native forests. Blight as was the 
structure, it served well to protect them from Cm sudden 
inroads of savage beasts T and as a defense against the 
more wily and barbarous Indian foe. It served another 
and a holier purpose— it was the place of prayer and the 
place of worship — the first rudiments of the first building 
of the first church of the Pilgrim Fathers." 

From a letter of Isaac DeRosieres, evidently a French 
Protestant, written, probably, in 1C27, the following men- 
tion is made respecting the same structure of the fore- 
fathers : — *■ Upon the hill they have a large square house 
with a fiat roof, made of thick sawn plank*, stayed with 
oak beams, upon the top of which they have six cannons, 
which shoot iron balls of four and five pounds, and com- 
mand the surrounding country* The lower part they use 
for their church, where they preach on Sundays and the 
uaual holidays. They assemble by beat of drum, each 
with his musket or firelock, in front of the captain's 
door; they have their cloaks on, and place themselves in 
order, three abreast, and are led by a sergeant without 
heat of drum, Behind comes the governor in a long 
robe j beside him, on the right hand, comes the preacher, 
with his cloak on, and on the left hand the captain with 
his sidearms and cloak on, and with a small rime in his 
hand ; and so they march in good order, and each sets his 
arms down near him. Thus they are constantly on their 
guard night and day " 

The accompanying engraving is intended to give an 
ideal representation of the above described structure. 



14 The Pilgrim Fathers are at rest: 

When Sn miner" a throned on high, 
And the wnrld'a warm breaflt is in verdure dressed, 

Go, stand on the hill where tbey lie* 
The earliest ray of the golden day 

On that hallowed spot in coat', 
And This evening sun aa he leaves the world 

Looks kindly oa that spot last." 

"Bv their fruit* ye ah all knnw them. Not by the 
graceful foliage which dallies with, the summer breeze; 
not by the newer which fade* with the perfume which 
it scatters nr\ the gale; but by the golden, perfect fruit, 
in which the mysterious life of the plant (* garnered up, 
which the genial earth and kin riling Rim have ripened 
into the refreshment and ft>od of man, and which, even 
when it perish eth, leaves behind it the genua of contin- 
ued and multiplied existence." 

EYEJiErx'B Bemaika at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 184k 



11 This rack has become an object of rWMratia 
United State*. I havo aeen bit* of it cnr&fiillypr 
In ae veral to wna of the U n Ion , D oea ti ot thU * u ff 
ahow that all human power and greatness is in t 
of man? Here ia a atone which the feet of a fi 
costs pressed for an instant, and the stone beco 
men*; it ia treasured by a great nation; its re 
ia shared as a reiki. And what ha* become of th 
ways of ft thotisand palaces? Who cares for the 

Dm TocquEV 

" We bave an advantage over all nation* in beii 
to trace our history from the beginning. We h 
fabulous a^e, but it has more romunco than any 
ho* ever beeu written*" 


Plymouth, in honor of their veneri 
center*, Robert Cushman, the rigl 
of the Plymouth forefathers, and 
Thomas Ctiafcman, bis sen, who fo 
forty-three vcars acceptably sen 
church of tne Pilgrims as foiling 
On the following day the persons, 
bled from almost every State in the 
visited the crave of thVir ancestor, 
dcr, and before parting resolved i 
an enduring monument over the i 
of Ada venerable man* This obj. 
sidHsctjtienLly consummated \ and 
10th of September, 1853, in conm 
tion of the sailing of the May-Flow 

Plymouth, in England, for the net 
in New England, the monument w 

aecrated with becoming exercises m 

The Cushman monument stand 
conspicuous position within the t 
cemetery of the Plymouth father^ 
Burying Hill, within sight of the hos 
harhor where the May-Flower Ieiv 
monrcd in the inclement winter of 
ond also, of the far famed ficUtary r 
that sandy shore whereon the forri 
first set foot on the memorable tw h ent 
of December, and almost beneath rhi 
pings of the first Christian sanctu; 
New England- 

Tlie monument is a massive and tr 
atructure, built of amooihly hewn t 
granite, of the finest ami most d 
quality, and is highly creditable to th 
and faithfulness of Messrs, C. It. 
Mitchell, the contractors. Its form i 
of an obelisk with plainly chamfered i 
having a Gtari*m base 'standing up* 
ornamented pedesta*, slso chamfered 
boar, and containing sunken panel* 
pedestal rests ui*m two square plinth 
the whole structure upon blocks of 
granite occupy ing the whole space em 
by a quadrangular fence, Constructed 
lar^e stone* prists mid substantial brjn 
The whole height of the monument, ii 
ing the stone blocks upon which it &i 
ia about twenty-serpu and one-half 
the base of the pedested is about fii 
Bquare-nnd of the lowest plinth abuui 
feet. The space within the railing is 
twelve feet square. The tablets, whicl 
tarn the inerrintions in Taiscd letters, 
py the four panels of the pedestal, and 
sure about thirty-six by twenty-two ii 

On the 15th of August, 1855 r the descendants of the I Thev are of metallic bronze, and were cast at the fo 1 
Cushman ancestors and their relatives, met together at I of Skfcssrs. Henry N. Hooper & Co^ in Boston* 

( IB) 


■ T -' J ■■,;- ' 


On the brow of one of the highest eminences [n, the old 
town of Plymouth rest the mortal parts of many of the 
PQgrim Forefathers, — too many of them, alas, without 
even a humble gravestLme to mark the spot of their sepul- 
ture. The turf, in gently rising mounds, indicates what 
tradition alone besides, in the absence of all written testi- 
mony, makes more certain, that there the fathers are sleep- 
ing from their labors. 

IVhen the modern pilgrim finds hia way to Plymouth, 
«nd, with filial veneration, directs his steps to the sabred 
ipot where rest the fathers of New England, he is pecu- 
liarly struck with the remarkable objects which are pre- 
lented to his view. When he has ascended the high hill, 
and looks around upon the innumerable gravestones which 
aff Ttion has placed as the last tributes to the memory of 
de Lrtcd parents, relatives and friends, be seeks in vain for 
my ancient memorial to mark the graves of the May- 
Flower pilgrims of 1620- Tn vain he inquires for the graves 
pf those who came in the Fortune in 1621, m vain for those 
of the Ann and Little James, in 1623. In vain he asks, in 
vain he seeks. Of all these, Thomas Cushman alone of 
the fortune, and Thomas Clark alone of the Ann, are re- 
ll membered by tablets. Their graves alone were surely de- 
' ugnated bv gravestones on Burying Hill. One of the old 
eomprs, Fhineae Pratt, was similarly remembered in the 
old burial-ground in Charlestown* Uncertain tradition, 
however, has attempted to point out the burial places of a 
few others, and modern memorials have been erected to 
their memory. 

In an elevated position in one part of this field of the 
dead, may be seen the shaft erected: in memory of William 
Bradford, not only* emphatically the Governor of the Ply- 
mouth Colony, but the faithful chronicler of the Fugruns, 


his associates in the groat enterprise* In another direction 
is the large slab commemorating the life and services of the 
venerable John Huwland ; and still, in another portion of 
the held, the monument which the filial regard of Lhe Cush- 
man family has raised over the grave of their pious ances- 
tor, the excellent Elder. These, indeed, are modern erec- 
tions, but not the le ss honorable. 

The site upon Burying Hill on which the Cushman monu- 
ment stands has hallowed family associations, and is not 
in itself entirely devoid of interesting recollections of a 
more general character* It is the identical spot selected for 
the burial place of Elder Cushman by his bereaved friends 
and religious associates; and beneath the turf which has 
gTown for agesj and whose verdure has only now and then 
been disturbed, as a new tenant has been admitted to the 
community of the dead, to mingle ashes with those of the 
venerated sire, rest the remains of the earliest of this Pil- 
grim family, — the Cushmans. Around the Elder's hum- 
ble pravc were buried many of the church, who, from their 
feelings of attachment, desired to be near him m death, as 
they had been with hiin in life ; — among these were the 
officers of the church* with whom he had for so many 
years ministered ; but his pastor was not permitted to be 
with him in his lone sleep, hut is quietly reposing in the 
distant regions of the sunny South* From this spot the 
turf has now been removed, — but the sacred remains pre 
still there* The turf has given place to more enduring 

Close beside the green hillock subsequently selected as 
the grave lot of the venerable Elder* the fathers in earlier 
days built their humble sanctuary — small, indeed, hut then 
the only one in New England, and that one their own, and 
untrammelled by the yoke of a&Uchr.sUan. bondage. They 


did not place it obncurely. shaded and bidden from sight, 
as if afraid or ashamed that their house of God should be 
seen, — but upon the hill top, a guide for the wayfarer, a 
mark for all H — the first object to attract and welcome the 
eye of the Pilgrim outcast, seeking shelter and repose in 
the land where the most abject and lowly might worship 
God according to the dictates of their own conscience, un- 
controlled by the dogmas of an established church and the 
intolerance of a blasting hierarchy Here, stiU earlier, 
stood the scanty fortification of the peaceful little band of 
Pilgrims, — a simple platform, with slender roof and un- 
pretending battlement*, hewn from native forests. Slight 
as was the structure, it served well to protect them from 
the sudden inroads of savage beasts, and as a defense 
against the hostile attacks oT the more wily and barbarous 
Indian foe\ It served another and a holier purpose — it 
was the place of prayer, the place of worship — the first 
rudiment* of the nrst building of the first church of the 
Pilmrim Fathers. 

While standing within this ancient cemetery , the stranger 
is forcibly struck with the appearance of ttie Large num- 
ber of monumental tablet* and burial mounds which he 
notices on all sides, compared with the smaller number of 
buildings in the village at its base, — that the dwellings of 
the dead far outnumber the dwellings of the living. The 
iomicdiate scene presents a vast assemblage of the past and 
a more limited population of the present — the quiet re- 
mains of other days above, and busy and bustling life of 
tonJay below Here is where the forefathers lie with their 
children of more than two centuries, gathered together fat 
family clusters, awaiting the call of the last great day* And 
where could they lie more appropriately than in the chosen 
land of their American pilgrimage ? 

Extending the eye beyond the hill at his feet, and be- 
yond the village and a few sparsely scattered houses adja* 
cent, the stranger will witness the placid and hospitable 
waters, formecfinto a safe and quiet Wbor j by the almost 
surrounding headlands and projecting beaches. His at- 
tention wilt be drawn to the Gurnet, at the eastward , with 
its twin beacons, and to F aguish, noted for affording food 
for the almost famished voyagers ;^ to Clark's Island, on 

Peregrine White was born on board the May-Flower, in 
Cape Cod Harbor, at the time of the exploration of the 
coast, made for the purpose of fixing upon a proper loca- 
tion for a settlement. In consideration of his being '* the 
first of the English born in these ports," he petitioned to 
be allowed a portion of land, and was allotted two hun- 
dred acres in wnat is now the town of Marshfield, where 
he lived to the almost patriarchal age of eighty-three. 
The tree planted by his hand, of which a cut is here 
given, must have been one of the first, if not the "very 
first, of its kind in that vicinity, and still produces fruit* 
It standi on a part of the farm which was owned by the 
late Daniel Webster 

the north, where the Pilgrims, after their arrival in 
new home, first passed the Christian Sabbath in praj 
to the fields of Duxbury and the green elevation 
which bears the name of the redoubtable Captain Sta 
i— to the lands of Kingston, where piously dwelt goc 
der Cushman and his devoted Mary, beside their i 
failing spring of living water, and where they termi 
their earthly pilgrimage, — and to the meanderinj 
Jones's River, and Rocky Nook, and Plain Dealing 
more westerly, to the chain of undulating hills, upo 
chief of which is laid the foundation of the na 
monument to the Pilgrim Fathers, and to the fresh % 
of Billington Sea, and the numerous crystal lakes c 
townships. More southerly will be seen the Town ] 
and Pilgrims' Spring, where the Pilgrims first que 
their burning thirst ; and Watson's Hill, where fir 
peared human friendship, in the person of the almos 
lized Massasoit. Further to the east, following the c 
the villages of Wellingly and Eel River, and the far- 
beach, and the warning and inviting Manumet are 
All these the stranger sees ; and he may also see, i 
at his feet, the famous Leyden Street, where were th 
dwellings of the Pilgrims, and the Middle Street, a: 
North Street, lying parallel to each other, and at 
angles with and between the Main Street and the 
Street at the Water side, where were the first allot 
of land — and he may see Forefathers' Rock, the p] 
landing, and Cole's Hill, where were laid to rest, < 
the first winter, half of the precious freight of the 
Flower. Well may we say to him, as he stands 
the graves of the Fathers, 

Stranger! — As from this sacred spot, hallowed 
remembrance of the true-hearted, who sleep bene? 
turf, you cast your eyes around and view scenes 
passed in interest and beauty, — while you behold fk 
mg towns and villages abounding in industry, pros 
and happiness, where once all was dreary, inhosp 
and desolate, — think of the self-sacrificing fore ft 
learn to emulate their virtues, and firmly resolve to 
mit unimpaired, to the latest posterity, the glorious 1 
of their noble examples. 


The cradle, of which a representation is given 
was originally the family cradle of Dr. Samuel ] 
one of those who came over in the " May-Flower," ai 
of the signers of the Social Compact. His wife was 1 
hind, but came over afterwards in the " Anne." Full 
a deacon of the church, and no less remarkable for hi 
than for his skin in his profession. He was sent 
Governor to the assistance of Weston's company, i 
terwards to Boston, to the colonists, who came ovc 
Winthrop. He died of an epidemic disease in 165 
tradition exists, that this cradle was on board the * 
Flo wer," and used to rock Peregrine White, the firs 
Englander. It was made, like most old-fashioned 
tore, to be handed down ftom generation to generatio 
seam to hare well fulfilled the intention. 




Eight fears after the settlement of Plymouth, the colony 
of Massachusetts Bay was commenced by Endicott and 
liis company, at Salem; and, in 1G30, Boston, and the sur- 
rounding towns were occupied by the illustrious Winthrop 
and the hundreds of emigrants who followed him. In 

wealth in a metropolis, and to the refinements of a court ; 
here are ministers who have disputed in the universities, 
and preached under gothic arches in London. These 
men and women have come into a wilderness, to face new 
j dangers, to encounter new temptations* They look to 

163-% the first beginnings were made on the Connecticut i God, and words of solemn prayer go up, responding to the 

Itivcr, at Hartford and at Saybrock ; and in 1638, on the 
2oth of April, that being the Lord's Day, there was heard 
upon this spot the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 
lt Prepare ye the Tray of the Lord ; T * and under the open 
sky, bright with the promise of a new era of light and 
liberty, a Christian congregation, led by a devoted, 
learned, and eloquent minister of Christ, raised their 
hearts to God ia prayer, and mingled their voices in 

How easily may the imagination, acquainted with these 

localities and with the characters and circumstances of the 

men who were present on that occasion, run back over 

two centuries that are past, and bring up the picture of 

that first Sabbath ! Look out upon the smooth harbor of 

Quinnipiack. It lies embosomed in a wilderness. Two or 

three email vessels lie anchored in the distance. Here, 

| along the margin of a creek, are a few tents, and some 

Uva or three rude hut*, with the boxes and luggage that 

.were landed yesterday piled up around them; and here 

and there a little column, of smoke, going up in the stilt 

morning air, shows that the inmates are in motion. Yet 

! all is quieL Though the sun is up, there is no appearance 

\ t of lab r or business ; for it is the Sabbath. By and by, 

h the stillness is broken by the beating of a drum ; and 

n from the tents and from the vessel* a congregation comes 

l * gathering around a spreading oak. The aged and the 

s honored are seated near the minister; the younger, and 

i those of an inferior condition, find their places farther 

back ; for the defence of all, there are men in armor, each 

*ith his heavy, unwieldy gun, and one and another with a 

smoking matehdock. What a congregation is this, to be 

lathered in the wilds of New England J Here are men 

women who have been accustomed to the luxuries of 

murmur* of the wootU and of the waves- They look to God, 
whose mercy and faithfulness have brought them to their 
land of promise ; and, for the first time since the crea- 
tion, the echoes of these hills and waters are awakened 
by the voice of praise* The word of God is opened j and 
then faith and hope arc strengthened for the conflicts be- 
fore them, by contemplating the conflict and the victory of 
Him who, to. alt things the example of his people, was 
oncE^ like them, 'Med forth by the Spirit into the wilder- 
ness to be tempted of the DeviL"* 

* Mr. DnvHiport'tfti'imon on the flrat sabbath after the landing m 
from MatLhuwlv. 1,— oa. Ui* " temptation la the YllderoeH.* 

A monument is an expression to future generations of 
the love and reverence which the existing race of men 
cherish for the excellent characters and acts of those who 
have lived before them. We should strive to express our 
desire that their memories may live in the costliness and 
grandeur of the monuments we raise to them. On this 
account, let no reasonable expense be spared in rearing a 
memorial of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, —Rev*Dr< Blagdcn* 

a No Sew Englandor who is willing to indulge his na- 
tive feelings can stand upon the rock where our ances- 
tors set the first foot After their arrival on the American 
shorOj without experiencing emotions very diifcrent 
from those which are excited by auv common object of 
the same nature. No New Englander could be willing 
to have that rock buried and forgotten. Let him reason 
as much, as coldly and ingeniously as he please*, he will 
still regard that spot with emotions wholly different 
from those excited by other places of equal or greater 

Da. Dwioht, Pros. Tale Coll. 



A prominent statesman has recently and fitly remarked 
that the cause in which he and hllfassociates are enlisted 
will be successful " when it can dispel the fears of the 
timid, conquer the prejudices of the ignorant, and convince 
the reason of the intelligent." 

To accomplish the last of these is not usually a difficult 
task ; and in regard to the Pilgrim Monument enterprise, 
we believe it has already been done. The others still pre- 
sent serious obstacles, which, however, time and informa- 
tion are gradually overcoming, rendering it more and more 
evident that the accomplishment of the desired work is 
only a question of time. 

On a preceding page may be found an article on the 
Pilgrims of the May-Flower, in commemoration of whose 
landino, and in honor of whose principles, as pro- 
mulgated in their Social Compact, the Pilgrim So- 
ciety is erecting a National Monument. In that article is 
the statement that "nearly all of those self-sacrificing 
men and women had gone from the scene of their priva- 
tions and sufferings before that period of persecution on 
which some persons persist in fixing their minds "* 

It will tend to " conquer the prejudices " of such persons, 
and be but simple justice to the Pilgrims, if they will ac- 
quaint themselves with the facts in relation to the spirit 
and policy of the Plymouth colony and its distinction from 
the Massachusetts and other New England colonies. 
Many persons seem not to be aware of any such distinc- 
tion, and indiscriminately charge upon the Pilgrims the 
faults of another colony and not unfrequently of another 
and a later age. Such a distinction, however, did exist in 
territorial limits, mode of government, and in the spirit 
and policy pursued towards those differing from their 
religious views. " The Pilgrims of Plymouth were more 
liberal in feeling and more tolerant in practice than the 
Puritans of Massachusetts Bay." ..." As they were dis- 
tinct from the Puritans in England, and had long been sep- 
arated from them in Holland, so did they preserve that 
distinction in some measure in America." f 

This distinction is clearly shown in a lecture entitled, 
"The Pilgrim Fathers neither Puritans nor persecutors," 
— delivered at the Friends* Institute, London, by Benja- 
min Scott, F. R. A. S., Chamberlain of the city of London, 
January 18, 1866. 

The proposition maintained is that " The Pilgrim Fathers 
of the Plymouth Colony — the first successful Anglo-Saxon 
colonists of America, and the real founders of New Eng- 
land — were not Puritans, but Separatists (who were 
the first advocates of the perfect freedom of conscience at 
the Reformation), and they did not persecute for con- 
science' sake, either Roger Williams, the Friends, or any 
other person." 

It was the Puritan colony that settled at Salem and Bos- 
ton, 1629-30, known as the Mass. colony, that passed the 
severe acts against the Friends and others. Those acts the 
Pilgrims and their descendants have always opposed. 

The Plymouth and Massachusetts colonies were as dis- 

* Some think they find In the faults of the descendants of the Pilgrims 
a sufficient reason for refusing to aid the Pilgrim Society in their noble 
work. They seem to overlook or misapprehend the object in view— 
what is to be commemorated and whose or what principles it is proposed 
to honor. For whatever wrones their descendants may have committed, 
the Pilgrims should not be held chargeable,— certainly not those who 
died within the first year after their Landing. Let them, at least, be 
honored, even for " having undertaken, for the glory of God, and ad- 
vancement of the Christian faith, a voyage to plant the first colony," Ao. 
— See " Compact n page 2 

t Arnold's History of Rhode Island, 1859. 

tinct from each other as they both were from the Connee- 
ticut and New Haven colonies, until 1643. when these four 
colonies formed a confederacy for their mutual protection. 
Eight commissioners, two from each colony, met at Bos- 
ton, May, 1643, where they drew up the Articles of Con- 
federation, which was undoubtedly the germ of our Fed- 
eral Union. The style adopted was that of the United 
Colonies of New England. Their little Congress, the first , 
of the New World, was to be composed of eight members, 
two from each colony. They were to assemble anuually, 
in the different colonies by rotation, to consult together 
on all matters of mutual defense and protection ; yet they 
were not empowered to legislate in such a manner as to 
abridge the independent action of the separate colonial 
assemblies. These were to be as distinct and independent 
of each other as are our State legislatures of the present 
day. Plymouth was not responsible, — nor, by well in-t 
formed persons, is it held chargeable, — for any severities 
of law or execution in Massachusetts. 

The two colonies continued distinct from each other 
until 1692; and any person who confounds the two and 
condemns the Pilgrims for acts committed by the people of 
the Massachusetts colony, betrays his ignorance of the 
early history of his country, besides doing great injustice 
to the Pilgrims. 

" As the Pilgrims were more free in their political con- 
stitution than the Puritans, so they were more liberal 
towards those who differed from them in points of religious 
doctrine."* This is evinced, especially, by the records 
obtained from different sources respecting the treatment 
of the Rev. Roger Williams. In the Massachusetts Colony 
the rights of citizenship were made dependent upon reli- 
gious tests, church-membership being a prerequisite to the 
rights of suffrage. 

Roger Williams, then pastor of a church in Salem, -was 
among the first and foremost to resist the attempt of the 
civil authorities thus to interfere with the rights of con- 
science. As the result of the controversy growing out of 
this question, he was banished from Salem, and " sought 
refuge beyond the jurisdiction of Massachusetts in the 
more liberal colony of the Pilgrims.*' f "At Plymouth 
he was well accepted as an assistant in the ministry to 
Rev. Ralph Smith, then pastor of the church there." J 

" The principal men of the colony treated him with 
marked attention.** . . . "The generous spirit of the 
Pilgrims preserved him in a great measure from the- an- 
noyance which had caused his removal from Salem, and 
protected him from the offensive interference of the civil 
authorities.** * 

When driven a second time from Salem and the Massa- 
chusetts Colony, he commenced a settlement on the east- 
ern bank of the Seekonk River, just within the limits of 
the Plymouth Colony ; Gov Winslow, who was his per- 
sonal friend, simply advised that, as they "were loath to 
displease the Bay, he should remove to the other aide ox 
the river.** This advice he cheerfully followed, and, 
adopting the views of the Baptists, became at once the 
founder of Rhode Island and of the first Baptist church 
in America. § 

No evidence appears that during the witchcraft delu- 
sion any instance of it occurred within the bounds of the 
Plymouth Colony. 

• Arnold's History of Bhode Island, 1859. 

fBentley** Salem. 

t Morton's Memorial. 

S It may be remarked that the persecution of Roger Williams mt8t- 
lero, occurred previous to his adoption of the peculiar tenets of At 
Baptists. It had no reference, therefore, to the sentiments of that da* 
nomination, and, in Itself, furnishes no ground for the charge that flst 
Puritans persecuted the Baptists. 




HY TTON-. S. tt. A71NOLD. 

In February, 1631, the ship N Lyon w arrived at Nnntas. 
ket with twenty passengers and a large store of provisions. 
Her arrival was most timely, fur the colonists were rodueed 
to the last exigencies of famine. Many had already died 
of want, and many more were rescued from imminent 
peril by this providential occurrence. A public fast had 
been appointed for the day succeeding that on which the 
■hip reached Boston. It was changed to a general 
thanksgiving. There was another incident connected 
with the arrival of this ship which made it an era, not 
only in the aiTatrs of Massachusetts , hut in the history of 
America. She brought to the shores of New England the 
founder of a new State ; the exponent of a new philoso- 
phy i the intellect that was to harmonize religions differ- 
ences, and sooth the sectarian asperities of the New 
World ; a man whose clearness of mind enabled him to 
deduce from the mass of crude speculations which abounded 
in the seventeenth century a. proposition so comprehensive, 
that it is difficult to say whether its application has produced 
the moat beneficial influence upon religion » morals, or 
politics. This man was Roger Williams, then about 
thirty-two years of age. He was a scholar, well versed 
tn> the ancient and some of the rmodcrn tongues, ai 
earnest inquirer after truth, and an ardent friend of popu< 
hat liberty a* well for the mind as for the body. As " i 
godly minister," he was welcomed to the society of the 
Puritans, and soon invited by the church in Salem as on 
assistant to their pastor, Samuel Skclton* The invitation 
was accepted ; but the term of his ministry was destined 
in be brief. His fearlessness in denouncing the errors of 
the times, and especially the doctrine of the magistrates' 
pGwer in religion, gave rise to a system of persecution, 
which, before the close of the summer, obliged him to 
seek refuge beyond the jurisdiction of Massachusetts in 
the more liberal colony of the Pilgrims* He remained 
at Plymouth two years ; but his attachment seems never to 
have been withdrawn from the people of Salem, who recip- 
rocated the warmth of his regard, and invited his return. 
Here he again assisted Mr. Skelton, whose health was 

rapidly failing, and upon whose death he was ordained 
pastor by the church, though tiie Court interfered to pre- 
vent it. This interference ripened at length into a 
"decree" of banishment from Salem, and beyond the 
jurisdiction of thy Massachusetts Colony. 

Driven from the society of civilized men, and debarred 
the consolation of Cliristian sympathy, Williams turned 
his steps southward, to find among heathen savages the 
boon of charity which was refused at home. The now 
venerable Ousamequin, who sixteen years before had first 
welcomed the weary Pilgrims to his shores, and with 
whom Williams, during his residence at Plymouth, had 
contracted a friendship, received with open arms the 
lonely and twice-oiiled Pilgrim. From him Williams ob- 
tained a grant of land near what is now called Cove Mills, 
on the eastern bank of Gcekonk River, where he built a 
house and commenced planting, with a view of permanent 
residence* But this was not to be his home. In the 
quaint scriptural language of the day, " he hod tarried on 
this side Jordan, while the promised land lay still beyond." 
lie was soon advised by his friend, Gov, Winslo\v, that, as 
his plantation was within the limits of Plymouth Colony, 
who " were loath to displease the Bay, he should remove 
to the other side of the water." This he resolved to do ; 
and, in company with five others, who appear to have fol- 
lowed him from Salem, he embarked in his canoe, to 
find at length a resting-place on the free hills of Provi- 
dence, Tradition has preserved the shout of welcome, 
" What cheer, netop ?*' which greeted his landing at *■ Slate 
Hock j " poetry has embalmed it in enduring verse ; good 
taste affixed the name "What cheer" to the adjacent 
farm ; and even th>? spirit of enterprise and the growth of 
population, which have thrown these broad hinds into the 
market of a proud and prosperous city, have respected the 
consecrated spot, and reserved *■ What Cheer Square/' 
with its primeval rock, for ever to mark the place where 
the weary feet of Koger Williams first pressed the soil of 
Providence, — bo named in gratitude to his Supreme De- 



George Watson, one of the most prominent of the 
early inhabitants of Plymouth, came to Kew England 
about the year 1632, He was a resident of the town of 
Plymouth in 1633, and a freoman of the colony in IG34. 
In 16J5 ho became a householder, having purchased the 
dwelling-house of Deacon Richard Ma&tcrsou, and mar- 
ried Phebe, daughter of Robert Hicks, who was b passcn- 
per in the ll Fortune* in the fall of lG'2l. with Mr. Robert 
Cushman, the noted a^ent of the colonists, Phebe, with 
her mother and the other members of the family , came in 
the ,l Ann," during the summer of 1G23. 

Mr. Watson (who, there Is reason to believe! was the 
second son of Robert and Elizabeth, and brother of 
Robert, who married Mary Rack well, and of Thomas, 
who had a wife named Sarah, subsequently the wife of 
Samuel Dunham) very early rose to curjsidcrjiMc conse- 
quence in the little community a^ Plymouth, respectably 
performing the duties of many offices, and, like a prudent 
and persevering man, largely increasing the number of 
hia broad acres, and rearing up a family of children, 
who in their turn have each been the parent stock of a 
large number of the most respectable and public-spirited 
men in the Old Culony, 

Mr. Watson died, according to the old style of reckon- 
ing time, on the thirty-first of January, 1638-9, having 
entered upon the 87th year of his age; so that, by com- 
putation, it would appear that he was born early in the 
year 1602, which would have made his age about 21 when he 
came in the " Fortune," in November, 1021, His children 
were, Phebe, who married Deacon Jonathan Shaw, Jan- 
nary 22, IOjO-7, o, s. ; Mary, who married Thomas Leon- 
ard of Taunton, August 21, 1GG2, o. b. ; John, who died 
young; Samuel and Elizabeth, twins, born January 18, 
1G17-8, o, s., of whom Samuel died August 20, 1G19, o. a., 
and Elizabeth married Joseph 'Williams, of Taunton , No- 
vember £8, 1GG7, o. b, i Jonathan, born March 0, luol-2, 
o. a,, and died in infancy; and Elkanah, bom February 
26, 1655-43, o. 8., married Mercy Hedge in 1G7G, and w^s 
drowned m Plymouth Harbor, at the same time with Ed- 
ward Dotey and John Dotey, February 8, 1G33-D0, o. s. 
Mrs. Phehe Watsonj the wife, died May 22, 16G3, o. s. 

beth, wife of Jacob White, daughter of Benjamin Wil- 
li. mi:-, and granddaughter of the above-named Mrs. 
Elizabeth Williams, who subsequently gave it to her 
great-grandson, Nehcmiah Hall, in whose possession it 
now is, and whose initials, "X. H., n it also bears. It is 
preserved here as a link between the present and the olden 
time* and as a memorial of a most worthy mam 

The engraving printed in connection with this article 
exhibits the appearance of a memorial relic of Mr Wat- 
son, which has been carefully preserved and handed down 
in one of the branches of the family two hundred and 
twenty-five years The silver bowl was brought to this 
country by Mr. Watson, and bear* his initials, "G, W M U 
on its base- At his decease, in 1G8G, it fell to his daugh- 
ter Elisabeth, wife of Mr, Joseph Williams of Taunton, 
and bears their initials, " x v|* " Then it passed to Elisa- 

Even up to the period of the Revolution, vehicles of 
every sort were extremely rare. A writer in the "Old 
Colony Memorial," some year* back, recollects when the 
first chaise passed through the town of Plymouth, and 
says u it made a greater wonderment than the appearance 
of a mammoth. People were puzzled far a name, &nd at 
last they called it a calash," This must have been from 
the resemblance of its top to the head-covering of the 
same mime represented in the cut of female costumes, 
The most common conveyance wns by horses, fitted with 
saddles and pillions. Two could in this way ride on the 
same animal, and oftentimes a child was addtd to the 
burthen. Thus the minister, or the farmer '* well-to^do;" 
rode with wife or daughter to church, But a very small 
proportion of the population could afford even this luxu- 
ry. Most of them walked, Even young women were 
accustomed to walk from five to eight miles ; and instance* 
are recorded, in which, for years in succession, mothers 
walked from ten to twelve miles, and can ied their infants 
in their arms. In front of the churches where the 
people were much in the habit of riding was a small 
platform, approached by a couple of steps, for the dames 
to mount from ; this was called a horse-block, and is still 
to be seen in some retired places. The men in the earlier 
times went to church, and about their ordinary ficld-bibors, 
armeo", for fear of the savages. In the first isettlemenlB, 
they assembled at the house of prayer, summoned by the 
beat of the drum, for as yet bells were not to be obtained ; 
and scutum's were placed at convenient post 1 , to give the 
alarm if any foe should approach. The roads, in most 
cases, were mere bridle-paths through the forest ; the 
Btre.Jns were crossed at fording-places, there being no 
bridges; and the whole appearance of the country was 
that of a wilderness juat commencing to bo the abode of 
j civilised men. 



"Virginia owes her first permanent settlement to the 
courage, cnergyj sagacity* and untiring perseverance of a 
•ingle axon. Cape John Smith. 

The assigns of Sir Walter Raleigh (who was now im- 
prisoned in the tower) had never relinquished the idea of 
planting a colony in Virginia ; and by degrees various men 
of rank, wealth, mid Influence had arrrived at the conclu- 
sion that it was possible to found a prosperous state in the 
temperate regions of America. King James, vain-glorious 
rather than ambitious, favored the design of enlarging his 
dominions, and readily granted a charter, with power "to 
deduce a colony into Virginia," but reserving to the mon- 
arch absolute legislative authority, and the control of all 

Under this charter, in December, 1606, more than n cen- 
tury after the discovery of the continent by Cabot t and forty- 
one years after the settlement of Florida, the little squad- 
ron of three vessels, the largest not exceeding one hundred 
tons burthen, bearing one hundred and five men destined 
to remain, set sail for Virginia. 

Newport, the commander of the fleet, sailed by way of 
the Canaries and West India Islands ; and it was not till 
the middle of May, that, after passing the magnificent bay 
of the Chesapeake, they arrived in the James River, and 
•elected as a site for the colony the peninsula of James- 
town, about fifty miles from its mouth. 

Smith, now not thirty years old, was one of the most 
prominent of the adventurers* On the voyage his genius 
had created jealousies and raised up enemies against him ; 
and one of the first acts of the council, upon being consti- 
tuted, was to exclude him from their body on a charge of 
sedition, but by the exhortation of llunt, the clergyman, 
he was soon restored to his station. 

"While the men were employed in felling timber for the 
fort and houses, Newport, Smith, and twenty others 
ascended the James River to the falls, and visited the 
great chief, FowhatUn, at his principal seat, a village of 
twelve wigwams, just below the present site of Richmond, 

About the middle of June, Newport sailed for England. 
On the departure of the shins, the colonists sank at once 

into a state of the most pitiable depression. In a wilder- 
ness, surrounded by savages, cut oif from ah commutation 
with civilised man, unused to labor, their provisions scanty 
' and spoiled by the long voyage, weakened by the heat of 
| the summer, — they drooped and died, till in August only 
one-half of the original number survived- To complete the 
miseries of the remainder, Wingficld, the president of the 
council, had seized upon the choicest stores, and was on the 
point of abandoning the colony and escaping to the West 
Indies. He was at once deposed, and Katcliff, a man pos- 
sessing neither talent nor energy, appointed in his place. 
The administration of the affairs of the colony, through the 
weakness of the president, now fell upnn Smith ; and 
the buoyancy of his spirits, the vigor of his will, and the 
cheerfulness of his courage, well qualified turn for the 

He inspired the natives with awe by his intrepidity; 
quelled the spirit of anarchy among the emigrants by de- 
feating the conspiracies of Wingficld and Rntcliffe to 
desert the settlement; and by his constant activity man- 
aged to keep the colonists employed and the colony to- 
gether, till the approach of winter, with abundance of wild 
fowl and game, removed all fears of famine, and gave him 
an opportunity to examine the country* 

Leaving the colonists to enjoy the abundance which 
winter had brought, Smith ascended the Chiekahominy as 
far as the boats would advance, and then struck into the 
interior. Ilia companions having disobeyed his directions, 
the party were surprised by the Indians, and all but Smith 
were killed. He maungcd to save his own life by his im- 
movable self-possession, and the address with which he 
used bis superior knowledge to captivate the savages. 
Displaying a pocket-compass, he amused them by showing 
the peculiar powers of the needle, and being permitted to 
send a Letter to Jamestown he completed their wonder by 
apparently endowing the paper with intelligence* The cu- 
riosity of all the neighboring tribes was aroused, he was 
carried in triumph from village to village, and the decision 
of his fate was finally referred to Fowhattun. The chief- 
tarn condemned him to die ; and every preparation was 


made for his death, when he was saved by Pocahontas, the 
favorite child of Powhattan, who rushed forward when his 
head was on tan block, clung firmly to his neck, and by 
her fearlessness and entreaties persuaded the council to 
spare his life. They now attempted to induce him to join 
their band s in an attack upon Jamestown ; but lie succeeded 
in changing the current of their thoughts, and they finally 
disun Lss ed hini with promises cf good-will and assistance. 

Returning to Jamestown, Smith found the colony re- 
duced to forty men, of whom the strongest were just 
prepariog to escape in the pinnace, Thl> desertion ho 
suppressed at tin? hazard of his life* 

In 10QS, ihc colony was increased by the arrival of one 
hundred and twenty emigrants , — but chiefly vagabond gen* 
tlemen and goldsmiths, who added but little to its stability 
and prosperity, being devoted for the most port to discov- 
ering gold and other metals. 

Disgusted at fulllos which ho had vainly endeavored to 
cheek, Smith undertook to explore Chesapeake Bay and Its 
tributaries. Two voyages, made in au open boat, occupied 
nearly three mouths in summer, and embraced on extent 
of nearly three thousand miles. He surveyed the Chesa- 
peake Bay to the Bugquohnnnah, discovered and explored 
the Patapsco T entered the harbor of Baltimore, and ascend- 
ed the Potomac to the falls. Nor did he merely explore 
the territory, but established friendly relations with the 
natives, and laid the foundation (or future intercourse. 

Three days after his return, he was made president of 
the council. Order and industry began to be diffused, 
when Newport arrived with seventy new emigrants! two of 

whom were females. 

In !fl09, Lord Delaware** expedition, commanded by 
Newport, Sir Thomas Gates, and Sir George Somers, with 
a new charter for the colony, arrived on the coast. Here 
a hurricane separated the admiral from his fleet m t and his 
vessel was stranded on the rocks of the Bermudas. Seven 
ships, out of the fleet of nine, arrived at Jamestown* A 
new disaster now threatened the colony. The old charter 
was abrogated, and the wrecked vessel contained all who 
possessed any authority under the new one* Smith, how- 
ever, resolutely maintained his discipline, until an acci- 
dental explosion of gunpowder disabled him so that he 
was compelled to return to England for surgical treatment. 

At his departure, he left in the colony four honored and 
ninety persons. In sis months, indolence, famine, vice, 
and consequent diseases, reduced the number to sixty; 
and, had it not been for the timely arrival of Gates Bind 
his party from the Bermudas, they also must have utterly 
perished. They insulted at once upon abandoning the 
settlement, and would even have destroyed it, but for the 
energy of Gates, who was the la*t to leave. 

They fell down the stream, and the next rooming, tt 
the mouth of the river, met the long-boat of Lord Dela- 
ware, who had arrived on the coast with emigrants and 
supplies* The fugitives bore up the helm, and that night 
wore once more at the fort in Jamestown. 


The cut, copied from a picture by Vandervoldt, a Dutch 
painter of the J 7th century, represents a shallop, a small 
boat with one mast, such as that in whieh the brave com- 
pany of explorers from the May-Flower (then at anchor in 
Cape Cod liarbor) embarked for the purpose of discovering 
a proper place for tlieir settlement 

It was this eompanyj in all eighteen men, who on Fri- 
day evening were cast, as it were, upon Clark's Island, 
where they remained to pass the Satibath, and, embarking 
again on Monday, stepped ashore upon a huge boulder of 
granite (the Roek of Plymouth,) making that celebrated 

Landing " which was destined to be the birth of a nation. 

The Star-Chamber Htood on the eastern side of New 
Palace Yard, and was originally a portion of the Royal 
Palace. It obtained its name from the ceiling having been 
ornamented with stars, and gave it in turn to the infamous 
Court of the Star-Chamber, so noted during the reigna of 
the Stuarts. From hence issued all the extortionate loam 
and levies which ended in the great civil war T So frightful 
did it become that its name infused terror; and to be 
11 Star-Chambered " was applied as a term indicative of ths 
severest and crudest infliction of semi-legal, or illegal, 
tyranny. In this court men were summoned by eitra-judj- 
cial might, fined mercilessly and extravagantly, branded at 
felons, their noses slit and ears cut off, for acts and words 
applied to those in authority, less strong than many in use 
daily by even the English press of the present day. This 
court was abolished in 1641. The building in use at that 
time for its meetings was erected in the reign of Queen 
Elisabeth, The cut represents the Star-Chamber itself 
and is from a sketch made just previous to its demolition, 
In 1836, to make room for the present Houses of Parlia- 
ment. It was in this room that the celebrated ecclesiastical 
council, called the " Court of High Commission,"' held lti 



the bravest of the warriors of Metacomct, the 
famous sachem of the Wampanoags (more generally 
known to readers of American history as King Philip of 
Folcanokct, and as the second son of the noble-hearted 
Massasnit, the early and constant friend of the Plymouth 
Fathers), was Annawan, who, in the more prosperous days 
of his tribe 1 had been known in the colony as a noted 
captain under both of these chieftains. This determined 
and subtle man, immediately aftrt the death of King 
Philip, in August, 1676, collected together the scattered 
warriors of the once-powerful tribe, and, roaming through 
the forests that skirted the southern boundary of the 
colony, struck terror into the hearts of the inhabitants of 
that then sparsely settled region. In this position of 
things, Captain Benjamin Church, who had so recently 
distinguished himself in the Into Narraganset war, was en- 
treated to take up arms for the assistance snd protection 
of the terrified people* Being of a generous disposition, 
and public ppirited, this ohivnlrous chieftain once more sal- 
lied forth in pursuit of the savage foe T and having succeeded 
after much perseverance, in capturing several of Anna- 
vran's men, he promised to spare the life of one of them, 
on condition of being; guided to the secret retreat of this 
brave leader. The Indian readily assented to this demand, 
and proceeded to the hiding-place of his unsuspecting chief. 
Annawan, in order to elude the search of hi* enemy, 
had taken refuse in his stronghold in Rcholioth, a cave 
formed by roeks of enormous size, and situated in the 
centre of an immense swamp. "Annawan's Rock"— * a 

name by which the retreat- is still known — presented on 
one of its sides a perpendicular precipice of nearly thirty 
feet in height* On another side, however, the place was 
more easily accessible, and here Captain Church with two 
of his men ascended to the summit of the rocky barrier, 
where he beheld the object of his search together with his 
comrades, from fifty to sixty in number, most of them 
with their guns leaning upon a stick. The Itidinns were 
laying together in three groups around a fire, over which 
their supper was cooking* Notwithstanding the fearful 
sight, and the extreme danger of the attempt, the brave 
Church was determined to secure the marauder, and thus 
put an end to the troublesome inroads of the ferocious 
savages, Favored in his intention by the noise of mor- 
tars, in which the Indians were pounding their corn, he 
sent forward his prisoner, who was well acquainted with 
the secret passes of the place, with his basket upon his 
shoulder, and closely followed him with his soldiers, the 
whole company marching with the noise, and keeping 
quiet when there was no pounding. Having arrived at 
the proper place, Church suddenly leaped from the rock, 
tomahawk in hand, among his enemies, much to their 
terror and astonishment, Annawan, the old warrior, per- 
ceiving his position, exclaimed, " Howohl** (I am taken,) 
and, with his comrades, was immediately bound by 
Church and his small party , consisHng of only one white 
man and si* friendly Indians. Annawan was taken to 
Plymouth, where, notwithstanding the entreaties of the 
gallant Church, he was publicly put to death. 



We are happy in being able to announce to the public 
that the corner-stone of the National Monument to the 
Forefathers has been laid. This event took place at Ply- 
mouth on the 2d of August, 1859, the celebration being 
intended to commemorate the two hundred and thirty- 
ninth anniversary of the embarkation of the Pilgrims a% 
X)elft-Haven. In order to have been strictly correct in 
point of date, the ceremony should have been performed 
on the 1st of August ; but as that day fell this year on 
Monday, a very inconvenient day for persons residing at a 
distance from Plymouth to be present, it was deferred foy 
one day. 

A lar$e concourse of people, estimated at ten thousand, 
in addition to the inhabitants of the town, assembled from 
every portion of the country to witness the ceremonies, 
and take p«*irt in them. At first an address was delivered 
by the President of the Pilgrim Society, Richard Warren, 
Esq., of New York, — of which the following is substan- 
tially the eloquent conclusion : — 

n We are now about to lay the corner-stone of a struc* 
ture, grander than any of the kind the world has ever wit- 
nessed, and which is intended to mark the events of the 
landing of 1620, in the Nation's History, — that decisive 
event, which, in reality, began this our great and happy 
country. Let it rise speedily, — that, as from distant ocean 
the toil-worn mariner approaching home shall look hither, 
and view it reaching toward the clouds, he may also see 
inscribed on it a motive for action — an aid to every worthy 

"Many have found fault with the magnitude of the under* 
taking. Some have derided it, and pronounced it unsuit- 
able for the events it is designed to commemorate. Others 
would have it erected in a city. No ! Here where we 
stand is the spot for it. From hence, cast your eyes across 
yonder waters. In a clear day, Cape Cod is visible. There, 
at Provincetown, the Pilgrims first cast anchor, — and 
within the arms of that Cape they found shelter. There 
is Clark's Island, named for the mate of the May- 
Flower. There the Pilgrims worshipped on their first 
Sabbath, in a temple not made with hands , — 

The waves around were roaring, 
The chilly winds were blowing. 

Perhaps an Indian was watching without, as if compre- 
hending that they, too, were speaking to the Great Spirit, 
whom he himself ignorantly worshipped. After this holy 
service thty returned to their small vessel, their only 
refuse for the night. In peace they rested, watched over 
by their God. In front of that island the May-Flower 
anchored. On the left you see Duxbury, the home of El- 
der Brewster, and Captain's Hill, the residence of Myles 
Standish. On our right rises the burial hill, — beneath 
whose sods rest Bradford and the son of Robert Ci'sii- 
man. Monuments have been erected there to their names 
by grateful descendants. Beyond lies Watson's Hill, on 
which the first treaty was made between the white man 
and the Indian ! 

" Nearly in front of where we stand is Marshfield, the 
home of the Winslows, and in later days of Daniel 
Wehstbr. And not far off, on our left, is Jones' river, 
in Kingston, where Elder Cushmax lived. As these, 
places meet our view, how does the past come back to us. 
As we stand on Monument Hill let that past nerve us all 
with new strength for our life work. 

4t The monument can be built if the People say it shall 
be. Whenever they have fully determined to do anything it 
has been done, — say it in regard to this, Sons of the Pil- 
grims, Daughters of the Pilgrims ! Say it with faith that it 
k can be, and bring your energies to bear upon it, and all 
*4oubt will be removed. The cost, large as it appears, is 
nothing in reality, to the capability of those who are asked 
to do it. 

" Six years ago, a noble merchant of New York, princely 
in Work and in gift, wrote that he would * be one of fifty 
to Subscribe #1,000 for a monument.' Not all of the 
forty-nine others have come, but some have done so. 
Wher e are the others to respond ? Would that I had the I 
ability as I have the desire, to be not merely one such man, I 
but all combined. The merchant paid his money, not 
waiting f or others. Such large amounts are not, however, 

needed. A small pittance from each of the favored children 
of our country will complete it in a few years. Is there 
such a child anywhere who will not contribute to 
these commemorative stones ? I am not willing to c 
tain such a thought. Think of the Fathers but far 
moment, any hesitating one, and you cannot help aiding 
in the work. Never doubt the accomplishment of what 
we to-day begin, any more than the Fathers doubted of 
final success. Let every one give and the work is done. 
It cannot be done without your aid. No miracle wiU be 
worked to finish this structure. It is for you, who have 
reverence enough for the Fathers, to be willing to show that 
reverence by acts. Some say the best monument to the 
Pilgrims is the hearts of their children. Such a monument 
is apt to crumble. There needs something to look upon 
— some of the granite of the earth moulded into beau- 
tiful symmetry to impress on those hearts the story of 
the past — the heroisiu of former times. 

" No victory has ever been so pregnant in its conse- 
quences ; no event in human story, save that which oc- 
curred at Bethlehem, has produced so vast a revolution in 
the destinies of the human race, as the emigration of the 
Pilgrims of the May-Flower. It is worthy then of a 
nation's self-denial, were it necessary, to erect a memorial 
of gratitude, which shall embody in its design the leading 
characteristics of the Pilgrim mind." 

Mr. Warren ended by presenting to the audience hit 
Excellency N. P. Banks, Governor of the Commonwealth, 
from whose powerful and impressive address the limits of 
this work only permit the following quotation, as pe- 
culiarly adapted to the present purpose: — 

" Wnat a harvest reap we in our day from the seeds of 
Christian civilization sown by the Pilgrims in darkness 
anddanger, but also in hope and in faith ! Appreciate we 
the lull flood of almost Divine favors which daily refresh 
our million of souls ? Measure we the prosperity that lifts 
us above our deserts as above other States ? Confess we 
to the full capacity of acknowledgment by whose wisdom, 
whose valor, whose great faith we have reached these Pis- 
gah heights ? Or believe we that our genius, our industry, 
our enterprise, has created that which surrounds us,— 
that States, more than continents or empires, have other 
origin than the slow growth of centuries ? 
I " No fairer scene than that which meets our -view attests 
the triumphs of any pioneers in the work of civilization. 
In whatever direction we move, towns and cities rise to 
meet us. The Connecticut, the Merrimac, and the rivers 
that skirt the southern coast of the Commonwealth, boast 
as proud monuments of industrial success as the enterprise 
of man has ever created. The valley of the Charles, in 
which sleep thirty or forty villages, towns and cities, 
crowned on the one hand by the metropolis of New Eng- 
land, and on the other by the highlands of the interior, 
presents, from every commanding eminence, a scene unit- 
ing as many of the beauties of Art and Nature combined 
as any upon which the eye of man ever rested. These are 
monuments of the prowess of the settlers of New England, 
and the prosperity and happiness of their descendants. 
Not unto us, but unto them be the honors paid. No mon- 
umental shaft, no tongue of poetry or eloquence can offer 
to them a more appropriate or elaborate eulogy than that 
Spoken for them in their works. 

" Nevertheless, it is for us a pleasure and a duty to con- 
nect the events of the Present and the Past by some mark- 
ed and visible sign, to make apparent to careless and in- 
different beholders the relation which the inestimable 
privileges of our time bear to the heroism and devotion of 
the Forefathers. Never did monument rise to commemo- 
rate nobler deeds or greater heroism than theirs. No for- 
tress, citadel, or temple — no pyramid, arsenal, or obelisk 

— no triumphal arch or marble statue bears testimony to 
holier virtues that yet live in Greek or Roman fame than 
the innumerable and imperishable evidences of great pur- 
poses and powers which make illustrious the fame of the 
New England fathers. The monument, then, that we 
plant to-day is for us as for them. It is for our instruction 

— to remind our children, and our children's children, so 
long as the seed of woman shall bruise the serpent's head, 
that our life is their life — that out of their trials and sor- 
row we pluck prosperity and happiness — from their op- 
pression springs our freedom. It is for this we plant, here 
and now, m the very heart of the earth, the headstone of 
the corner. It is for this we bid the monumental pile 


rise to Heaven. It is for this we are assembled by thou- 
sands to cheer on the work and to implore the blessings of 
heaven upon its progress and its completion. Let it rise 
to commemorate the virtues of the fathers, the gratitude 
of the children. Let it rise to connect the trivial events of 
hie, the evening's pleasures and the morning's duty, the 
labor of the week and the rest of the Sabbath, — the joys 
of life, the sorrows of death, with the never-ceasing memo- 
net of the Pilgrims ; to light the eye of infancy as it opens 
upon the world, and cheer the transit of age to a better and 
tbrighter existence. Let it be said forever and forever 
that it marks alike the acquisition and the maintenance of 
the freedom of our land. 

u It was a harsh and forbidding horoscope that the Fates 
apparently cast for the Pilgrim Fathers. An inner, not 
an outer, light cheered their path. They saw a hand we 
cannot see ; they heard a voice we cannot hear. It spake 
to them of us and of the future — of Time and of Eternity." 
The address of Gov. Banks was followed by prayer 
by Rev. Richard S. Storrs, D. D., and then by the Ma- 
sonic ceremonies of laying the corner-stone and conse- 
cration by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient 
Free and Accepted Masons of Massachusetts, — including 
a most pertinent and eloquent address by the Grand 
Master, Col. John T. Heard. In the under side of the 
corner-stone is a cavity, in which a leaden casket, eleven 
inches by seven and five inches in height, was placed by 
Dr. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, of Boston, at the request of the 
Building Committee. Upon its cover were the following 

in the corner-stone 

of the 

National Monument to the Forefathers, 


The Pilgrim Society of Plymouth, 

2d August, 1859. 

Within the box were deposited, before the sealing of the 
cover, the following articles of interest, viz. : — 
1. The plate, which measures 73 by 5 J inches, bears the 
following inscription, engraved in very plain and legi- 
ble letters, by Mr. E. W. Bouve : 
The Corner-Stone 
of the 
National Monument to the Forefathers, 
laid in presence of 
The Pilgrim Society of Plymouth, 
by the 
M. "W. Grand Lodge of Freemasons, of Massachusetts, 

M. W. John T. Heard, G. Master, 

on the second day of August, A. D. 1859, A. L. 5859. 

being in the two hundred and thirty-ninth year 

since the first settlement of New England 

by the Pilgrim Forefathers. 

Richard Warren, 

President of the Pilgrim Society ; 

Building Committee, 

John H. Clifford, I Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, 

Samuel Nicolson, I Charles G. Davis, 

William Thomas, | Eleazcr C. Sherman ; 

Hammatt Billings, Architect ; 

Willard M. Harding, Financial Agent. 

James Buchanan, President of the United States. 

Nathaniel P. Banks, Governor of Massachusetts. 

William T. Davis, Chairman of Selectmen 

of Plymouth. 

2. A description of the site for the monument, viz. : — 
The site of the National Monument to the Forefathers, 
J*» one of the most elevated eminences in the town of 
ponth , contains about eight acres of land. The cen- 
Vprtion of this lot containing about two acres, upon 
lathe foundation for the base of the Monument is laid, 
ft lfoen to the Pilgrim Society by Benjamin Hathaway, 
! of Plymouth, expressly for the purpose, it being 
jd the most sightly ana appropriate position which 
Ibe obtained. 
i account of the corner-stone, and Legislative ap- 
" iations for alto reliefs. 

, diplomas, certificates, and circulars relating 
> the monument. 

5. The Illustrated Pilgrim Almanac for the year 1860, 

published in aid of the monument fund. 

6. The First Charter for a colony in Virginia and other 

parts and territories in America, 1606. 

7. The Great Patent of New England in America, 1620, 

granted to the Council established at Plymouth, in 
the County of Devon, for the planting, ruling, order- 
ing, and governing of New England in America. 

8. The Charter of the colony of New Plymouth, in New 

England, in 1630, granted to William Bradford and 
his associates. 

9. The social compact of the forefathers of the May- 

Flower, 1620. 

10. The Declaration of Independence of the United Col- 

onies of America, 1776. 

11. The Constitution of the United States of America, 


12. The Constitution or form of Government for the Com- 

monwealth of Massachusetts, 1780. 

13. Metallic Copies of the Seals of the Colony of New 

Plymouth, of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay 
in New England, and of the Commonwealth of 

14. Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation. Edited 

by Charles Deane, Esq. 1856. 

15. Printed Title-Pages to the Plymouth and Massachu- 

setts Colony Records, edited by Nath'l B. Shurtleff. 

16. Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims. 

By Wm. S. Russell. 1846. 

17. Pilgrim Memorials, and Guide to Plymouth. By Wm. 

S. Russell. 1855. With a Map of the Village. 

1 8. Map of the town of Plymouth. Printed in 1830. 

19. Map of Cape Cod Bay, showing the way traversed by 

the Pilgrims in 1620, in sailing from Provincetown 
Harbor to Plymouth. Map showing the Boundaries 
of the Plymouth Colony, with points of interest 
marked. Plan of Plymouth, including bays, harbors 
and islands. By Charles Blaskowitz. Containing 
memoranda, and denoting remarkable points. Is- 
sued by William S. Russell. 

20. Plymouth Directory, printed in 1851. 

21. Annual Reports of the Town of Plymouth, for the 

financial year ending Feb. 1, 1859. 

22. LusVof Town Officers of Plymouth, for the year 1859. 

23. List of Officers of the Pilgrim Society of Plymouth, 

for the year 1859. 

24. Diploma of Membership of the Pilgrim Society. 

25. Old Colony Memorial, and Plymouth Bock, newspa- 

pers printed in Plymouth — the last weekly issue of 
each containing information about the arrangements 
for laying the corner stones of the National Monu- 
ment, ana of the Canopy over Forefathers* Rock. 

26. Printed copy of the Discourse delivered by Robert 

Cushman, at the " Common House '* in Plymouth, 
in December, 1621. 

27. Massachusetts State Register tor the year 1859. By 

Adams, Sampson, & Co. 

28. Manual for the Use of the General Court of the Com- 

monwealth of Massachusetts, for 1859. Prepared 
by S. N. Girford and William Stowe. 

29. Names of the Committee of Arrangements for laying 

the corner-stones of the National Monument and of 
the Canopy over the Rock. 

30. A small portion of Forefathers' Rock. 
31* Various printed matters. 

Address op G. M. John T. Heard. 

Mr. President: — To celebrate the deeds of the bene- 
factors of mankind, is a service dictated alike by grati- 
tude and the benevolent desire to transmit the blessings 
of their examples to posterity. The memory of the good 
and brave, whose virtues and exploits challenge admira- 
tion and homage, should be honored and perpetuated; 
and the establishment of institutions affecting happily 
the welfare of our race is eminently worthy of commem- 
oration. A people capable of greatness will not forget 
the virtues of their fathers; reverently will they chensh 
them, and gratefully present them in all their lustre for 
the respect and imitation of after ages. Impressed with 
sentiments like these, we are assembled here to-day to 
solemnize an undertaking designed to perpetuate the re- 
nown of that peerless band— the first settlers of Dew 


England. It was here on this spot, then the border of a 
wilderness nearly as vast as the continent, where they 
landed on the Sfst of Dec. 1620. Here, therefore, it is 
appropriate that a National Monument to their memory 
should 1 be erected; a work which, we are happy to see, 
has been commenced under the most flattering prospects 
of success. To the Pilgrim Society belongs the honor of 
initiating this grateful and patriotic enterprise; and un- 
der its auspices it will be, we doubt not, triumphantly 
accomplished. In compliance with your courteous in- 
vitation to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to lay this 
corner-stone, that body will now discharge that agree- 
able duty according to the ancient usages of the Craft. 

It is not known, sir, that any of the passengers of the 
May Flower were Freemasons; certainly no record of 
the fact has been discovered. But since it is authenti- 
cated that our institution was in a flourishing condition 
in England in 1620, it is not improbable that some mem- 
bers of a society which, from the earliest times, has been 
tolerant as regards modes of religious worship, should 
have united with the members of the Church of the 
Pilgrims and fled with them from the persecutions- in- 
flicted on the Dissenters by the Established Church. 

That there are no accounts extant of private or sub- 
ordinate Lodges in the earlier days of the colonies, is 
not to be taken as evidence that none existed in them. 
In the constitution of the Lodge previous to the past 
century, it was not necessary that its existence and pro- 
ceedings should have official or durable record; it re- 
ceived no warrant or charter from the General Assembly 
— the Grand Lodge of that time ; nor were its meetings 
confined to any particular time or place ; it is not to bo 
wondered at, that under those circumstances, and after 
a lapse of two centuries, all traces of it should be oblit- 
erated. Thus it is apparent that a Lodge might have 
existed even in the May Flower, and been composed of 
Pilgrims, without the knowledge of their associates or 
posterity. The principles of Freemasonry are in no way 
incompatible with the professions of the Forefathers 
in moral or religious belief, but, on the contrary, are 
such as would have been approved and vindicated, by 

It will not be out of place for me to mention Aere a 
coincidence derived from the history of our sociery and 
that of the first settlers: — and I allude to the fact that 
two of the Grand Masters of England were also members 
of the " Council established at Plymouth " by the Great 
Patent which passed the seals on the third of November, 
1620, and became the foundation of all subsequent grants 
of territory in New England. They were William, the 
third Earl of Pembroke, and Thomas, Earl of Arundel; 
the former was Chancellor of the University of Oxford 
and Lord Chamberlain of the King's household, the lat- 
ter Earl Marshal of the realm. Pembroke, who was 
senior Grand Warden under the Grand Mastership of 
Inigo Jones, his friend, and a celebrated architect, suc- 
ceeded him as Grand Master in 1618, and continued to 
preside over the Fraternity until the time of his death 
in 1630. Arundel was elected to the office in 1633, and 
filled it for a space of two years. 

It is worthy of remembrance that though the Ply- 
mouth Company possessed the privileges of a monopoly, 
it having exclusive right by its patent to all the lands in 
New England, the members of the Council were lenient 
in their measures affecting the colonists. Towards the 
Pilgrims, especially, they showed much liberality. The 
latter, compelled by treachery to settle on this spot in- 
stead of that farther south, which they had selected be- 
fore their departure from Europe ? found themselves 
without privileges within the territorial limits of the 
Plymouth Company. The Council did not, however, 
look upon them as trespassers; but, through the influ- 
ence or one of its number, caused a patent to be issued 
in their favor. This generous act of the government of 
the company indicates that its counsels were controlled 
by sentiments of humanity — by sentiments of broth- 
erly-love, such as it might be supposed would influence 
the action of those members of it, at least, who were 

On former occasions the Fraternity have been called 
upon to consecrate, by their rites, statues and other me- 
morials erected in honor of the distinguished dead. To 
the illustrious Washington, to Franklin, Warren, Jack- 

son, Clav — esteemed and venerated of our countrymen» 
esteemed and venerated also as Freemasons — have last- 
ing monuments been reared whose commencement and 
completion have been thus signalized. But it is not to 
eminent characters who were of us alone, that our cere- 
monials of honor are confined; we recognize and respect 
exalted worth in whomsoever it exists or has existed, and 
are always ready as a society to manifest our appreciation 
of it. Important events, like that we are now commem- 
orating, which have promoted the progress and improve- 
ment or general society, and conferred great benefits on 
the intellectual, moral and religious well-being of man, 
may be celebrated with greater propriety by Masons 
with all the distinction which their ceremonies can be- 

This occasion naturally carries our thoughts back to 
the times of the forefathers, and suggests the recital of 
their trials and sufferings, and triumphant struggle for 
religious freedom; but this duty I leave for others to 
perform. Though that instructive tale has been often 
told with power and beauty by the historian, orator and 
poet, until it has become familiar to all, still it is not a 
work out-told; its recitation never falls upon listless 
ears, or fails to move the sympathies and arouse the 
patriotic feelings of an American audience. 

The Pilgrim Monument will be one of the most im- 
posing ana beautiful monumental works in the world. 
The design, so creditable to the taste and genius of the 
artist, prefigures a structure of vast, yet harmonious 
proportions. While it will mark the place of the first 
settlement of New England, it will, also, by inscriptions, 
devices and sculpture, signalize the leading^ events in 
the lives of the forefathers, and by appropriate figures 
symbolize their cherished principles. May it endure for 
ages, and decay only when our descendants shall cease 
to appreciate their rich inheritance of civil and religious 

After the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone, the 
procession formed again and marched to a spacious tent, 
where dinner hod been provided for 2800 persons. 
Among the invited guests were Governor Banks and 
his stafc Governor Turner of Rhode Island, and CoL 
Crandall of his staff, Governor Buckingham of Connec- 
ticut, Governor Chase of Ohio, Hon. Edward Kent, 
formerly Governor of Maine. Hon. John P. Hale of New 
Hampshire, Hon. Henry Wilson, Hon. Anson Burlin- 
game, Hon. T. D. Eliot of New Bedford, Hon. Robert B. 
Hall of Plymouth, Hon. Oliver Warner, Secretary of the 
Commonwealth, Hon. Stephen H. Phillips, Attorney- 
General, Hon. Charles A. Phelps, Hon. Charles Hale, Rev. 
Lyman Beecher, D. D., Rev. Samuel Osgood, D. D., of 
Springfield, Rev. Richard S. Storrs, D. D.,of Braintree, 
Hon. Francis P. Blair, Hon. William M. Evarts, Presi- 
dent of the Now England Society of New York, Hon. 
Josiah Quincy, Jr., Hon. John T. Heard, Hon. B. F. Hal- 
lett, Hon. Charles Hudson, Hon. Charles R. Train, Hon. 
Ira M. Barton of Worcester, Hon. John W. Proctor of 
Danvers, Rev. John Waddington of Plymouth, England, 
George Folsom, Esq. of the New York Historical Soci- 
ety, George Sumner, Esq., Dr. N. B. Shurtleff, Hammatt 
Billings, Esq., and others. 

The Divine blessing was invoked by Rev. Edward 
Hall of Plymouth, and the President invited the guests 
to proceed at once with the " least interesting exercises 
of the day," — which they did with much laughter as 
well as energy. 

It was hall-past four before the speaking could begin. 
The first regular toast was " Our Country," foUowedfby 
" The President," in response to which a letter from Mr. 
Buchanan was read. Ihe next toast was " Massachu- 
setts," to which Governor Banks responded with spirit. 
Governor Chase answered for Ohio, Governor Buck- 
ingham for Connecticut, Governor Turner for Rhode 
Island, Hon. John P. Hale for New Hampshire, and 
William M. Evarts, Esq., President of the New England 
Society of New York, for that State. 

Governor Kent answered for Maine; Hon. Charles 
A. Phelps, President of the Senate, made an eloquent 
speech; and other addresses were made by Rev. John 
Waddington of England, Charles Hale, Speaker of the 
House of Representatives, and Hon. Moses Kimball. 

A letter was read from Mr. Everett, stating his willing- 


I j ness to double his subscription to the monument, when- 
™ever desired. A donation at the table from Mrs. Moses 
Kimball of $100 was announced; also, $100 from Rev. 
Dr. Burgess, and $100 from Hon. S. P. Chase, of Ohio. 

Mr. Burlingame followed with an eloquent and pic- 
turesque speech. 

George Sumner, Esq., was the next speaker. He gave 
some interesting historical information, gathered during 
his latest visits to Leyden, respecting the residence of 
the Pilgrims in Holland. 

One more donation of $100 was here announced from 
Isaac Bich, Esq., and several smaller sums of $10 and 
$6 were contributed. 

It was not until after half-past seven o'clock that the 
company dispersed, greatly pleased with the day's en- 

The following are some of the speeches : — % 

Speech of Richard Warren, Esq., Presidejtt op 
the Pilgrim Society. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen: — We meet to-day under 
most pleasant auspices. We have with suitable cere- 
mony laid the corner-stones of two monuments in com- 
memoration of the Pilgrim Fathers. On this spot only 
should such be built — on these sands, over these hills, 
the fathers and mothers and children of the May Flower 
roamed and labored. Every hill-top and every valley is 
filled with the fragrance of their first life in the New 
World. And to this place forever shall the admirer of 

Seatness in man, the lover of his country, the patriot, 
e Christian, the lover of religious and republican lib- 
erty, come, bringing their offerings in faith and gladness. 
Here, and now, at this great gathering, let us pause and 
call them — that noble band of the May Flower — call 
their spirits to come forth from the blessed land to 
speak to us their children. Glorified ones from yon 
bright world, where now you roam; sainted ones, men 
of heroic daring, women of unshaken love ; children of 
true affection, come forth. Let us, your descendants, 
look upon your countenances, as we now begin the struc- 
tures which will commemorate you for all after time. 
Come, thou spirit of the noble Carver ! Come, Elder 
Brewster, who led the flock, as the shepherd of God! 
Come, intrepid Bradford! and Winslow, come thou. 
Come, noble Standish ! and come, sweet Rose, who long- 
est hast been from earth! Come thou, John Alden! 
Come all ! Come, father, mother, husband, wife, brother, 
and sister! Come, all ye little ones! Come now, and 
forever animate us with your great power of faith, with 
your great purpose to do all lire's work well. Descend- 
ants hover around you to-day, asking for your blessing 
on their endeavor to raise here an evidence of their re- 
membrance ! Gather with us, ye One Hundred of 1620. 
who found a home and a place wherein to worship God ! 
Meet us now: put into each that inspiration which en- 
abled you to work so mightily. Open anew the long cov- 
ered graves, over which the sod has greened for centuries, 
and, with your children, see the results of your decision, 
your sufferings, your patience, and your faith. Methinks 
the heavens are unrolling, as a parchment, and from the 
abyss of the past fair forms approach. See them in 
their glorified state, looking down on a world blessed by 
their labor and their fidelity while they were in the body. 
Hear their words to us this day, free of complaint; free 
of blame for our long delay; but full of benignity, for 
we are remembering them. Hear the song of praise, 
even from them, in their pure abode, not for themselves, 
but for us, as we show they are not forgotten. The 
story of the pilgrimage of the fathers of 1620 has oft been 
related. It should be familiar to every one. In times 

Bist, a Webster, an Everett, a Choate, a Winthrop, a 
illard, a Seward, an Evarts, and many more of the 
best intellects of the land, have drawn back the curtain 
which shut out the past. In words of pathos, words of 
power, they have portrayed the wintry voyage of the 
trail May Flower, as with a company of martyrs she 
ploughed her way through the deep sea. They have 
pictured the scenes of the winter of 1620, when the pil- 
grims were on this bleak coast, with such truthfulness 
that they who listened could almost in reality see them 
landing on yonder rock, all shivering with the cold; 
could see the small procession of sincere mourners, as 

day after day they carried a loved one to be buried 
from sight forever on Cole's Hill. I shall not further oc- 
cupy the time of this day, when you are to listen to so 
many much more worthy, only to say: — Men of New 
England, let this be your firm resolve, made here and 
now while the elonous sun is shining down on our 
prosperity, that the work commenced shall be finished. 
Aged men, who will soon pass on to meet the spirits of 
the fathers, impress it onyour children to carry on this 
work to completion. Women, mothers, daughters of 
New England, all powerful as you are in what you un- 
dertake to do, determine before Heaven that the monu- 
ment to the Pilgrim Fathers shall ere long be built, and 
the great end will be accomplished." 

Speech of W. M. Evarts, Esq., President of the 
N. E. Society of New York. 

I have great pleasure, Mr. President, both personally 
and as the representative of the New England Society 
of the City of New York, in acknowledging your cour- 
tesy in inviting their presence here at your solemn fes- 
tivities. I regret extremely that more of the members 
of that Society have not had the opportunity, or their 
circumstances did not permit them to avail themselves 
of your invitation. I have left them behind, but I feel 
warranted, from the respect which they have always 
shown to their ancestors, and the efforts which they have 
made in their annual celebrations to keep alive their 
memory, to preserve in that great centre and pulsing heart 
of the country something ofthe pure current of the Puri- 
tan character, — I say I feel warranted in saying to you. 
in their name, that if the sum of one thousand dollars will 
aid your Society in the erecting of the monument, you 
have it pledged now from the New England Society of 
New York. (Loud applause, followed by three cheers.) 

And although I do this without express consultation, 
when I go back, Mr. President, if they do not like it, 
they may choose another President, and I will pay the 
subscription. (Renewed applause.) 

Our Pilgrim ancestors, Mr. President, were not very 
good geographers; if they had been, they would prob- 
ably not have landed here. (Laughter.) They had an 
undefined notion about the mouth of the Hudson, and 
for a long while held the opinion that New England 
was an island, separated from this continent, as their 
own loved England was from the main of Europe. 
About all that, in 1621 — one year after their landing 
here — they had added to their precise knowledge on 
this subject, was to have ascertained, as one of them 
writes, "that there was this large arm of the sea (Hud- 
son's River) which entered at about the 40th degree of 
latitude, and went out cither into the South Sea, or else 
into the gulf of Canada." And, to show the earnest en- 
terprise of these men, and the unquestioning confidence 
with which they prefigured their future dommation over 
the continent, he writes, in Dec. 1621, about this mys- 
tical river: — 

" The certainty whereof and secrets of which we have 
not yet so found as that, as eye-witnesses, we can 
make narration thereof; but if God give time and means, 
we shall ere long discern both the extent of that river 
and the secrets thereof; and also try what territories, 
habitations, or commodities may be found either in it or 
about it," 

Now, sir, your own knowledge of New York will en- 
able you to see, that when a Griswold and a Grinnell 
lead the merchants^ when a Beecher and a Cheever 
thunder in the pulpit, a Bryant and a Greeley lead the 
free press, and a Morgan wields the sceptre of chief 
magistrate of New York, these descendants of the Pil- 
grims have " found the extent of that river, the secrets 
thereof, and what various territories, habitations or com- 
modities may be found in or about it." This ignorant 
Pilgrim as some men count ignorance, as to geography, 
was not far out of the way. I think the river goes 
in at the fortieth degree of latitude, as he said, but who 
shall say where it goeth out ? Into the Atlantic, into the 
Pacific, into the Arctic and Antarctic Seas, into the In- 
dian Ocean. Wherever water flows about the earththis 
river goeth out, and the secret of it is this — that it is 
the gateway into the continent of America from all the 
oceans in the world." (Applause.) ***** 


Mr. President, very soon after the Puritans planted 
their feet upon this soil, a missionary from the Governor 
of New Amsterdam, at the month of the Hudson, visited 
them, and among the many things which he saw and 
made note of, was an interesting exhibition of the native 
tribes of this region. ***** 

In speaking of the preparation of their youths for the 
hardy labors and trials of their scanty life, he says: — 
" When there is a youth who begins to approach man- 
hood, he is taken by his father, uncle or nearest friend, 
and is conducted blindfolded into the wilderness, in order 
that he may not know the way, and is there left by night 
or otherwise, with a bow and arrows, and a hatchet and 
a knife. He must support himself there a whole winter, 
with what the scanty earth furnishes at this season, and 
by hunting. Towards spring they come again and 
fetch him out of it." 

Now, sir, who led the Pilgrims " blindfolded into the 
wilderness but their Father and their nearest friend?" 
Who left them in tMe night-time here, and withdrew not 
only the sunshine of his favor, but the paler moon and 
the cheering stars? Who bade them, through the long 
winter, gain their sterling virtue by such scanty fooa 
as the earth produced and by hunting? and who, when 
the long winter had passed, — who but He to whom a 
thousand years are but as one day, He who is King of 
nations no less than the God of the Pilgrim and the saint, 
— who when the spring approached came and brought 
this band of exiles out of the long winter of oppression. 
and brought them up again into the light of the world 
to stand among the nations of the earth, but this same, 
"their Father and their nearest friend r " Who bade 
them settle here, whence there might be thrown out over 
the whole country in the form of emigration a distribu- 
tion of their power, of their virtue, of their courage ? 
Who led them away from what they would have chosen 
— the fairer scenes of a more southern clime? This is 
the method by which our ancestor, " Father and nearest 
friend," prepared those virtues which have given us this 
vast country and peopled it with this uncounted popula- 
tion. (Applause.) 

But, Mr. President, let us as the children of those 
fathers feel and know that the true heritage which they 
have transmitted to us, and which we are solemnly bound 
to transmit to our descendants unimpaired, is not mate- 
rial aggrandizement. 

Their fame is founded upon the real greatness of their 
souls and is imperishable ; no praise can brighten it and 
no censure dim ; and we must perpetuate their domin- 
ion and amplify their inheritance Dy the same means, 
upon the same principles. And now that we have brought 
here on this altar or our filial devotion this our monu- 
mental gift, let us remember the solemn admonition to 
him who brought gifts to the altar of Hebrew devotion : 
"If thou bring thy gift to the altar and remember that 
thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift 
upon the altar and go to thy brother." If we, the de- 
scendants of the Pilgrims, have been wanting in their 
stern energy, in their unflinching intrepidity against 
power, against wrong ; if we have been proud and cruel ; 
if against later exiles we have had inhospitable hearts; 
jf against the poor and oppressed of our country we 
have closed our affections, these our brethren have much 
against us, and, as we lay this monumental gift on the 
altar of patriotism, let us go to our brother, poor, op- 
pressed, despised, wherever and whoever he may be, 
and learn that there is no consecration here for this 
monument, unless the spirit of the Pilgrims is revived, 
their energies renewed, and we fight in our day until we 
conquer, as they fought and conquered in life. (Loud 

Let us remember that equality of right was nothing 
without community of sympathy, and that equality of 
right and community of sympathy were nothing with- 
out reciprocity of duty, and let me give you, sir, these 
three great principles upon which the Pilgrim common- 
wealth was reared, and upon which our wider republic 
must stand or fall. Let me give you^— 

" Equality of Eight, Community of interest, Reciprocity 
of Duty — the triple arch upon which must rest the 
greatest monument to the fame of the Pilgrim exiles, — 
the welfare and permanence of this great Republic." 
(Loud cheering.) 

Speech of Hon. S. P. Chase. 

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen of Massachu- 
setts: When I came here to-day, it was with no other 
purpose than to manifest my dflBOsition to co-operate 
with you in rearing a monument to the memory of our 
Pilgrim fathers, i came with no prepared speech, with 
no set phrase, but with a heart brimftdl of love to New 
England and her institutions; — not to New England 
alone, but for New England as a part of our common 
country, embalmed in all our hearts. (Applause.) I, 
Sir, desired to take my humble part in testifying throu * 
this enterprise in which you are engaged to-day to the 
worth of those who have gone before us. I feel, as you 
Massachusetts men can hardly feel, the worth of their 
great example, for I came from a State which was peo- 
pled by the descendants of the Pilgrims, — the corner- 
stones of whose prosperity were laid by men who were 
nurtured in New England, and who partook largely of 
the spirit of New England. 

You have laid here to-day the corner-stone of a mon- 
ument which is to commemorate the landing of the Pil- 
grims and the institutions of which they laid the founda- 
tions; but while the May Flower came from the Old 
World, freighted with empire, with institutions, with 
laws, with order, and last and best with Freedom— 
(applause), there was in 1788 to be seen wending its way 
from among the hills of Berkshire towards the setting 
sun a train of rude wagons, in which, as in the May 
Flower of 1620, were garnered the destinies of the 
mighty West. It was a son of Massachusetts, a patriot 
of the Revolution, a soldier enjoying the confidence of 
Washington, who gathered about him a few Massachu- 
setts and Connecticut men t and emigrated in 1788 to the 
shores of the beautiful Ohio, and there laid the founda- 
tions of a new Plymouth. At Marietta, on the banks of the 
Ohio, Rufus Putnam and his associates commenced the 
great work of western civilization. • • • • • 

Ohio herself, deriving her institutions from the sa- 
gacity of a New England man, but not from him alone, 
but also from the concurrent wisdom of all the states- 
men of the day. North and South — Ohio, receiving the 
first impress of her civilization from the united wisdom 
of the whole country, stands to-day as a type of the 
Union such as our fathers made it, and such as, I hope in 
God, it may be yet. (Applause.) We are, Mr. President, 
a people gathered from many lands. As yet. our institu- 
tions are the work of all our fathers. We nave no nar- 
row, no sectional, no bigoted spirit. We welcome the 
American from whatever country he may come, and there 
we unite as brother with brother. Virginia has contrib- 
uted her share ; Massachusetts has contributed her share : 
Connecticut has furnished a part of our population, and 
South Carolina has furnished another part. From the 
Green Isle ot the Ocean, from the banks of the Rhine, 
from every quarter of the world, we welcome those whose 
love of liberty and free institutions directed them to our 
shores, and in doing so we build a monument worthy of 
the descendants of the Pilgrims. (Applause.) • • • 

We are indebted, let me say here, to New England, 
not merely for much in the original foundation of our 
institutions, but we are indebted in some part also to 
New England for the care with which these institutions 
have been reared. We are indebted to New England 
for our system of common schools, and for much of our 
religious culture and our literary attainment; and I 
should be unjust to my own feelings, if, seeing here my 
venerable friend, whom I knew in Cincinnati (Dr. 
Beecher), who contributed so much to the foundations of 
the Western world, who, as has been quaintly said, is 
the father of more brains than any other man in America 
(laughter), if I did not take this opportunity to tender to 
him, a son, I believe, of Connecticut, but an honored 
citizen of Massachusetts, my cordial thanks for the part he 
has played in the formation of western morals ana west- 
ern manliness. (Loud applause.) 

We find in Ohio a virtue which has, I believe, a New 
England name, and it goes under the denomination of 
Pluck. (Laughter.) And to that virtue, as well as to 
others, New England teachings have contributed a very 
large share. 

But I must not detain you; I have already said more 
than I intended when I rose. Let me close then by ex- 


ling my great gratification in all that I have seen 
ty. I nave been gratified, and greatly gratified, by 
to© sentiments which your worthy Governor has so elo- 
quently announced. I have been more than gratified by 
teeing a spectacle such as I doubt any spot, other than 
this rock of Plymouth, could exhibit — so many intelli- 
gent men, so many lovely women, gathered together for 
so noble a purpose. And let me say that I trust this 
Uuonment will be built much sooner than the distant 
time to which our excellent friend, the Governor, has 

I want to see it built in much less than a quarter of a 
century, for I do not know that some of us will be here 
aquarter of a century hence to witness its completion. 
We have been in the habit of doing things a great deal 
quicker out in Ohio ; we do not like to put off anything 
tnat is worth doing to so distant a day. While I concur 
in the remark of his Excellency, that it is the duty of 
everybody to give his mite to the monument, perhaps I 
should spell it a little differently — might; give that 
kind of mite to the monument. (Laughter and loud 
applause.) Then the monument will be built. Then 
we may hope within some reasonable time to assemble 
here again, some of us not much older than we are now, 
to rejoice that the work which has been so auspiciously 
begun has been more auspiciously completed. (Ap- 

Why, it is a shame to think of so long a time in con- 
nection with this movement. Did you think, Mr. Gov- 
ernor, when you talked about twenty-five years, that the 
few tnousand men of the first emigratives to New Eng- 
land had already swelled to some seven millions ? Are 
we to put off twenty-five years that which we have got 
seven millions of men and women to do ? Why, I be- 
lieve the ladies might knit stockings enough to build the 
monument in less time than that (laughter); and those 
who cannot knit stockings might knit those more modern 
articles of workmanship of wnich I am very sorry to say 
I do not know the name. (Renewed merriment.) 

But we are going to complete this monument. We in 
Ohio will do a little, you in Massachusetts will do a 
neat deal, and all New England will do something, and 
thus the monument is to be built. 

And then, when that is accomplished, I will tell you 
what I should like to see — the sons and daughters of New 
England joining hands with their brothers of Virginia to 
build another monument at Jamestown, to commemo- 
rate the settlement there, — thus proving to them, if we 
do love liberty and mean to maintain it, yet we are all 
brethren of a common Union, and mean to maintain 
" Liberty and Union " one and inseparable now and for- 
ever. (Prolonged and enthusiastic applause.) 

Speech op Hon. John P. Hale, op New Hampshire. 

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : When I ac- 
cepted an invitation to be present here to-day, I had 
hoped that, among the great lions of Massachusetts and 
other States who would be present, so humble an indi- 
vidual as myself might be overlooked (laughter); and 
I should not venture to trespass upon your patience now 
•were it not for a little incident that occurred in the cars 
as I came down. 

. [After the recital of this incident and other facetious 
remarks, the speaker continued:] But there is one 
thought that I want to throw out, and then I will sit 
down. Why have we met here to-day to build a monu- 
ment to the Pilgrims ? Is not Plymouth itself a monu- 
ment? Is not Massachusetts a monument? Is not all 
New England a great living, breathing, speaking monu- 
ment to the Pilgrims of New England ? Is not every 
temple of religious worship, every school-house, every 
academy, every college — are they not all monuments 
to the memory of the New England Pilgrims ? Then, 
sir, why the necessity of coming here to-day and lay- 
ing the corner-stone of another monument? I do not 
know what is in the hearts of the rest of you, but I 
will tell you what is in my own. I want the monument, 
notwithstanding; and if we had more such living 
monuments, I should say of this monumental stone, let 
it rise ! And why ? I want it raised as a monument to 
the memory of the past, a monument to the present, and 
an eternal provocative to the future. (Loud applause.) 

I know there are some men who think that this agitation, 
which was introduced by the great principles of the 
Pilgrim Fathers of New England!, has gone far enough. 
There are some timid conservative friends, worried to 
death by the agitation which has been kept up by the 
proclamation of those eternal principles which that mon- 
ument is built to commemorate. (Applause.) But, sir, 
I am not of the number. (Great cheering.) I want the 
war to go on. I know, sir, we have fought thejaemy 
at Montebello, and Magenta, and Solferino, and Kb not 
want to make a cowardly truce or a dastardly peace, 
but to carry the war on until the Austrians are driven 
out of Italy. (Rapturous applause.) That is what the 
monument will mean to me, every time I look at it. 
(Cheers.) And, sir, I want it to stand there as a great 
eye-salve, to cure the distorted vision of those politicians 
who are constantly seeing danger in the future from the 
progress, promulgation and prosecution of the great 
trutns which were foreshadowed by the Pilgrims, and 
which are commemorated by the monument which we 
are about to build. (Applause.) 

This is the meaning which the monument has to my 
mind ; and if it has not that meaning, I say let it re- 
main incomplete ; and if we have come to a nalt in the 
prosecution of the sentiments and principles which our 
Pilgrim Fathers promulgated and inaugurated, I say let 
it stand there, just exactly as we have left it, until there 
shall come upon the stage of action a generation that 
shall appreciate the past, understand the present, and 
have faith in the future. (Loud cheers.) When that 
time comes, the monument will go up, and you cannot 
help it. It will want no ** mites " little or great; but by 
the inherent force which is in every man's bosom who 
inherits those principles, that monument will go up. I 
think, sir, we have done a good thing in laying the cor- 
ner-stone of that monument, because in future years it 
will serve as a thermometer to indicate just how high 
the public sentiment stands in respect to progress. 

Now, sir, I do not believe that we have done with 
those great truths which the Pilgrims proclaimed. I 
do not believe that the revolution which here commenced 
when our fathers stepped on Plymouth Rock, and Faith 
and Hope and Propnecy shook hands together, and his- 
tory commenced — I do not believe that revolution is 
finished. No, sir; it is only the beginning that is fin- 
ished; and I hope, as has been suggested, there will be 
another monument erected. We have one monument 
on Bunker Hill — a monument to tMlh kind of courage 
which manifested itself on the field of battle, erected by 
the gratitude of one generation to the patriotism of an- 
other. That is well. We, sir, to-day have laid the cor- 
ner-stone of another monument, — a monument to that 
spirit of religious liberty which made its way through 
fields of blood, and to that spirit of liberty without which 
that other revolution commemorated by the monument 
on Bunker Hill would never have occurred. (Applause.) 
That is the monument that we lay to-day; and, sir, 
I hope that, if we do not, our posterity will engage in 
laying the corner-stone or another monument, and that 
monument shall bo one to commemorate the full fruition 
of all the Pilgrims prayed for, and patriots fought for, 
and that it shall be in the possession of ourselves or our 
children. (Applause.) I hope, sir, that that monument 
will one day De erected, and that it may be like the 
mark which was made upon the posts by the ancient 
children of God, that when our children and our chil- 
dren's children look upon them, they may be told that 
this is to commemorate the beginning, that one stage in 
the progress, and that the last and final one commemo- 
rates the consummation of that which was prayed and 
fought for so long, (Applause.) 

Mr. President, I thank you for the kindness and candor 
with which you have listened to me. I rejoice in the 
common history, the common principles, and the com- 
mon destiny of New England. I rejoice to-day that this 
monument is to be built; I rejoice that it has been in 
your hearts to build it; and 1 pray Almighty God that 
it may be in the hearts of all of us not only to build this 
monument, but to preserve a nobler and a higher monu- 
ment to the memory of New England, and that is, the 
vindication of New England principles, in whatever thea- 
tre, on every proper occasion. (Prolonged cheering.) 


The corner-stone of the National Monument to the 
Forefathers having been laid, it seems not inappro- 
priate in tliis place to give a brief history of the origin of 
the Pilgrim Society, and of the events connected with the 
moiu&nt up to the present time. 

Thenrst celebration of the landing of the forefathers was 
on Friday, December 22, 1769, by the Old Colony Club, 
an organization founded chiefly upon social considerations, 
— at which the entertainments, after the procession of the 
club to their hall, were a dinner, consisting of various Old 
Colony edibles, cooked in "the plainest manner,"-— a 
song by the pupils of the grammar school, and various 
toasts and afldresscs at the table. In the following year 
(1770) the first stated oration upon the Pilgrim Fathers 
was delivered by Edward "Winslow, Jr. Esq. These cele- 
brations were continued regularly until, and including, the 
year 1780, when they were suspended until the year 1794, 
upon which occasion the address was delivered by Rev. 
Chandler Robbins, D.D. 

The present Pilgrim Society was organized in 1820, two 
hundred years after the landing, by citizens of Plymouth, 
and other places in New England, to commemorate the 
landing of the forefathers, and to perpetuate by enduring 
monuments their memory and sufferings. The first presi- 
dent was Hon. Joshua Thomas. Although the erecting of 
an enduring monument was one of the chief objects of the 
society at its formation, no steps were taken to that end 
for a number of years. Bunker Hill Monument was just 
about to be commenced, and such was the state of the 
country, then far from its present advancement, that the 
works of collecting funds and construction proceeded but 
slowly, and the apparent indifference with which it was 
regarded by the people of the country, cast a shade of 
doubt upon all enterprises of a similar nature. The 
society however wisely kept in mind its original purpose, 
and a knowledge of the pilgrims and regard for their 
memory were diffused and stimulated by the annual 
addresses made at its celebrations by the most distin- 
guished* scholars, orators, and statesmen of the country. 
The first oration, delivered in December of this year (1820) 
by the Hon. Daniel Webster, has taken its place among 
the fixed stars of classical oratory, and would in itself have 
made the Pilgrims immortal. 

Up to the year 1850 the celebration of Forefathers' Day 
had taken place o^the 22d of December, that having been 
incorrectly accounted the date of their landing according 
to the reckoning of the New Style. On the 2/th of May 
in this year, a committee, consisting of James Savage, 
Charles H. Warren, Nathaniel B. Shurtletf, Abraham 
Jackson, and Timothy Gordon, presented a report recom- 
mending that the celebration be held on the 21st, which 
was unanimously adopted by the society, and it has since 
been observed upon that day when practicable. 

At a meeting of the society, held March 10th, 1853, ex- 
pressly called for the purpose, the trustees were authorized 
and requested to make suitable arrangements for the first 
celebration on the 1st of August of that year, of the anni- 
versary of the departure from Delfthaven, it being the two 
hundred and thirty-third year since the occurrence. No 
surer indication of the veneration with which the memory 
of the Pilgrims has come to be cherished throughout the 
land of their adoption could possibly be obtained, than 
the universal interest felt throughout the country in this 
celebration, — and it was considered, therefore, as the 
proper occasion for testing the public opinion upon the 
" long-cherished purpose of the society to erect an appro- 
priate monument to their memory, and in honor of those 
great principles of civil and religious liberty which they 
first successfully established," — and the response which 
was given to the proposition at that time, induced the 
board of trustees, at the suggestion of the president, Rich- 
ard Warren, Esq., of New York, to take measures imme- 
diately afterwards to procure a suitable design for the 
proposed structure. 

It was not until May, 1855, that, after many designs had 
been presented and rejected, the present one "was accepted 
upon the most careful consideration. It was first presented 
to a committee appointed by the trustees expressly for the 
purpose of examining the design, and the proposals for car- 
rying it into execution, and with directions to report 

whether it was advisable for the society to accept it, it 
being understood that its expense was much greater than 
the society originally deemed sufficient to erect the pro- 
posed monument. The whole matter having been con- 
sidered by the committee, — the colossal size of the monu- 
ment, its unavoidable expense, — the necessary removal 
of the site from the immediate vicinity of the Rock to a 
location giving more height of position and greater space 
around it, — the time which would be consumed in collect- 
ing the funds and in erecting the monument, having been 
all presented, — it was unanimously reported that the 
committee deem it advisable that the board of trustees 
should accept the design, and recommend them to do so. 
Upon this report the design was formally accepted by the 
board of trustees, and their action was subsequently I 
approved by the society. 

A few remarks upon the nature, extent, and cost of the 
work, will complete all that is necessary to be said in the 
present place. The Pilgrim Society, in determining to erect 
a monument to the Forefathers, intended to make a struc- 
ture which should bear upon its face the avowed intention 
of its founders, and transmit to future generations not 
merely the facts that the Pilgrims landed upon the Rock of 
Plymouth, and there commenced the founding of this na- 
tion, which might well be left to the records of history,— 
but the regard in which their memory and sufferings were 
held by their descendants and heirs of the nineteenth cen- 
tury, who look back to them from an eminence of national 
prosperity, which shows a vast empire extending across a 
continent from ocean to ocean, filled with great cities, and 
decked from border to border — and from shore to shore— 
with splendid dwellings, magnificent churches, colleges, 
schools, and asylums for the unfortunate ; noisy with 
ceaseless industry, rich with the sources of inexhaustible 
wealth, and presenting to the imagination, — even to the 
inevitable conclusion of thought, — a Future, to which the 
wealth and prosperity and power and resources of the Pre- 
sent are as trivial as the possessions of that strong-souled 
band of adventurous emigrants compared with our own. 

It was naturally concluded that the memorial of such 8 
nation to its founders should bear some .proportion to its 
means, and to the grandeur of the event which was to be 
commemorated. It was thought that the expenditure of a 
sum representing one cent for each inhabitant might not 
be regarded as an extent of National Self Sacrifice, — if 
that be the term, — too enormous to be borne, nor the 
amount itself altogether too magnificent to be expended; 
and, in view of the fact that the monument is to stand for 
centuries, ten years (the term of one-fourth of the exist- 
ence of one generation,) was not accounted too long a 
period to be occupied with the work. It should be borne 
in mind that, travel with what success we may the career 
of national glory and progress, the landing upon these 
shores of that hundred of self-exiled lovers or freedom will 
still be the starting point of our history, — and that, grand 
as may be the events with which it is crowded, nothing will 
overshadow in pure, grand solemnity of thought and action, 
their determination to leave forever the scenes of civilized 
life, to battle, perhaps, with famine, and disease. — certainly 
with unused-to labor, to settle in a savage wilderness, ana 
all to plant the seeds of a pure faith and of universal reli- 
gious, social, and civil freeaom. History will look in vain 
for a greater event to chronicle, — art will never again 
for us have the opportunity, or the occasion, to embody 
themes so simply grand, so peculiarly significant. It is 
worthy then of all that art can offer as a testimony. 

Nor will the generations which succeed us think greatly 
of our veneration for our forefathers, if, sounding it as we 
do from the extreme boundaries of the Republic, in our 
speeches and addresses, we stint with paltry pecuniary 
saving the stones which we raise to their memory, — and 
deny to their virtues, their sufferings, — their labors, their 
wise forethought, — the sum which we cheerfully give (and 
should cheerfully give) to rescue the dwelling and tomb of 
Washington from destruction, — or to build (as we should 
build) on spots made famous by the shock of battle, shafts 
which, meeting " the sun in his coming," proclaim that we 
owe our national glory in other directions to the sacrifices 
of those who have passed away ; for never had a people 
more cause to be grateful to the memory of their founders, 
or more imperative occasion to obey with cheerful alac- 
rity, love, and thankfulness, the command— "Honor thy 
fattier and thy mother ! " 


The design for tK National Monument to the Fore- 
fathers, to be erected at Plymouth, consists of an octagon 
pedestal, on -which stands a statue of Faith. From the 
four smaller faces of the pedestal project buttresses, upon 
which are seated figures emblematic of Morality, Educa- 
tion, Law, and Liberty. Below them, in panels, are alto- 
reliefs of " The Departure from Delfthaven, " The Signing 
of the Social Compact in the Cabin of the May Flower, 
" The Landing at Plymouth," and " The First Treaty with 
the Indians." Upon the four large faces of the main 
pedestal are large panels, to contain records of the princi- 
pal events in the nistory of the Pilgrims, with the names 
of those who came over in the May Flower, and below are 
smaller panels for records connected with the society and 
the building of the monument. 

A chamber within the pedestal, 26 feet in diameter, and 
well lighted, is to be a depository for all documents, &c, 
relating to the pilgrims and the society, including an accu- 
rate record of tne receipts and expenditures for the monu- 
ment, and a list of the names of subscribers of #1 and 
over, arranged by states, counties, and towns, and alpha- 
betically, so as to be easily referred to. In tnis chamber 
will be a stairway leading to the platform upon which 
stands the figure of Faith, from which may be seen all the 
places of interest connected with the history of the fore- 
lathers. The whole monument will be about 150 feet high, 
and 80 feet at the base. The Statue of Faith rests her 
foot upon the Forefather's Bock; in her left hand she 
holds an open Bible ; with the right uplifted she points to 

heaven. Looking downward, as to those she is addressing, 
she seems to call them to trust in a higher power. The 
sitting figures are emblematic of the principles upon which 
the Pilgrims proposed to found their Commonwealth. The 
first of these is Morality. She holds the Decalogue in her 
left, and the Scroll of Revelation in her right hand. Her 
look is upward, towards the impersonation of the Spirit of 
Religion above. In a niche, on one side of her throne, is 
a Prophet, and in the other, one of the Evangelists. The 
second of these figures is Law. On one side of his seat is 
Justice; on the other, Mercy. The third is Education. 
In the niche on one side of her seat, is Wisdom, ripe with 
years; on the other, Youth, led by Experience. The 
fourth figure is Freedom. On one side, Peace rests under 
his protection ; on the other, Tyranny is overthrown by his 

The Statue of Faith will be 70 feet' high, and the sitting 
figures 38 feet high, — thus making it in magnitude the 
greatest work of the kind in the world ; while as a work 
of art, it will afford pleasure to every American citizen. 

The Pilgrim Society decided, in 1850, to erect a monu- 
ment, after which" and previous to the final acceptance of this 
design, the trustees had taken measures to secure a subscrip- 
tion, — and something more than twenty thousand dollars 
were subscribed ; a considerable portion of which has been 
collected, and appropriated to the purchase of the estates in 
the immediate vicinity of the Rock, and upon Cole's Hill, — 
which it is proposed to clear up, grade, and finish in an 
appropriate manner. And over the Rock itself, to mark 
the spot of landing, and stand as a permanent record and 
guard, is to be placed a Canopy or granite, under which 
the Rock, which has for about a century been hidden be- 
neath the roadway of a wharf, will be visible to all fu- 
ture pilgrims, and beyond the reach of those who would 
injure it with sacrilegious hands. 

The Monument enterprise is conducted in the most 
economical manner. Collecting agents are paid, in all 
cases, by commission; if, therefore, they make no col- 
lections," they receive no compensation; and all receipts 
have been employed in the purchase of estates and lands 
in Plymouth, in preparing models and materials neces- 
sary to the prosecution of the work, and in advancing it 
to its present stage. 

Persons desiring to do so, can have access at the office 
to the books in which is kept an accurate account of all 
receipts and expenditures of every kind connected with 
the work. It may however be stated in general, in this 
connection, that the whole amount subscribed is a little 
over $50,000, of which the sum of about $18,000 remains 

In regaid to the expense, to which some have objected, 
it may be proper to remark that it includes what is 
given back to subscribers in the form of engravings and 
statuettes. If the subscriber chooses not to take any 
thing in return, then he gives directly, and so much the 
more as the articles cost. Let every one do something, 
whatever he can afford ; every little helps. 

Statues, monuments, memorial structures, etc., to the 
amount or about $1,800,000, are already in existence, or 
in progress, in honor of Washington, a single individual; 
but not the first monumental structure has yet been 
erected to the memory and in honor of the Pilgrims, — 
the Founders of our civil and religious liberty. 

In view of what has already been accomplished, the 
completion of the work can be regarded as only a ques- 
tion of time ; for there cannot be a doubt in the minds of 
any who know this people and measure to the depths 
the extent of their loyalty to the principles of the Pil- 
grim Fathers, shown to its full strength only in times of 
great trial, that this work, 60 auspiciously commenced, 
will be carried onward with energy to a successful ter- 

It will not be improper to add in this connection that 
hesitation in regard to their subscriptions on the part of 
its friends, and delay in their payment, necessarily pro- 
long the time and increase the expense. 

" A people capable of greatness will not forget the 
virtues of their fathers; reverently will they cherish 
them, and gratefully present them m all their lustre for 
the respect and imitation of after ages." 

Hon. John T. Hr«lbxk 




The structure now erecting over the Rock upon which 
the Forefathers landed, is an architectural canopy of granite, 
of which the annexed engraving represents one of the four 
faces. It may be described as consisting of four angle 

cative of the pilgrim character of the enterprise of the 
Fathers. The canopy measures about fifteen feet square 
at its extreme points, and is about thirty feet high. The 
corner-stone was laid on the 2d of August, 1859, at the 
same time as the corner-stone of the National Monument ; 
and the work is now set in granite as high as the top of 
the columns. 

. A view of the National Monument to the Forefathers, 
together with a full description of it, is given on the 
preceding page ; a miniature view of it may be seen on 
the cover of this book ; steel-plate engravings of it are 
being extensively circulated; it is therefore deemed un- 
necessary to do more in this place than to give the ground 
plan, showing also the commencement of the stairway by 
which the ascent is to be made within the superstructure. 

piers, decorated with three-quarter reeded columns of the 
Tuscan order, standing on pedestals, and supporting a 
composed entablature above which is an attic. Between 
the piers on each face is an open arch, so that the Rock is 


visible from all sides. In each face of the attic is to be a 
tablet for inscriptions. Above the rock, the canopy is 
finished on the inside with a domed ceiling, also of granite. 
The structure is surmounted with the scallop shell indi- 

The foundation, laid in the most substantial manner in 
cement, and forming one mass of solid masonry, contains 
about one thousand Jive hundred tons of Quincy granite. 

The site selected for this monument, as the only suita- 
ble one not already preoccupied, is on one of the highest 
elevations in the village of PlymouM, and is approved by 
all unprejudiced and disinterested persons. It is directly 
west of the anchorage of the " J%y-Flower," and com- 
mands a fine view of the harbor and village of Plymouth, 
and all the places of interest connected with the early 
history of the Pilgrims. Rev. E. N. Kirk, D. D., thus 
speaks of it : — 

"I approve the site selected for the principal monu- 
ment. The Rock itself is, in rigid historical accuracy, 
the site for a monument commemorating the landing of 
the exiles. But while it is on too low a level for the best 
artistic and moral effect, — too much surrounded with 
the more rude and ordinary scenes of life,— there are 
other considerations which justify the selection of a more 
prominent and conspicuous position. The very object of 
the monument is ideal and commemorative. It is de- 
signed to carry the mind to the past, not specifically to 
the spot where their little skiff first touched the main 
land. 4 *Tis all hallowed ground;." and of the whole 
sacred scene of primitive Pilgrim life, we should select 
the most favorable for general effect. But the Rock, or 
even Cole's Hill, occupies too low a level as well as too 
contracted a space for this purpose. This monument 
must be the commanding object to the traveller as he 
approaches the hallowed scene of the Pilgrims' sufferings, 
toils, and prayers, — the cradle of an Empire." 





BCA1E-U0 Eodi to an IndL 

References to Public Buildings ( &o. 

References to Streets, &c. 

A — Fort fa I burs' Rock, and 
Canopy, at the head of 
l'Lhjnnin Society > Wharf. 

B— Colfl i Hill, first BtirlQ'd 
of the Pilgrims. 

C — TJl^rlm HalL 

D — Coart Homo. 

-.:- I mfci. 

F — First Churcn of Plym'th, 
and the Fire I Coiigrejni- 
tlon'l Ch"ch in America. 

Ci— CTsuixhof tlipPUgrlmjigo. 

II — 1'antlflt Chtircu. 

I —High School. 

K —Town Uonte. 

1^— UnivtTMiliitChtirclL 

M — Me thod 1st Chtiren. 

N— Eplac&ital Church. 

u — Alms 1Ih]5«, 

F — Cemetery. 

Q— Mil nJipck's Fond. 

It— Drew Iiace- 

S — S;utiu(H'C I louse. 

T— Railroad Station, 

IT — tirauunnr School. 

Y— Tlaec where the First 
Uou&e was hulit by the 
Pilgrims t called Coca* 
mon House, twenty feet 

W— Pilgrim Spring, 

X — Jtcservolr* 

V — Training G ran. 

Z — Hailing MIJi and 3ff»fl F*e. 

A — line Factory. 

h Z^dOU Stlr.-C.-L, 

2. Haln Street. 

5. Court Street 
4. Market Street 
£■, Summer Street. 

6. Middle Street. 

7. Water Street 
ft North Street. 
9. School Street. 

10. Bnmoeet Street* 

11. Cushui&ii Street. 

12. Sandwich Street* 

13. Howland Street, 

1 i. Town Sij , .i„ri: v . ■ 

15, Court Square. 

16. North Green Street. 
17 r I.othrop Street 

18. WWard nice. 

l!>, South Green Street. 

30. Commercial Street. 

31. RuetelL Street. 
V2. Union Street, 
23. Fremont Street. 
2*. Mavflower Street- 
25. ricasant Street. 
2Q. Eoblneon Street. 
27. Prospect Street. 
£8. Vernon Street. 
29. High Street* 

#>. Edes Street, 

31, Rarllutt Street. 

32, SeG^tmore Street. 

33, Msssasolt Street, 
84, Jefferson Street. 
3S. Frank Lin Street. 
3*. Washington Street. 



A statement of the origin and purposes of the Filgrim. Society is given on page (34) of this publication, 
to whlcli the reader is referred to Mve repetition. 

The following lint cootauja, it fa) believed, the name* of alt memberi of the Society from its origin, including ttoow 
of *uch as have become no by the payment of Five Dollars and over to the Monument Fund, Should any omissions or 
other errors be discovered, it is earnestly hoped they will be reported at the office for correction. 

Many sabscrlpllona were made In Boston by residents of other places, hence the name of the subscriber will be 
found in the Boatou ]Ut and not in that of the town where he may now reside. The same may be true of the 
Plymouth and other lists. The aim here is not so much to give the residence of the snbwribL-r as the fact of his 
membership iotlm Pilgrim Society, and his co-operation in the enterprise of erecting a structure in commemoration 
of the Liuirliii£ (if thi j i'ijjrnnus uml h] homir nf the principles set forth in their SoCLAL COMPANY. 

It is desirable that each town should be represented by its subscriptions ; but, for the reason above named, that I? 
not don? in the present list, and, also, because hi many to wan the Individual subscriptions are all under live dollars,— 
the amount constituting membership in the Pilgrim Society. 



A3 so jr. 
Brflira, W. W. 
Palmer, Imae 
Steward, Marccllut 

OnuA, Mm, L. 

Junes, kbhlM. 
KitlHnime, Wm. 
Little, Edward T. 
offers, SikrtEH 
PenttnfllU, Jeson 
Fictard, Smouel 
Fu letter, Jos-lab D. 
Record, CilTia 

Fuller. Eben 
Ball. Albert Q. 
Lamcmrd. Mn. Allen 

:•■!■ n .1. ] ■ ■ M, 

Smith, Noah 

WhllehoilS* T JruHl E. 

Williams, Wra, Ruel 

Aldeii. BE Ion 
Applrton h J oli n 
Bradbury. B. F. 
Bradford, Fruo, E. 
Bnid titnl, Li-tnu-cL 
Bnwn, Wnl[«\ JJutH 
Clnrk, Isaac II. 
Coe. Tlirtma* U. 
C ratty, Hi*. EL L + 
Crnaby r Tjinolliy 
Crahy, Wm, Cllim 
IJavli, ttohrrt 
JJenntrt, Vim, S. 
£vnnfl. I'liELiLuder 
Fuller, Duvid 
Garbing Fnmcia 
Gallupc. William 

l I-t I -. .| | I . (..-n-i-n 

Hatninutt, Witlium 
Hay wurd, ClLarh-a 
Hnmpliruy, fl, F, 
Jeff. nlft. <W P. 
Kimball, D. 
t.Qu^itirn, SurnihL'r 

i.i :-i. I. J-,. J i llll I], 
MuOillia. Wm. [L 
Muzzy. Franklin 
Naih, Lemuel 
Nayes, Albert 
Fnrw>n# T W. IL 
Feit/er^oii, Ellis 
[f !■■■. ,P..iin II, 

rtni b 1 1 (mi n . -1 . F. 
Blifpunk Geomo 
Sntll, Charles 
Stet*on. Gtemu 
Stetson, Isaiah 
Strickland. S. P, 
Thurston, S. I). 
TitComh, Alt*2rt 
Tnwnaend, EftpT Fi. 
Trickey, Thorna* 
Warren. Ambrose 
Week*, ,Tu*on 
Wellington, George 
White, JJniiJet 

White, J, C> 
Williamson. Wm. D + 
Wiri^i, A. A. 
Winiiftte. W,n. P. 
WuhjU. Henry A. 
v. j i ■ .-., ■■ . 


An demon, Samuel 

tteWfy, b. C. 

Bui ley, S. I>. 

Carr, Allred 

Cla]tp, Charles Jr. 

Clark. Freeimtd. 

Doiieuu. G. W. 

Ellimt, J<dm 9. 

Fuller, AlidrrW J, 

Giliiiore, A. i\. 

ileWry* Andre* C, 

- 1 : " ' j i ■ " J ■ i ■ . J, 0. 

Often, U, W, 

Flirt ritr«e h Franklin 

Fallen, J. nne» F* 

Fatten, John 

l'ayne,. Wm. E, 

Falter, Albion J* 

Fu'nim, Jflnwl 

i: ■ -i ": Ktt. E, A, 
, It lilneini, Ali.-iftitder 
! KcillilmlTl. H. 1. 

Ro!i3nflun t Thou. D. 
i R>PSfiTri b "iViii. M. 
i ItnUB^H Mni. J. 

StiTiaLjn b Uiivid T. 

Tim in pion h A- T. 

Whhr t Cnjociicif 

J: 1. 1 i- iHi, 

At(! ET i, h. a 

An ffier, Oakei 
tjeun. A, D. 

Mii-.i !. .. .P.ihn. r r , 

Ckane. Al.U : n D. 

HiL-ttTHOll. J. G. 
Faunae, Aid 
Flanders. Dnvld 

4 p .■ 1 1 ■ r ■ ■ ■;■ ; ■ -, .I:i::m-J 
llitrmrm, F. 
LLazeLljnu, l J n?-rritt 
Jfa^clUm', F H R. 
SLbltfv, Ri'nbcn 
Mevprvey, J. B T 
Monroe. IV, F, 
PfKir T Wilikni O. 
Byan. Genrflc F+ 
tSevi'iniice, J. H, 
SteTKis, XVI llim 
WAHhbmn, Wm, F. 
WMt<\ Jflmei 
Woo-lif, OIik B. 
W- ■: iL: . J, Chan. II. 

J::.!:ii t il. 
!i ri L-i--, W . C. 

I'l'i i ii ■ I. "'■!.. I.. R, 

Snow, Mrs. G«n. U + 


Bnothhy, a. A. * 

ThumpinH, Wm. II. 


Citk'Nni. Akner 
Cu^hiiie, Ik'nfJ J. 
Ja^kias, AUai M. E. 


BulterSeM. fiotwrt 
Ct*ne t Clms, Chouncy 

U.^iir^'!-. Chariest 
C liara berliin , J. L f 
llfuVvr. William 
nn mar, Rickanl T, 
UiliTiun T Chat, J d 
VHn'kard, a ijiiu-iij 8* 
UpfmiTt, Thca, C. 
Whiitle«?y, E. 


BamArd, Mn, J. C. 
Bradley. G r L. 
HrevHter, lofltph 
Curtor, J. M. 

1 ''! | ■' ■!■. L 

Eaton, Lnthcjf Tt. 
^poirurd. Franklin 
9 Lover. I. G. 

Mi-nvi. Mi-. S, B. 
Whitv, Nithan 

Ai! huh. Sain'l Q. 
Alden llnmtlo 
Hac^el(]er T C, G. 
Uurpeojr, ChrisTiiinA 

CnnplD T FH V. 
"•hrruina, F. W, 

Bnn?ctt t Juft^fih 

Akhott. G, A- 
AT>hott, Job 
Burletah. G. W* 
Cloneh,G. B, 
Curie r» George 
Eiitua, W. D, 
Eaton, William, 
Haines, G. A. 

Clinee. Jnucph 
Jon neon. Bmijamln 
Muyo, ,F r G. 
Sn*yer H G.W. 
Woodbury, C. H. B. 

Biack, Mri. r. M. 
Cliarnl>erlaln, Jut n» 

Cn>ie. Robert 

l>Arifl t J. yf t 
Ha'c. Fn-ilcri(!k 
llnpkiij^ E. K. 
Hnpkilii h Jas. IL 
iPurdon, J. R. 
Jnn.lau + I,. J), 
O^onurl. Jamcfl T + 
F«cJt r farvm G. 
Bflwynr, N. K. 
TVtiuey, Sewall 
Tlinmua, J, IL 
Tinker, rj,J, 
Wtet, Joka 

Whiting Henry 
WlflWell Arno 
Ymin^ Mr*. Monroa 

KlflVe^JobTi h. 
Eaton T Srephfin W. 
Gage, Geo, M r 
Ho^ts.Llenry AL 
»■:■.■■■. Lfottnni 
I.inseott.HT. R. 
FrcaeoLN Lticien N. 
Seoery, Jaiuto B. 


Ilolmei, Ju. S. 
fiiyo, 1. B. 
Pr»'t]li#p, 11. C. 
R.i|>j:i-c.-ii. 11. A. 

Cl^y, S:irtm-1 J>, 
Ihifn-i^, i'l.iK|.i C- 
Whitmore.C* W. 


Cole, Jon nib in 
Wuhburit, A.B. 

Clark. Samuel 

l.nH-i?ii p >lrn. 1-Cua'hP. 

LittjiEfleiti, a 

LHtledcid, Ivory 
liCTd, Ivory 
IjOid.John A. 
Lorcl h William 

Nmboi] h Williain ft. 
TttOOmll, Mre.Alilpail 
Warren, Alexatlder 

Clienty,0 + R- 
Ferp;iflon. Jnhn t 
FcHccuden, J + F- 
Jones, A. Br 
Joncfl. Mrs, Joanna M, 

LfiWuJl, Jr A, 

Murtiu, Feftrt- 
Nasli. A in mi R. 
Pintr. Jordan K T 
rttan ton, Levi W r 
StariWofld, Wm, F. 
White, J. C. 

Cousine. Srth 
Eva [LB, Juiernk. 
Staptusi, Wilnam M. 

Benson. John 

BurMcrt. William 
Vile*, Rufns 


Fam ^TDrtl i , 1>. 
Hopkinj. ^iurnUCl 
Knuvlrnn, Hiram 
ijindsey, Htij5hen D* 

liobiiina, J + Jr. 

E^liU'ii. »»' H* P* 
Townnend, lienj. E* 

Ckipenter, W. H, 


Farrar, Mm, J.G. 
I1crde 1 E. B. 

Ave rill, William 
Bnller, Elvatou P, 
Co I burn, JcrernSoh 
Liubey, Sumnel 
Lord, Richard 
Waslitiurnj l-racl, Jr, 
"Wc'wlef, FJheui^er 
Wli»n, Nilhaniel 


Jords>n T Gliarlee F. 

Arlarnn. Cliarki II. 
Atwond^ Lovl W, 
Bumum, Isaaa 

ElUlLJi;.^. l.ti^nard 
Bovd, J. P. 
Brown, J. B + 
Bpdvil. W. W. 
Churchill. Fdwin 
Clark, EllfibEUet 
Cede. Joniit'.lnrt 
H ii i.i in i :• j-v. .\nlr.:m r 
Cusnnmn, Rnt'iin. 
Jj^hloiv Thus. Amoiy 
I *■>■'-■-«■- Alftaea 
F"eii&^ii[len T Samuel 
FobeP, Charles: 
Green ouph, Hyron, 
Hall, Joaeph S. 
Uali. Mtaitf. L t 
Ilolmta, CbarleB 
In man. Henry 
Jewett, Jedi'dlaL 
Jjnes t Chdrlrl 
Li tile, Josish 9. 
Murrain O. M, 
Murnll, WilliairtP. 
Xicltnla. Frederic W» 
iticliiiiiiUijii, Israel 

J-L'lh-'i-lrMiri . M. I, 

Ko^era, diaries 
Southard 1 , Win, L. 
Spnrr^w, John 
Hprlnjr, l\ C. 
Thomai!. Elins 
'W1114H1TC, M ts.JuIia C. 
WlnsloW t J.S^ 

Barrett, flphraim 
Berry. Mjji* U. G« 
Case,iTohn s. 
Farwell, ?!* A. 
t\>-'E]Kieii t Nn< M, A. 


l .■-.-■'I ■■! ■>■,. Cr F. 

Frye, Tbornu 
Uoteh T Fi. IT, 
Foncr. John 
Poule. J r Wesley 
Slanlev. Adrian 
TiluomKW, H. 
Wisjin + Goo. 3. 


CaT^i'iitLT, 3am'lD- 
Eainn, llLhSK'a B» 
Talbot. David 

Csrver T liiwc 
Cnver, J^mei N. 
Cnrver. John 
Ct^er. P. P. 
Colcord. Btn>ifgn 
Eaton. Theouhilti 
Goodell, D. 9. 
Uopltia*. Eiialm Jr. 
McGilVery, Mrn.II.lI. 

ll.-Jii.^Mrr Ji .\L 

NiekrrEn>n + F, 8. 
i'- i! >!!■■! --i j, -hiiii^H *i. 
t "■ ■ i ■ ■ J I ■ I ■■■ i : , ■ r ■ : i n H. 
l J on'Hctnn t Cbine*9 
Pn]rter > Robert 
l' :iv. George 
&tmoTiti.m t Fumnm 
TliUrSUiUp St^phtn 

Lyon > R- IL 
N--!-i -, B. W T 
Riii^lL William 
Wilder A. W, 

Tetnplei O. 

Vr".iu.'h, James O, 

Til"V *.=iTO?l. 

Could, A. F. 
Humphrey, llviiry B. 

to pan ah. 
Flyr. wj Ilia in, 

lli , .-.k'. , l| r .'""Mua, 
Ji'liii^'ii, Wsrrtn t 
F4.-rklji9, Nullum, 
PliriiLtoil. W. U. 
Skollleld, Wm. S. 

trrrsB ^tillwiteCp 
Roaeri T Orinvil 


Dunn, R. B. 
M»rae, C. M, 
H ye, Joanna, 


Warreti 1 ; .. -j. is P. 


Eaton » Joseph* 

Bradford, P. C- 
Clark, E, M. 
May, !ieth* 

Rlonchnrd, P, G. 

Ulanchnrd, P. Ji* 
Bnrbauk, Elenzrr 
Cnrtlm Mn-, Jmh. R. 
Hard Ifl a. Robert 

We I <: t . ■ r, BunJ m ■ i i n 



HiTgiinl, Sterling 


Seward, Williiim 


KlrubalL George C. 


Bgyla&ton, Mrs. Mary 

Ci.iiii:i t, Mrs* Rtbreeu. 
NLcJiola* lilt Lucy 11. 


ftrrlxi, Daniel F. 



Hlbbanl, Harry, 


Olitlilfii. John SL 

Ranon, AlOCZO P- 
Uf] loirs. lb ii ry A 

Ji-OWn. \:.llllLL 

Cha*p, Lloiaee 
Cklckeriup, Henry T, 
Ck-menf. Mrs. E,M. 
Clouffh, Goonre, 

Do w nil i p, Le*ij,Jr. 
Fisk, Francis N. 
G rover. Uepjandn. 
1 J -=j : 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 . -.-■■ , Mum fl, 
AlLHtrv, Henry M. 
Robinson, Chas, E. 
Robinnon, 3ynm 
Eforweur, Chia, W, 
Fhalluek. U. a. 
Sleeper, J. [>. 
Smith. L. A. 

f-arnfl, Onidow 
aikt-r, N. B. 
antn, A- C. 
Website A [Lin -AH, 
White, Nathaniel 

Boltwood, Henry L, 
Brickett. Leonard. 
Eaiimau, Henry E- 

P--IH-1. 1 ! . Jamcfl 
Boml. Allitrt 
BlW L ewe|l, John 
BrewiTur, I'li V. 
Dniitmry, Jnhu J T 

I'l'l- -Li. Al-r.i'iii:!! 

Fn*ein:m, irAlmund 
Hidi. Eitrttt 
Hauimi, h.(ivrflrd 
Mi, -■!. I ■■'... II. 

J ■■•" . ."■: i! im.Ii 1 

Me! I*: ii, J nil u L J , 

Mt.rnlv t Si Ins 
Nutier. K. H. 

Pllljl. .-•■ I !■ ,:,,'" 

Paul. Mrs. >n-an M. 
E*erkm<. JtrCmy 
Plunimi.T, Mri. L. R. 
pray, Mrs. Mary C 
Fray. T.J. W. 
p.aevrn, Alpheuc 
Kiim 4 Ricliiin! X. 
Slivaiic, Luther D. 
Wayward. II i.-i i ry 
Sawyor, Tf E, 
tfnme.C. LI. 
Tufts, Am A 1 furl 
Vnrney. Shubicl 
Vidniil, Q«OH* D. 
WnMnm, Willi 
■Wiiii; 1 1 ji fun i . £■ S. 

TV I- . ;i, -f " i ■ ill-- M, 
Wat*nii,John L. 

WfkhrJ s |jh W. 

Wensirortb, Em M. 
Wlu-i-ler, Sjnunjl M. 
WljTplH, Wm. H. 
Wkwiill, Ehmxv F. 
WiKjduum. WJlUam 

Win* low, Joseph 
Colbnth, Mn. L. A. 

L'H: L". Ji'llll C 

Oillin. WmjdbridjtD 
[Joule, GJdeunL.>". 
Barker, £ LLtli-il 

C'-'Htllrlltr. .1 ■ :-li 1 1 I 1 '- 

Klnnear, E. C. 
J^ymaji, J. D. 
\\ i ji.Mii-. Jeremy 

Brawn, David A, 
Brown, Henry Ei. 
Brown, John S. 

Bruwn, Samuel F, 
Ijnjru, Calvin 
Ga^e, Isaac K r 


Allen* John J. Jr, 
CnmmiuRi, SlIju 


Fry t, Daniel F^ 


Xi/tiiiltli, Lxearga W. 


Greeley, Stephen L + 

i.'-W.M FATLLA. 
Pliifi. JiiiiuCtiiin. Jr, 
Ijuili-ip^, J, A, 
i;uvjs p Ow?n W. 
Eibtllinn. K(..yid 
Fnrrnr.W, ll, 
ii 1 1 ■ ■ i . J, c 

RrflWn, ALuiinD 
Hw]t, Mft Emily 

Alkln. Charles A. 
HLii-iilL-ll. Dun If 1. 
PaUymm.J. WUlJl. 

Colony, Hunty 

Hutrli, MHjiji 
lUrrfip Milmi W, 
Puny, Aniofl K, 

irv i.i:i:u.i , 
Toffe, John 
Fim; t N. SL 


Qaile. -Willinni 


Head, Natf 
lle^l.lffia. F, 


]!:n=i-fjin, Alunnn 
Pruacutt, MM. B. Jf + 


Appleton. Mn. K. B. 
(jnEiiiihurun, t^evi 
rnlLiiV, Jo^iah 
Fainkntr. C r H. 
Ll^li-. fl, W. 
lliir*h p ThnntBJjE. 
J otic?, A»Jile> n 
Alurtin. Luton 


PiiRii'l, Ltwla Fd 
.?.!■■■■"-, lira S. Ei 


Ap|il<'l/m, Robert M, 
L'ofc, U, J- 
Crane, Ji»]in T. 

bjr u 'kliL, Muics 

j. l Li .s •■■■•.■■*. 
A i L.-i i : . i . Joaathan. 

lluLcliliit, C.B. 

BH]HlWfl t T/.J. 

Hmjjhulil, HiiLTy, 

Clnrk, TlnlmM M. 
Culver, UNmd 


Ani:il], Jf«te F. 
fljrEhU. Mr», ». IL 
Bouteltf. D r EL 
}l mi Ik- V.J. B. 

Br»vn, w. i J. 

SJiii: i.-i,, D, Ah 
KuxzulU 5Ir«. Bl> A* 

I :MT. J. I ,■■- TV. 

Ddvisp E. LI. 

Eatoa.Fn fl. 

L 1 1 . !-■-.- _ Geo, i >- 
Gilniwrt, Geo, C. 

] luil, King 9. 

ii-.. in. fa, G. a, . , 

llLitrlihuon. C];s-T]ci 
Kunwltun, Joeeph 
Ln4d T Miss Li a hp. 
Lunii.Mra. H. M. 
Martin, Elm). F. w 
MurTiP, Simnel H. 
KoBtiom«Fyi T. b. 
Perry, Jnhn A, 
Fiirter, Ik L. 
Pulney. WiLLiam A* 
Qiilmuy, Gen. H. 
tiheiitrtl, William 
H mi ill, Isaac W- 
%'nnnii[i, J. M. 
Waircjn, C. F. 
TVi'bsicr. Nathaniel 
Wl|p>n, W.tL 
WLuegflr. Mrs. O. M. 

JJnrulh.i ii, Chillies 
Lfuld, 9. A. 

Ll ni mom , M lea E. A* 
RjJSHiler T P. M. 


Andrvwt, J. F. 

li:inhrii/i. Jni». L uhu£ 
Barnes, l-nwrence 
Bcurd, Ali)ln t 
!S.....:^v:l. ■ I - . - 1-: C. 
Cupp, CharleaDL 
Crosby, David 
ULiwty, RumLlE, 
I) -. 1 1 l Lli i ■ , A, H. 
EstOb, l-n-.c 
fiikn David 
Gay, Ziluu 
GlCeWi Alfred 
Gieeni A P. 
Hummoiult E. B. 
Hodmcr, Bi.n>. G. 
Joml'S, iJiinit'i S. 
Kt][iptim h J. C 
Klmtiuil. Upwlb 
Klm^, Aamn 
Kijic/ht, John B, 
LHmi.'ll t Thomas A, 
Mi: Keen, Albert 
Melea]^ C. II, 
Miirrill, HirariL T* 
Munrov, Fiji tiki In 
Murray Orlando D. 
Jfoyeft, Leonard W. 
Ottet*an t J. L>. 
Farkhnr*t. rTonntlniLi 
Pearson, Thus. 1L 
Robcy, L, A. 
Rugem, V. B. 
Sbau'. Thomas S. 

S :l- !■■[-, J' Lv. ::ni A. 
■Mi.:i-1, Ll .r.Hli 
S[>al,linjr. KJward 
HpoIUjtlhi lsoao 
vepler, Clu. D T 
We!lman t Samuel K. 
White, James 
Woodhury h O. A* 
Wrij|ht T Otis 


Qulmby. Eiihu T- 


Frrist. G. W, 
f-mithi Uunry 
Tuylor + Joseph 


rTnnrae, William 
White, KaUion 

Clark, I rn M* 
Cusliirian, II- C 
Kunnels, M T + 
TVili.L.ii, SleiJman 
Wheeler J >, ■ - ■ - - L i\ 

^ET , EEorJlil<^ , . 

Faywn, Mai-y P* 
PuEllsm, Catharine 


Tenney, B- P. J. 

F '■'■.' .-'■:■'' i". ■ 
Adarill, Gcorpu H. 
Austin, DqnlcL 

I .[■■■:■. r. J'' M> 

Clark, Henry M. 

I ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ i : . , ' nn . ■ ■ I . ; . i . 
Kim bait, Dm- ill 

]..: L-l. Mttr lli>! li-ll. 

Nutter, John 
Pitrce H IK H. 
Ilpnintnn, Ctbarlei 


Brown, Thomaa 
Cole, Jacaet Q, 
KJperiy, James U. 

Karri nuton, Jamt?B 
Kimball. NattTlT. 
Njc, Henry 
I Mi hit. James M. 
BaifliTit, M^«r Elim J. 

TViiir.l ,-,\ V., Y. 

WhitPhnuae.N. V. 
Wood man h Mrs, fi + C 

Brenlss, Wrn.P, 
Bmwn, Thnmil 
Convene, J* 

IIah? h F. W. 
Mesprvt!, John 9. 
.Mm: 1-iM. John li. 
['II.M..I .hr. it. 
Rowp.jiOm P. 
TruwlirideE, Oeo. N. 
Uiibam, Joy W t 


Eaton , Mom?p 


George, Daniel 

EfNCOOi + 

Porker, WUllom 

u s-.ii:r,..n.-s 
J onci, Si & 

Sargent, J. Everett 

Whitirtfr, David 
Wundimm, E. G. 


Binpliaul- Mrs. A. C. 
UnuiflirtL. rieo, S. 
Bmdiljrii 1L E. 
Gardner, A, B, 
(.fii--.-. i-R- 
Hull, llilaud 
HomrliluU. Chaa. E. 
ltobiHHM[i. Yi H, 
Root, IUtitv il. 
ThDtelivri Clmsr Jr. 
Will: i.-, Li M. 


Atms, Aaron 

Seidell*. E. D. 

j-.i;ai :-i ..l!OI>', 
Bullsrd, Juel 
Cu'ib, Mi»a Miry E. 
EMwaua. CliLirbs 
Hnlbrooie, Frederick 
Oreiitr, Llimiii 
RnekwtH, W. II, 
Van Don> r Anthony. 
Wallaee, M^iaa Valiua 
TViLJialoij, N, U. 


Bmter. Carlos 
BeneLJiet, Q. G. 
Camp, 1. N. 
Cnrus, M r B. 
Fuller, EVA. 
Gaten. >, 

MiirviiL. Choi, B. 
Vulc*pT. E. 
Wetherbeo, Mriv B.U + 

CAST l- El oK. 

Alder, Emily G. 
ELurns, Cbsa. Clark 
LLttkiJl, Harriet N. 
Buiison, J- 1L 
fihtTJinui, G 3. 
Wiihud, C.JL 

i -IlLs I I'll. 

■Mi n in l: 1. 1/ lit -, FhUIn 
Davenpurt, Jaffon 
Kuisell, WLUaiu P. 

Hi.sri iii.Li-l:. 
Batei. Henry M. 
Brainanl, L 
De vcy. Julius T. 
l'ii:|.,L|.k-i. (■:. 
Fletcher, Rylacd 
Harlow, IE, 
Huvrea, iEenry 
Silver, IsiiFBh 
Stunu, Levi IL 

Tutl, IJL Liiau-iJ 
Wardhanu A. 
WaLtnn, E. P. 
Wiliaril, Charles W. 

'Top pan, C. S 
UphHli, J- U 

«, Benj. F. 

Cook, B. A. 
Moore, J, X. 

> r > -ji-: 1, 11. P. 

RuduLld, Geo. Snow^ 

RchbLnJ, Frederick C, 


Cliate. E. B. 
MatLyeks, Sam'l B. 


Burton, E. B, 
Clark, alyron 

M i in f. A. L- 

Wiegins, Mary A. 

Kimball. Pardon T, 

^Vh^f!, T.:- .11- In 

Beard. Ceo. P. % 

I r;|- .i ■, " - _-■_■-■ 

]£A> [J'JLI-K. 

Conant, I'MwBnl 
Wiuf, Augustus 

Itumetl. Wm. A. 

Cooku, E. FoBtir 
Frerts, Mrs. M, G. 
lLanbips,F. W. 
J l-:ai;, Uuuben B. 


Chase, Leonard 
Kuialit. E. A. 
PurkK, Lri'Jiirick 
ailUPJer^, Cliarlea 

wwfhfaam t Gtorea 
Whituoinu, Mrs.Cflth' 

Wunlson, ifflin 


Camn, Mm. A. R. 
parkins, Aln. R- L» 
ST. alda^s. 

llni :i' I . 1. 

Ll ridden, William 

Uli:u, My ran 
Leonard, J. II- 
Merrili, Gylcj 
6[liitK,Ei A, 
SmillL, J. Grepjory 
Bmith, Mre. John 

^ii«-|es, H. B. 

*Taylor,J. S. D. 

i,i\ JullMilU'ltY. 
Alili'ii, TInrseL' A, 
li •'/.'.A, Luke 
Ci>ok. Albert M. 
Fairbanks, Hutiiee 
Fiirhaliks, T. 
PotcriJ, Lnktf P* 
rtiiijiiiamj, Isalnh J, 

I I .in,.-. :. . -.'. I 

Willanl. A.J. 

i ■ •■'. ■■ -t:NJ>. 
BurcharJ, H. 
Fletcher, Unmec 
Bu««, William U. 

■v -,l l ' m: !'■■;::■. 
Bli ( i ■ li"l Lnr L^- man 
Bradford, JJ. H- 
Hull, Alitred 


CoIcp Theodore 
Barrier, B, L. 
Clark. I>. H, 
JLarkcm, Uiram 
I. ■ i : ■ =--. ■ i - _ 3" # G, 
Bheld<3U.U + F. 
"WnrLlner, Allen. 
Welister. J- H. 

WbJte T LuUier C. 
ChnrehEll, Inline. 
Woodward, tiulumon 


Blake, Bumupl. Jr. 
Blanidiard, Dean 

BLasland. O. 
Church, Joseph 
Cleverly. Joseph 


Dyer, ChrisKiphex 
Dyer. Nnthamel K. 
Faxon, I„ 
HeJly. Oliver O, 
Huhart, Benjamin 
Hubart, Elihu 
BtobMl KuthanleL 
Mm i! I, i"l>u:i:i.s J. 
3.:. ik . JenkiUB 
i.eninirM, spencer, Jr. 
I .i nut , IU ii Ik n 

Mean, L R. 
Nojes, Jacob 
Pnn'erB, Deriuli 
R«d, Albert 
tiliaw, Luttti 
Shaw. Joaiah 

ftftwu, m. a, 

Thompson, Atioch 
Torxey, Zlhah 
Vaughn, Adnninun 
Vaughn, J-.i- |.!j 
Wales, San^uei 
Wales. SR. 
W T ale9,C. 3. 
WuleB, William S. 
Wliitiii.ircli, Joshua 


Hayward, Steven* 


Blacklngtun, Sanfbrd 
It lis j, Henry Clay 
JJruwn, L. L. 
Dawes, U. L. 
EEfLwltB. Elihu S. 
JilI,-, liauleE 
JtiflTnon, ^. 
.MnrLln. William 
Olda. Denj, G. 
I'lunkvi. W, C. 
J J orter, William P. 
Rlelnu-dson, A, W. 
Saniord, Mike 
Havlas, Franklin O, 
Tyh r, Jnhn B. 
Wheeler, D. D. 
Whloide, Emily B. 

Bachelder, D. 
Bayl ey, George P, 
Bn>Tn, C. M. 
Clark. J.N. 
[■|--..n , 
Evabs, John t>. 
Gueklwin,A 0> . 
Cuiinison, Willitm 
Hubkell. William H. 
.Merrill, Thomu "1\ 
Pike, JaulM D. 
Siiijrimt. Fran cli 
Bkorfti M ! '- Pi 
Tbom |»on 4 Leander 
Turner, George 
Webster, J on aihon B. 

Cnokn, Georne 
DiekinsOii, ivdirnrd 
llilli, Henry k\ 
Hilk T^ M- 
HLlliburd.R. B. 

Ivlr'^.-lm ":» 

Palmer: J J. W. 

St II. 1. -. 
Snear, M. N\ 
Slearut, WilLlamA, 
Abbott, Amu* 
.Aikiu, John 
BarrOW P, llL P, 
Bavls. Gtorae L, 
De' Ut volte, tk H- 
Fumiini, Mrs- Susan 
Fbitot, ^umuuL 
Fisher, C. K- 
Frye, Nathan 
k l-il^i -. i i ■ - ■ i l.-« 
I.M7MIL7, |i-i'.*iy 
ij^aciud, Guy ton P. 

T: ' I ■ iT. I !■.' uid 

Taylor, Jnhn L. 

Field, Charlfli 
Gerry, Otorpe 
HaiiLiood, Lyman w + 
l.Vlide, Jjuifa P+ 

i:'.-- j i- i-.<-- ll. 

itlehnrdsnn, X- 
Sawyer, A, Al, 
Siukb.E. M. 
SiiTBEUe, Gecireja 
WilliamB, John H. 


Bailey, E. 
Barrows. H> F. 
Bates, EztkieL 

Bradford, w HCam A. 

Bn^i t Whutou 
Caprnn. Sumner E. 

Carpenter, Samuel 
Chuhin, Harvey 
Coddlnc. Ab)el T Jr, 
Cooper, John 
Duppctt, Harvey M> 
Daggett, Homer M, 
Daxitett, H. N. 
Dau r ?elt. J oil ll 
DuL'tfi-U. J. Maynard 
Dairgett, Luelua 
Furrjs, Wui, F. 

Frt'tT(lllTl. JalUeJi J. 

Freeman 1 Joseph J. 
lluv ward, Charles E, 
I^ach, Henry L. 
Frfietnr, Thomas 
Richard*. II- >L 
Richards, J> (X 
Richardson, H. N. 
Rich uj-rDoft. Stephen 
R jI-il!—!!, WlHord 
Si^el, Charles F T 
Stene, William at. 
Sturdy James H r 
Turner, Mr*. Sarah J. 


FenccLdcD, J. M . 
j; s u> ^f hj-i.t:. 
Buraley, CharEc* H, 
Luralev, Wliilum F. 
Cflttb, Enoch T. 
CohL, Frederick 
Crocker, Lorlfiff 

CruekET, Samuel Si 
Crosby, Gorham 
Crcpilij'i Lewis 
Davis, Abncr 
Ilnn-L.-, J'homu 
^ Holmes H. w, 
V Hrtlmes. Nn than Id 
Holmes, Thomas 
!!■■:- !- 1 ■ -. , !■■:■ -.!■ 
Hinckley, Jnaiiih 
Jenkins, Nnlhan 
MarsO'iu, Gvurge 
Mnnruti, I I'M 
Parker, r>ikvii| 
Parker, £cth 
Pliinncv, S, B + 
phi n nay. Thco, W* 
Scudd^r, Hani if i 
Scndder, Nehon 
Smith, Ebenciur 

ft ask l. 
Kinsman, S. A. 
Would, Hardlnj- F. 

Long I- ;•' , ^ I ■■ I W. 

Alexander* J. L. 

HittinijiT, Jacob 
"VViun, Charles G. 


Barnes, Artemaa 
Hartshorn, Edward 
Hoiihilit'>iL F Wm. A. 
Petcra, Luther 
Sawyer, Amoa 


Forbu &h . Jon athan 
Hovu, 6. Henry 

AdsUw, JfceJ 
Adnnm, Charles T- 
Adams, Edwin 
Adams, George 
Adams, Nathaniel 

A 1 ■ ■ . "■ ■ : :- , ,1 .,; I: 
a I ',! -. I". 

Adams, Seth 
Adams, Vi Lilian! 
Adams, Z. B. 
Albert son, Williffm S 
AMen, El bridge O, 
A Eden, George 
Aid en, George Ai 
AMen T .To>iu Cnrver 
Aldan, William C. 
Alden, William E, 
Allen, U-J+F, 
Allen, Frederick D. 
Allen, F. 
Allen,. Ifctiry 
Allen, Henry C. 

A 1 1 ■ ■ 1 1 , .In []]■■■ 

Alien, Stcph< ji tl. 
Alien, S- if. 

Alien, William E. 
Alley, Charts M. 

Amcv, Ipa»c 
Amory. Jdmea S. 
Amory» Thnma* C + 
AncJeraon. J<ihn J. 
Andrew?, (.'aleb 
AtiilrewH. Ehcn T. 
Andrt'Wfa, Francis M. 
A]L(lre*t t WllLluin T, 
Apl>lclnh T Nathan 
Ap[)ki'U>n, Sunlutl 
Apple tOtl, tfhtiiuid A. 
ArrtuitnjTi^, Saiu'l T* 
Arnnultn Ejnilo 
Ail iin wait, 'J'hamai 
Atkins, laiuah 
Atkin-,J. AL 
Atwnwi. Chartei II* 
Au*Lln, Kkherd 
Austin. Thomoi 
Haeon h [>anial C* 
Bacon. Francl* 
.Itacon, George 
Bac!on t EbccLtEftr 
El !■■ n:, ]!■ ■In-i; 
Bailey h Cah in C, 
EltdJ«VH Duillev IL 
BaWpld^r, U, K. 
Haehi'MET, Juajah Q. 
Bar h Filer. J^re. C* 
Bachrlirr, Tyler 
BflWwiu, Elitur 
Baldwin, Jainti W* 
Baker. Km tL 
Baki'r h Kieliard Jr. 

]!■ II. N iJlllILl 

ll i I, ^ttuhvn 
Bileie[h 1 William A- 
Iliinkii, I>iLvid rt. 

Kiii.ks. WilM.Liu 
1 1.: i.i i- :'r, .?.:!■.. It 
»:li i-,. v.. fil.iK A- 

flavor. E. W, 
Burker, Urnty A. 
Purkvr, 1 1 i r:i ■ j l 
BttDH, t^OJbtg B. 
Uartk-tr, L'. L. 
Eliiilli-ll. Fraiti;iJ 
UarttL't^ Ol*ij- k *j 
LI:ir- -'■. .r .:,:■ 
Ilartlh tL, I'errfval W. 
Ilurtleltt fi(dti?y 
EaFtl(jtt F RidiieT h Jr. 
ttartli^t, WiliiPHi a. 
Barton, William R. 
Bawttt, tin' o rue W. 
Etal. Alexancier 
Bil, Ucoi.F. 
Beul t Jm.eBlI. 
Beat, l h hntt;hcr 
Benl, WilLtur F. 
BMM$hCT| EdwarEl 
Iteirtter. IjVjnati 
Bennett, Oliver 
Berry* l)anlf] C* 
Biek!brd, Vt>n. 
Binfli'W, G^orga Tn 
GiifL-lbW, Jh>1iq 
HiIIlii^<. lIjtti]Hift<t 
lidllnpn. Mm r P. A. 
Billin^i ^a'Tim. L l 
Hi njrEi a en h OfiiEi4.<r A* 
Binin'y, Uenj. S, 
Ii'i-h-.p, JieIih Oh 
IJl-ii'iLi'Ti, Orrtrae W. 
Blnke, Eilwerd 
Bljike h GeflTBfl 
BIhW.J. H.B. 
HI:Lkc. Willimn 
JJ tunc hunt h l.iL'O. [). B. 
\Y<;r.\ ■■ i. ;-l. J. A. 

nkiu-tturj. w. ij. 
niisii, j. w. 

Blothiln Ai 

Board ETinCL, W. T Jh P + 
Boilflf IJcxjr-e W. 
Boon. W, fj H 
nnjt B ford T Charles B + 
Bontfhe. John 
Bowiliroh. Ile^rv I. 
Bowdheh, J, A. W. 

It. iv. 1 1 ■:■■.. .l.i.H.-S 
! J ■ '■ M ■■, S G. 

FluwdkiLT. a. w. 

Buff Pit, AM'r.-.l ^ 
BntfiLL&n, ALntT U. 
BuWiTtt, QfcirjiE P T 
H[t^Wiirlh h Hiram 
Jti»vci-, WL ilium S. 
Iinvct'4. Laa\-. H r 
Bnyilen. WJUrrm C. 
Bo5^. A]i?yiiTLiler 
Bn.mton, Wilhatji IL 
Eril[[hury T W |!m:ji 
Bmdflji if. At.len 
Btudl'mtJ. Ijf Bur'jn 
Urjiir'i-rd. MurliEi Lt 
Hr ■!.■■■ m, 'j'l:--:ii : i. O. 
Uradftird, W. li t 
HtulUhhi, Jopoph P. 

Brudky, ■'- I - 
BrnmEHll, Bortlett M. 
BramhAh, Otli 

Uiarnlifl.ll. Sj.lvamu 

Breed, fltn-acd A* 
Brewer, Clark 
Brewer, OH* 
BrewEFtifr, John 
Brewater, Oliver 
Brtdoe, Atttl E. 
Bri'iui't* iieutftf E, 
Brigham, B. T. 
Brifihuiii, E. p. 
BrL^Euuu, Joseph S. 
Britumur, EEIka l>. 
I-! ii' i ■• : . Ge(tr^43 W. 
BKiniiker, Martin 
Erimrcer, Marti n.Jr- 
Brtnhy, t rancii 
HmBdfwnr. C + lt 
UrocVi, B,*\ 
a Tffl s\w. KthtU W. 
Brookfl. George 
Brook*. t>|Jv« 11. 
Brook fc, Ptttr C. 
II r.»- ks., Piter C, Jr- 

lln-wji, AU£flJltilfl 

Bniwn, Chnrlei 

Br,>wrt T C. W. 

Bn.wTi. 1'rcdodck A+ 

■ nivn. Jainea 

Bryant, David 

Brjant, llL-nry 

Bynni. Walter 

dryer, A. &. 

Buekley, Jbtcph 

Km ■:,-!. :; I, ,P, F. 

Etuvn'ii, Benjamin i -, B. K 

BurpehSH C. H. 


Bums Jamei 

Bilrr, Ctivlei C + 

Burr, It. 

l3.irrLii.iL-, A, A* 

Bnrrii j(\ Charles tl* 

Httrra^e, Hlithnson C* 

BurtuLfle. .Tua^rjli 

Bujest-y. Uenlmrjln 
Bynuit, iLZH-kkl G. 

Cabul, Edward C, 

CnlilleotL. T. F. 
Cilll, Ihnry C. 
Ciilhindcr. (i4.-nr^e 
CiirleEOn, Willimn 
Carle mm Sariintl A. 
Came*, G^'jrtre W + 
Cath:nrr T j. W, 
Carr, '■■' ■■: i.: ■■■■■] 
Cary T Tlio[tiiuiG. 
Curv t Williajn A. 
Carr nth, Ctterlea 
Carrulh. Dankd J. 
CeUb. Charleji C- 
L'luiEtdEcr, Ji>hn Q. 
tlhandhr, S. H- 
Chadwiek. (,r, C. 
Ctta]>in, Cnurlei £l. 
Chaniu, UflviJ 
Chapm an , Dn mmetR 
Chase, Ilt^ekiah &. 
Chme, Lcwton E. 
Cheney, Jonathan II, 
ChetVcr, JamG» 
ChlEd, Aditlmn 
CJdhh Ouctrpu H. 
(.'hhnif SattUJftl 
f.]hotilu, RufuB 
Churchill. WiEliam 
Clarlici. Willimn 

Cla|t|3 r l,.-|.i-|!|.i j 

Clutjp. UrtOd 
(Jlark. B- C. 
Clark, Mi ..!,■ . 
Clark, r [^ M-.j n. 
<:lEirk, Henry G- 
Cturk. Nallmn 
Clark, J^fteiilt & 
Clifford, .Samuel W, 
Cntth, Eli ink 
Cnltur]], Il r It 
Ciitiurn, J. thiii P. 
Cochrane?, William A. 
CoJmnn, sl^-phen 
Col'^vuII, WlliEam 
Colhurn, Cherlei 
L'Ltlbum, Joshua 
C. nil nun. W-IEIiam T 4 
Ci>m- o.t anj h Elishu S, 
<,'nnvi?r-e. .J nines W, 
Conk T BenjaTnin F* 
Cook. Edwarel 
Cook. Jamee M- 
Co'dLrUe, Joseph, Jr. 
Cotthdge, Samuel F. 
Cuttper, Samuel 
I.V;n'.;iud, CFturlea 
Cojivlaud. Eliflha 
C.'ria ftin, lull n Q. 

Crofiker, F. W. 
Colter, B. IE 
Crocker, JJi-th-t 
Cn>cker H MBtthSaB 
CroekiT. W^than 
Crockets, Genr^r W. 
Crofloy, Samin^l T, 
Crowe II, Joseph D 
Crow ell, Nathan 
Cunningham, J. A. 

Currier, Georjte O. 
CurUB, Nalitauiel 
C ejb hi na» Joint! 

i u-Ilitil:, JmI.ii P. 
CL.shif.L/. Tb^mai 
*. u,-h! in-. Ztnas 
Cuttiman, Ath,!rt 
Coehman, F< 1- Mn. 
Cushrnin. H, W, 
J i-il'i-j. Jainea 
J.«!iH-'ii. IM-.tH. 

].'ilM,..-l, SlLlll'L tJr 

iJima, 1. li i her 
Daniel, UtlB 
Davenjtnrr, E.I* 
Da*lB, Allien 
Davhr, Uarnonu 
DaviH, Uitijainin B. 
Davlj, Eh anor 
Daiij, E,W. 
JJavia, Isaac P. 

I i i: - ■-. Jaiues 
I>nTli, Jn>hn 
l>uvLa, lotun W, 
Ilavla. jQihiia 
IlqTla. H r U T 
DeTts, Thomas 
Hay. Albert 
Day» B, 1« 
Deaui, Oeorge W. 
Dearborn. HT A. S. 
Dearhnm + JuEtU M. 
1 1- :ij, T.D. 

I I ■ ■ ' i ■ i' , Dun ie I Jr. 
Dei my, G^nrw F. 
J '■.■!■:. -in. K,W, 
I*e]rt[!i, Aaron 
Dtiter. Henry M. 
Dexter, S, P. 
Dla, Joseph 

hi tnon T Oliver 

[>■■■!.:■. > I'll IL 

Doflpe, "WdlEam 
1 ti ■: r, [ 'nn - ■ - 1 i uj 

Eti'lT. \' ','1 

Dorr h M.-sra 

Dniku, Albert 
Drake, Tltdale 
Draper, Edward L. 
I)uilk>y, Hpatj 
Dunltur, Ehfiii M* 

i ■ i ■■■ n . v ■■•■,- 1 

Dunham, Ciiarle* BL 
Dunham, J, 
Dunning, John F. 
Di,r mt, Hi-nry F. 
Dutton. U. W. 
Dutton. Ormand 
Dw I nn ell, James F. 
I. • :■ H. 'i. Cbaa. J. 1 . 
Eastman. C.J. 
1.: in; 1 1! . J. Fred- 
Eutun, Charlea F. 
Eatnn, WiNlam 
Fthly, Uariu* 
Hiit m iin'lf, Benj. F. 
Esmonds, A. L* 
Eawarrlii, Henry 
Eldrjrl/e. Ohvtr 
IJ ..:, S.,in:d A, 
Flii.^Wimarn BL 
Eills. Avery P. 
Ellin, Jiiua T han 
Fins, NnNnmiel 
Elnit, JuinuB (:. 
EmtrsOn, Creorgfl R, 
Emery, Charles 
Ilvana, FraTikUn 
»einon. Oenrge II, 
Everett, (■: i \--jc mil 
Eren.-U, George 
FaSrbJlikfl, Muse fl 
Fay, B. W. 
Fay, G. P, 
Kay. William F. 
Fflrnir, Al.mzv 
Farrar, A. W. 
Fnion, tii urpJ K- 
Fuxurt, Jmliu 
l'ii\i.ii , Nnrhanle) 
r'tLitin.!:, Albert 
feacing, In nerd n 
fellows, J »hn *C* 
Fennn, Inoap 
Fr-£aenderi 4 Choi + B. 
r-'i*!uT, .Imp i 'i^i 
Fiake, Pliincaa S. 
FHch, Jonan 
PJcTeher, BLehard, Sarah A, , 
Hint. Wnl.lo 
Fotpcr,J(jhil B. 
I ......ii!. P, Kostex 

t orhea. IL B. 
Forri stall. F. 
Fortune, Jamea 
FnadlLTk, Wllliarti 
Foaa, Abrahatti S, 
Foster, An t- >* 
Foater, ChnrlEaO. 
KnitiT, C, H. 
Foster, George 
!■■■■■■ r, J mi- 1 1 . 
Foster, ThoEiiB* I 1 . 
Freelnnd,. Tames It, 
Frteman, F red , W. 
Freeman, Watfon 

Freeman. WHLiam F, 

K- IV. .!.!.. F. W. 

!'-< i.'-!u MdHI, Jr, 
t n rn<t, Oliver 
Frye.dTojcnh F. 
Fuller, Hiram 
Fuller, Sttli W. 
Fuller, ThomatBL 
FurJtdl, John 
GafBeld 4 ThuuiEB 
GullituhP, C. W. 
Gannett, Ezra S, 
Gay, A ,■• ri 
Gay,Fdtcn F + 
Gay, PliiriL'ni E. 
GliiLiB,^. B. 
GUinun, Mliphalct 
Gil lard, Wiillftin 
Gil I tit. 0»4S L. 
Glldden, William T. 
Glm'er, Henry It. 
Girildnrd, FN A* W. 
<m ■■! l.ird.Wlllhm 

(J lrii:li. IMj.ihG. 

Crondwin, Albert 
Cord nn, sol □men J, 
*. ■ '■■ -!l ii.- i L. 

Gove. John 
Gi»wen. Edwin Lk 
Grant, Mrjflca 
Graves, John Loud 
Gray.Athn F + 
Gray, Franeln C. 
Gray, John C- 
Gray, William 
Gretna. Gardiner 
Grer It wood, James _M. 
Gross, J. 

Gilarrk'nler, F^lwME. 
Uuitd, Benjamin 
Guild, Itcnry 
GuiLd, Mrs. Susan 
Hair, \arhan 
1 1. ile, Joseph 
Hall, Andrew T. 
Had, Charles B. 
Hull, Euhnihn A- 
link', Juirub 
Hull, Sunm-i 

El-ill. -I. ■.;!■ !iu!l F, 

Hall, Lewis 
Hall. Martin L* 
Hall, fiamnel 
Hulk-it, H^ujnmln F, 
H-Jlhtr, Gri>ree 
Ha,n, Benjamin F, 
Ham, Lut 1 1 it A. 
1 1 ■ :i I- : ■ . Nathaniel 
HaiEimiitt, Girorgc 
1 1 ■ . 1 1 - ■ = i - . J'- ..I I. .: i.";-.- 1 
Hum i mi ml, Nathaniel 
I In- l.n_ r . Mii>, F, 
TIa nly, William 
Harm mid. DaVld 
Harris 1 fiunt 
Harris. J a tn^a 
Harvey, peter 
Haveui Kn»*tus O, 
Haven, Fmnkhu 
Huyden. Jrihu C- 
HayniaFi, Mrs.. Win. 
Day ward, Charted L. 
Hay ward, George P. 
ILiywiinl. Jdiiiei T. 
Hay ward, Pelham W. 
Head, h rauels C. 
1 !•■ 1. 1 . Gei>rae E. 
Hl-biL Justpb 
] j'-'nl . _l ■■-■ i |ili . -Tr. 

I I . ; . i v . J ' . 
Heard, An.'iMrn' 
lipanl. Jithn T, 

J J :. r it.. F, A, 

Henry, John U;. 
Hvushnw. John 
Ilildrelh. Henry A, 
mil, Albert B. 
Dimikhy. Nathaniel 

II . : . i' i. \ \<f. 
Hnlta<1, Peter, Jr. 

I )••■ .-L 1 1 .. JJnvid M. 
lli'i'L'-e. Charles E. 
Hi lUiididil, CKas, F. 
Holttrook h B. H., Jr. 
Holhmok, Jewa 
HoLdEn, \ t . p, 
Holland. Thomas: B, 
Holmes, C ha ilea 
Itolm^Ji, Chester 1>. 
Ihdmes, Xathnniel 
lohmes. Frank M. 
Holton, Frtderlek 

IL .l(..ll, JC.IF.Lph J_K 

llntnans, John 
Homer. Wiliam F, 
Hnoktr, IL JL 
Unrtcn, William H. 
Iloviii^ CharleaaL 
How, Daan W r 
Howard, Curtis C- 
Howe, Jahtfn C 
Howe, JnEeph A. 
Howca, Oshorb 
Hovl-s. Richard! A. 
Huwland, George 

I Hooper, Robert W. 
llimper, Samuel 
llubhard. John 
Bumpbrey, F. J. 
U n ane well, Geo. W* 
I luiniiwr.ll, H.H. 
Hunn^wril, Jiune* 
Hunnewcll, Jonattian 

I ■ .!.■: , >L -i :■ 

Hnjd, N. R. 
Huston, Hiram 
Hydu, Etra 
Hyde, Ueurge B. 
Inchea, BtUey 
Inches. Heudersgn 
Inches, Sti«an 
Ireland:, lifruic M. 
Jaektou, Charlei T. 
Jacksoji, Jamea 
JaeH*o-j t w. \L 
JarroOa, J 1 ■ m.n:'ir> 
Jacoha, IJjivhI n. 
JaCohs, JsniM Mi 
J a [ties, llfnjaniin 
Jontina, Henry W, 
Jewelt, Chftilui C. 
: ■ i ■• ■ B. 
Jotinaon^arl ff, 
JoliniHm, John 
JonifB, Attn if r |). 
Jonc*, Ellphnret 
Jones. Frederick 
Jones, Gcm-p* B. 
Junes, Giorge S* 
JopiPfl, JlL-nry H. 
Junta, J-......- EL 

Jones, J. A. 
tat*. J. M. 
Jones, L. IL 
Jones. Nahum 
Joy, Benjatnln 
Jij.L-.iii. Gurdon C» 
Krrpp, N. C. 
Kendall, C. S. 
Kenrfad, Frnnela 
Keitlifirm, Plirter 
Kellojrg, i\U. 
Kelluit ffl ElijAh 

KiddLT,J. Ct + 

Kimhull, Daniel 
Kimball, Mn*. F.L. A. . 
Kimball, J, B. 
Kimhall.J, W**ley 
KEnjr. 'i'liomaa Starf 
Kinsman. Genrge tl. 
Kiriihre, lL-nry 
Kirlt, Edwnrd ft. 
Kitkiand, Jnhnj T, 
Kuapn, ChnrlPB 
i\-.-.< j. i.-.i, Nathaniel 
Knot, ftinniFl R, 
Krehbs, F. H. 

KtNpjman. S ■ [I. 

KtLnjtfi'r, Williaia A. 
Lodil. WiUirim G.,Jr, 
Lain ti, Snmuel T. 
Llitip. Evok-EE 
I/Bplmm, LuEhev 
I^awrenee, Ahbott 
Lawreuee, Ahbote, Si 
I^awreuee. Amos 
Lawrence, Amos A, 
l.iiivr :n:t, Jiune« 
I^nwrenee, KatuUol 
Lawrenci-, Wlllinin 
Lawrente H WLIluiui E, 
Leucll. V,', i :.:., IL 
iA'areiis, &. D, 
IjCl-. Henry 
IjCt, James R. 
IjCU, Thome* 
I^UkW, Raymond 
Leland. Edmund F. 
Lewis, Dio 
Lciris, MrK Joseph 
Lewis, Samuel p>. 
Iiewifr, William H. 
r.ewia h Wi|l[pm K. 
Tjyw[s r W r Ert#low 
Leonard, Gen. H. 
L'mrfjln, A. Ir. 
LincLtln, Eem 
Llncitln, Joahua 
Li ii dr^lev, Joseph C. 
Lit IU-, James L. 
Li-tlniiuFi, J. Edmund 
Lot h kL-. J. A. 
Ixtd^e. Mre. AnnaC. 
L.uiili.iiij. Am nil C, 
Lmnljard, l>. H. 
l.tniJT, J L tlaakrJl 
I^mjr, Zadce-, Jr. 
Lonl, Charles E. 
LrjrinR, Charles G, 
Lorinfl, Harnrmn 
Loriuj^, John A. 
I ■■ i - , - ■■ i. I r. 
Loth rep, J- K- 
Eothrrir 1 . Samui'l K. 
Loud. Samuel C- 
Lovett, JuFtrph 
I Jjvtjfiy, Lnyal 
Lowell. John 
I^uwclLJ. A. 
Llycd, James 
Lyman, Henry 


Murkily. T. B. 

Mo-uiro. T. 

Ma Ve peace, William 

Mann inn* J. M, 
Marsh, L- B. 
Mamh, Martin 
Mum Con, John 
Martin, Samuel C. 

May, John I. 

May, Joseph 
Maynord, Samuel 
Mayo. Chariea 
Mayo, Wntjeii G. 

Mi.-LiUjdiLit. Get*. T. 
iKertdlft. J !. 
Mtsseiitfur, G. W, 
J£' ■ « i i.-i , V. A 
Ml'«itvi', William N. 
it i',--i n i r i r. Vernon A. 
M u 5&i o e¥ r. Virpil J. 
Metoalj; Tlieron 
Milk, James M, 
Milk man, Bernard 
Mika, Sulomun P. 
M.-llikor-, A Ion no 
HlUetiioKSk Ik 

> r . I I _ | . ,■-;■ ,.ni: 

Monroe, uii» 
Moore, Edwardi 13. 
Moore T M::.-.i:i 
Mi>rey, John E. 
Momli, Frederick 
Munt, A lii I J . 
M.-.-..I ■; i C, 
Morton, Nathaniel IL 
Morion, TliiHiiLLB 
Mutluy, Thomas 

M MM- i-, 1\ I u.1. :L 

Nsuili, br-iiel . 
Null, J -like 
Nnsh, N. C, 
rnlniq, Ebenezer 
Newcomb. John J. 
Nichoka, Charles H* 
Nichuls, Gcorae C. 
Nitlioli, Grurgi' N. 
Niekuriuri , F. 
Nl '.-.- ■ ■■■■„ J. -|-:l 
Hlekiisnnt, J, v 
Nickertnu, b. IL 
Nicolccm. annuel 
North. cWha II. 

NnrtMii, FufieneL. 
flOUUgPj Samuel C, 

NoyiS, tYl'Mr-U 

Nye. J* A* 
Oliver, H\mry J 
Ordwoy, John A + 
Ordway. Thomas- T. 

Otis. Iflrrlrfjl G, 
Utia, Mn».llnrii»uatt. 
Oil*, Jneph 
Page, Chauncey 

Puji. , 1 J him a A. 

?&*, j. w. 

F I B . J '■ , C- 
Farkafjidiu A. 
Parker, CI mr^uS II. 
Porker, F. E. 
Parker, U. U. 
Parker, II. C 
Farkur,M. S. 
Parker, ThumJon? 
Parker, William M, 

Park man, P.M. 
L'arkinou. Samuel 
Pursuit, William 

Fak'h.Ifa J. 
Farrridue. A J ill 

Paul. JTjHt'ph h\ 
Payne, William 
Pecker, Stth I'. 
Peine, Jon mha n 

Fell ll 1 til LIH , *9*h[i 
l J . rki.ii, Edward 

Ptarfclni, Jotnwi 
I'd r kin a. Samuel G. 
pfikiuB, Thomoa li. 
Party, K, 3, 
Peter*, Wm.C. 
Pf-Mincil], Merrill 
Pul.urEck,Jmiu li. 
I"i.'.:;i-. K. Ft. 
PinV.jj.s, Jip(nith*n 

FliilliUr, Wendell 
Phllilpa, Wiiliip.1 
J'l.Hii >*, Widhlru 
Puiulp". T. L. 
P.L-tc..n<f, h. N. 
Pickering, E.lWani 
I J lper r (Ji iirpu C* 

l'»L LT, SdlaiOOn 

Pierce. L-<nile# W. 
Pt«pr F A. II. 
Pui-rvr, Edvard F. 

i J i:iir.,»Mi 
Prfllt, Minf* ' 
Pray, Ainnu 
Pray, ittiij* JS» 
PrepjUifi T J(jliti 
PrvuC'jii , Juimthui 
Pii'>'. Jt'JiiL L. 
] j ^i^ili ii. a. n, 
Puiijum, J l >Ln H. 

FntTiero, Wm, Loirell 

auJnry, Th D* 

HatianH, Paul K. 
«aid. WLJlInm 

JtuVJ^ JjLtiua 
|{oi!iI 4 Jim-ph SL 
ItLiviiJuon, Juhn D- 
UlMHlca, Albi-rtU. 
"iilK,a,.|Efl. WiLiiam W. 
Klee, f, 

TUtfc^J'.ihn Patk«r 
It-.-.-, I ■ ■■■. is 
It,.-,.. ; .. r! .i;i 
tti. I . Itqac 
Pi-ln.r'K Liwrthce 
Kin.iuril-.-ii.lJf-iiV!' C- 
lliL-l:aiit-ji>. Ji'ftViea 

Btdbmwi}, t, ii, 
Aiplej 1 , Uimi. !.► 

V.' : "i'.i ■-.':. LnniB 
Itoliauk. l\ W. 

J •!■■!- ■• I-. 1 liiii !i-s 

Iij>l)fri^, r:.i.'.i:hoth 
Hiiberla, Ko^ert, Jr. 
EatiL son T tl. W. 
BobteioiL, J r F. 

K^"i.'W h Charles Q- 
1 1- l i-rii. Gt-orge 
Kiifli-rt, II. 117 
lt^urs, Juhn K, 
ltnKL-rjj + Jnlm Ij, 
Dlnifi*.»rji 1 Wiltioni B. 

Bopev, Hardy 

Kr,Uk'i*"a. GForge £1. 
K«sii<?]l, H<*iij(utllli 
Ku^eLLC 1 . T. 
HtiiielE, ]>JinTtl 
K'jf-^-.l, GtufKe 

" i ij -■ r. fid Win JI- 
S-:i:uj:-ui. ^ ■ pi. 

BtKptytn, wnilatn 

■^ in!- ; i . I..i :jiinii 
rJunNii'fl, t^Mln 
S.irfi n(. !JcTir7 
Hjrptnt, Ui.-nry W» 
SJrfl, L nt, Norit^t B. 
Siir^.l. Julio T. W, 
gtirfftdt, Winffutt p, 
S iv-.ifli\ J-nuf* 

Scudrler, H. £ 
ScmliJrr, P, W. 

S^iTh, J.)ji^ hi 

Soirp, l>nvld Jr, 

BBtJft, i r jliu!l 
S.Ul-- 4 ] ■^•ii^i- II. 
&LIQFS, JlHkinh II. 

SL-ur:*. P. If, 
H^avt-r, Janiea W* 
Slmrp, Uaytd 

SluirpU'ppli. Thtiai. TV. 
Uhiittutt. Gtor^a C^ 
flhjiitntki Gt" r Op Jr. 
Shis truck. J. H. 
S?-4ittm:lt. Mm. Lem'l 
Shll^, firii-rJH? A, 
Shaw, G.IIowJand 

S|-L!l-.," r l.'.-IJHICi 

Hhuw t ^uLitiLU'orth 
Shilntiiiit. '['h--iniia D r 
S ,., i, II. \ i: :■ ,. -ii. 
BlllrltilOtll, GILJJL-rt 
BintjrjtdiiL Williiiin 
Simons, Sli/fJlu'n B. 
BtttitrklUp SrO- 
SlivrEc. Jurvii 
rtuMth. AllH-rt 
Smith. AJhdrtW. 
SlillTli, Alnm! Jr* 
Simih. UurnLj 
Smith. IJ. tt/ 
Sfii-Lii. J. I- 

BttiUh f J,W- 
Sinilhj Stephen 
finnw, FnL'.kEtii 
Suu lc, Georae M. 
Simle. W. N T 
Souther, Jul in 
SiMitliwick, Hmr H. 
S|M.oin*r, Daniel N. 
Spooner, W. B. 
S.-riT/iiL-. (."Iiurh-i 
Spni^Ui-j Piled 
.-i| r. -i,..., |'i.i,,»- ; ih 

'i. '. J-l-.. TllDITIlU 

S I r:i.'i:,-. ^yth L» 
Snqgiut Willi Am 

(S [pri ii p;a[J , Ovdrpe' 

*»' I3JiL Lh-h h J 111 IK' LS 
S[4L]l(]l.lJl t JllllMII 

fltimaiib. L. Mile* 

!<turit,in f r'ranrij 
Stiibbinit, Atnry Ann, 

S-i !n ,h.-l— il:U 
Si. i ill ii.'. ,1 -I-.; J I. 

SLpvena, Clinrlti F> 
Sti'Vcna, Jt-'K-miah. S+ 
Htcvcnwn- Joiliub T* 

Stjrkrte.v, Jotish 
titiiiijoii, Jervmioh 

Stoddard, Charlel 
Wrmi,e, Andrew L + 
StoLie h Jo«|jtiW. 
Stow, Baron 
Ktmw, Levi H. 
Srrong + Alexander 
StrOEig, Edward A 
StUrpis, IJtnry P. 
SturgiSj Joaiah 
MuiL'ih. lii.iH*fllJr + 
Sturgiat Willi urn 
Sturlnvatit Wip h ff, 
Sul lit un. Richard 
,Suirnnnr T Charles 
Swalio*'. An 
Swett, Samuel 
Tuppan, John 
Taylor. Edmund 
Taylor* X Alhert 
Tuatjeher. George C 
Tnawhtr-Ptler O. 
TtiayLr t lpiil.-i-i.:i F. 
'I'liaiter, TJiirmtl 
Thdinnn, "William 
TLniTTidLkVi 1 a rati 
TJimnpbun, Ahr'in R. 
'niompM>n h FruBlua 
Thunnimon, Ntiwell A. 
Thorn, an, f^ol«n 
Thwlu^, W h I.eVGrttt 
Tickiiur. George 
Tjldt ii, Joseph 
' I ' i : - ■ in .?- 

Ti ii khmn h Frank J. 
"lii'Lt 1 1 1, Jl'-bo 
I'i^iJuli', llama W. 
Tohpv 4 I-MwHird S< 
Tob^y. y^th 
Tifirey, Churles 
Torrcy r Henry TV. 
Tipwiibi-nd, David 
Train, CharheB. 
Tracy, fredirtitk U* 
TrcivawblL, Joim 
TrL-eiiL'tjl*. Elijah 
Travis, William A, 
Trull, John 
TrueineTi T Uohcrt 
Tucktr, tJi^hft G. 
TietV, Charh 1 * 
Tutta.. JiHineal 
TunnT. .Ti>h A. 
TuriJulr t JijlMl N. 
Turner, T, Larkln. 
Tutt*IL GartlnOr 
Tu I tli?, Tin**. UvLIj 
Tvhr. William II, 

llp[(lrp t i> L J 1 . 

ITptiip, GLnrse B h 
Uprpn, fjcnrjjr Ji , Jr. 
tJptcrn, Tl'ilhiim U* 
Vaientine. Jjiwaun 
V|nk% Alv Minder IJ. 
Vusf, Jfminh 
Vosr, Thotntirfi. 
TVait h Thonian U, 
W^i-Im-. i . 1 1 . Salnufl 
Wnlkcr, C. A. 
Wulker, Niitlianlel 
W ullaCe, Jr rhn 
Wjiinirrijrhl. Bptpj, 0. 
TVjiU(!\, Peiuui't U. 
Wnlmi, WnltcrM- 
W+tre, l.iniiprrl 
Wpr-sn.G, \V r 
Wfljrrdn, John C< 
Wurrfipi, John W* 
WjKrerp.^i. r>, 
Wurren, Willi nm W. 
V, .;,!.-.. i|, I ■ .i -, 
W r oTp.T>tnn, Kohert 
TWIiatir. 1 Jim hi 
TVthator, Fleleher 
TVtbjBter h Juhn G. 
WL'Lks, lk'iii-F. 
T%'r.'lhrell F Inkat 
"Wetmore. TIiOptiU 
Week B , J ami a IE 
"Wetjf, P, t'rancia 
W'hlpplr F M.J. 
^^'hit^' F Eu^anl A. 

w hi uh-p. Edward 
Whlttier T J.M. 
Whiitoa.L. C, 
TV i ttfthoon, B r chaid 
Whltnty. Jl^tiry A. 
TVhhnry, Jobl-|pIi 
TV hit i icy, Halinon 
TVhilhip. Georjjpj A, 
TVliitiiqif. Juatf>h J. 
TVliltinp. William 
TVlivial TliuniAi G. 
WhiEwc-ll, Samuel 
TVhitwttl, ^am'l t Jr* 
WiBrtlifawqrtU, lilriw, 
TViVi.Stimul U, 
Wilder, rhnrln B. 
wtidiir T IHriiUr, 
Wilder, Ma/sholl l\ 
TVllkim.John IL 
Wilkiiinfui, Arthur 
Willurd, KrthdM A, 
USI3iima T David W. 
Willimiw. John Dl 
^Viji,,,,..^ ;.,;mi a. 
William*, J. L. 

William*, J. M.S. 
WllmmiPvN, L, 
Williama, S. CL 
WUUam^ S. K. 
WlNiaruF. Tbomu S. 
Wineh h OaliEnM. 
Wlntheattr, S. S. 
Wlpjiluw, ]:v3i v:i jii in 
Winolow, Edvranl 
TVinalnw, Edward AL 
TVin»luw, Elisha D,, 
Win a low, *•- i i . 
Wtnslnw, 0*0. a. 
Wintlnw, June 
WlnaWw, Roland 
WlDfiur, AKrvd 
Winter* b'tunclu B. 
Whlllirup, TliuUUlB L. 


Worth iul! ton, TVm. 
Wright,*;. M. 
Wright. Fred. E, 


Gnu^h, John i:. 

LL.M.JS, I .j !.i nil: IL 

CopuaWL'll, (jeotna ' 
MCullom,J. T. 

i.i: iiM i:i-f. 
D)(r, laaae 
EnTahrnok, ChBrlra 
Fruneh. ttunjamin V. 
ILplUncaworth. E, A. 
Howjird,^. G. 
MnJistleld, CharlM F. 
Morrison, A. 
Penniman, AnEil 
Perkins, JuBEph.' 
£herrmiii r Rafus 
>'.• -.i -, Iti-.'lji-.n! S. 
Thayer, tSylvwiua 

!ji:i v.-h-i mi:. 
Banea, E|iali4 
CuhE T Elijah 
Frr-timan. Honjnmin 
Frueman. Juhn 
Ffi'i'inun, SDh>mon 
Hopkimr. Grulfrey 
Sean, Jainee II- 


AM en, BeitjaiiiLn 14. 

Alillll. SlirplULl 

Ahhn, S.G. 
Allien. Bcilomtm 
Ami 1 *, Frnnkllnj 
Bh-pi-H, George 
Ii:.- ii>-. William 
Bird. William 
I! "!. ■:. ■!.. I-. C. 
Bh :tt» Fred, 1* 
Breit, W. F* 
Bryant, Dlim 
Uryant. G. W* 
Sryant, Selh 
liurheek,!,. D. 
CoIpIk Uavid 

1 ■ ■ | ■ ■ Li ' , d , .1 I . I • 1 1. j 

Coprlund, Malhan 
Cnpiland. Pai-dim 
Crooker, Henjamliii 
Curtis r JntHCan 
Find, Thmjiaa A, 
French, Byltantui 
FnlWtnn. U. W. 
OuodHueed, L. L. 
Mole, Arti'inna 
llalo. Artenioa, Jr. 
Harris, U, W. 
11b teh, Calvin 
Itnuart, Aaron 
Hnbart, AarOd. Jr. 
1 1 . i'. Edward 
l^oli-neB, Liiwlii 
Howard. FrtdufiQ 
Howard. Henry 
Howard, Samuel 
llriLPt, S. J. 
Keiiti. AlherC 
Keith.A. B, 
Keidi, Aran, 
Keith. E. S. 
Knicli, Law la 
Ktith, M.H. 
k. : . 7A ha 
Kinsman, Benjamin 
Kinsman, fldwin 11, 
Kinsman. £;eni 
Kiiunuuii E W. 
Ki rn:i nun, K- 
Latham* Char.e* A, 
Latham, I-llinb 
Latham. Ll^tim 
Latham, William 
Ljzi-LI. Nathan 
I.*|mI| 1 >Mvunas 
Leach, E, ti. 
Ltooaril, a pen tier 
Millet, Aail 
Mi^, J. U. 
Mitt lit- 1, Nahum 

Noyes, Akn 
Packard. Sidney 
Perkins, David 
Perkins, Jesse 
PerkW J. K. 
Perry, Whhain 
Phillip*, Wads worth 
RobiiifiDii, A &L 
Hohiusoip, Gad. 
BobiiiBon. H.W. 
Kobinioii, Jacob 
Holers, CJiarlta 
Kip^lte, Thoiuoa 
Sluiw, J, A. 
Sank-, UukeaS. 
> .Hi! ■■■■ t Hi, Edward 
anrauue, Chandler 
Siii.Jl-v. Luther 
Yinmii, J. r^i L 
Waatilmrn, A lnn uu 
Wanhhnrn, lknj,W, 
Wait] burn, H- lir 
Washburn, Nullum 
Watson, Ak E, 
Wclwltr, Dana F. 
WoDdrutf", v^ illiam TJ. 
Ylmjul:, Welcome 

Baldwin, Lift 
Kenyan. A J, 
IJrwkn, Gt'orve U. 
BrrK*l(&, Srumiel 
Curii*. i L yrus D. 
Homs.Johu W. 
IIoHmi, JnuiP-'N 
Mormon, Havld 
raraqni, Guiham 
SpurliJwk, Edward 
SiKirkuWk. B, O, 
TaH. E. W. 
Ward, John M, 
While, D. 
Whitney, F. A, 

El Itl MFlM.tV 
Converge, Alfred L. 


Halclmllcr, jrjira 
IJeerher, Wjllinm M. 
Oolite, J.diu W. 
Cushinn. Chri^tuphur 
Mnynard, IX P. 
Whitney, Daniel 

Cook, I flan t 
IliilhrLKjk, fleriTM 
l h urnj.-r, Juhn MT 
WiUington, Utls 


Adami, John 
Aetitslr, Louis 
AilyiuMri. K. B, 
A|ii,letoti* Thomaa G. 
lieard, IlhumrrTV. 
Bi^ck, Line- 1, a 
Bi^eluw, Alaiiun 
BiiTTUge, Juahih 
Ulitierlield, Ji»aeph 
Hutttrtlcld. a am Lit l 
Butt nek, J -L i.,.i 
Uarttr^ Luke 
Chamberlain, 11- M. 
Chairliii. Jamtal** 
(.'EiiiLjiiiiii.. F. L. 

I -..L.l .J ..:!..■■, IL 

Colby, Mr*. tUrricU J. 

Odk, Jiisiuh W* 
Ciwlui-g, ili'b 
GuUnr, Curda 
Cutter, Cyrm K. 
Cuttrr, Jnoiea M. 
Davit, Curtis 
I Jin K William 
Da.«i*t S. G. 
D^ane, Charlei 
Defter, Hunry 
Dickinaua. AJfxandnr 
Dijcwull, Gi'cr^e d, 
DruiPtr, I'rantU 
l.nini •u". I! M, 
Ellin, Juhn A, 
Furrnr, Juhn 
Fay, Samuel P. P + 
Fnfl'S, Jenso 
Fo*ter + T hum at 
Francis, Conferee 
Fiyincia T Ebcnezer 
Gay, IrUbhur 
GannetKJ'din JU 
Gannelt. Tbomu B* 
Good now. Jcjuph 
Gould. Frederiek 
Gmv, Geo. 11. 
Huh, Thuuind 
llaflhijfa, Oliver 
ILivdr.n, Cultb. 
Uedffe, U vl 
llillisird, William 
Hinckley, William B. 
Hod^ea. JLM. 
Hulmca, Betav/ C 
I J.lin- -, Aiii.. I 
Hongbton, Amory 

Hovey, H. N, 
Humphrey, D, 

J in i ii inon. James 
K i. hi it. Daniel T. 
Learned, L. S, 
Llvennurt, George 
L.-jii W rull.jw, h„ Vf,. 
Lowell, Charles 
I»well, J. Kumcll 
Mann, J. t\ 
Manful. NuthanielG* 
Marbton, Kphiainj 
MtLlmr. Churki F* 
Hernia .John EJ. 
Mpmll.J, W. 
Mcteulf, ElliLb W. 
Monroe, L'hurlei W r 
Nuy, I*iiue A r 
Norton, Arjdrews 
Norton T Chorluv E. 
i i-i .. i,. Juhn 
Paige, L. ft. 
Paltrey,Juhn G* 
Pkirker, Jot! 
Parmeiiter, WSlliom 
Peek, A. G. 
I J n?rr;e, Geur^ti 
PutWr, Ht-nry 
Karpmey, A^ II. 
Kp'wl, Knu* 
Riuharil-on, J: P. 
BitmnrdaoH, Wm + T, 
I^ihluron, Joel 
Ikihiuaon, J, P. 
Hnssell, Jmnea 
aargunt, Juhn 
Saunders. W. A, 
Hliuarer. Mr*. C. A, 
aiueuiub, Samuel 
Sparks, .l.i ml 
Sluue,P. IL L. 
Hulliyau, RiclLanI 
Tread wt 11. Daniel 
Vi iilki-r, J.iiiii-b 
TVaru, Henry 

Whiljuan, L. P. 
Whitnuy, William L, 
WhltU'inorc, JubboL 
TVon-t;*UT,J. E, 
IVyiLlt, Gpurgu W, 
Wyelh. Jtmaa 
W y n mil, Joseph 
Wyuiiin, Luke 


Huntoon, Mri* A, P, 
Ravtre, John 

Barrow*, Joseph 
Cohb, Nn lb A ii 

L'llia, lii-iijuniiu 
Lllii, Httt U 
Lilian -VinthiuB 
Eilaikd, lli!ury T, 
Fa uuee,, lames V. 
Grimth. T, B. 
MuitJw^k, Jeaep 
Rider. Natlian 
Ripley, vs iI.i^m, Jr. 
Savory, Pislly 
Sai'ery, Wilflam 
Shaw, Welcome 
ahtrinun. Anthony 
£hcnuau. Henry 
SJierui an, Levi 
Vau^hu, ThunlUf 
Ward, Eliah 
W ait n i ban t ,l:i nlCB 
AduiriH, .fiii.n.'d 
Barker l^iunczer 
BartlUt.NatliAnlel T. 
Blood, John 
Hi.', usurp, William 
Bradford, Duncan 
Caswell, JAOoh 
UuipX, Nniie 
Davizupiiri, Edwin 
Eldrldtfc, Hickard C 
Emery, Jomca 
Ft>ab, Jaeoh 
Kr>ater, Henry 
KrLrtlj l It Efh ILItl , J'aitf H» 
Fox, UuviilD. 
1-luhliell, t't-ter 
Hydn, Gutimn 
Lncilbert, TJitifi. R. 
Lawr^nue, Lit wand 
Loriug, yt-ih Jj. 
Lyon, M. D- 
Sawyer, Tlniuthy 
Stetvon, < l m n . L- 
Slone, Amtw 
Stone, J ■■-.■-.■.• ■■ 
Thompion, A. rv 
Tbompion, Charlei 
Tuliff, Natlian. Jr, 


Leiavltt, K. 11. 

<:n iiu.iM. 
Smith, Stephen 


Itane, George P. 


Breaks. Wrntworth A. 

Crowfll, Philander 

Irpit, KnfusS. 
HwkrLl, W. [J r 
Hobrtrt, S. Hredilrett 
Khnbill, Edward D. 
I^JuiL'W.irtliy, l. P. 
Mitchell, J oeub 
Onwnod, John IL 
Old en i an, lid word 

Ryd*r,Elifha IL 
"Warner. John 


Adrinn, hytvanui 
AMU, G«jm 
Belehcr,R. H. 
Bl-iffljiim, L. IL 
ihii;>n-. I«aaa 
Cirttr. T, w. 
Oi: i ... Sidney 
Duu>|i T ricorge O, 
HavMm, J. C, 
Huhhmd, Andrew 
Ale Furl it Hd, Win. P. 
8*wcij. William J. 
Sumn, Warren 
Whlttemitrt, John R. 

Bamti. Charles 
Penny, ft, F, 
Stilea, Francis 


Br*elow. 11. N. 
Glbbf, E. K. 
Harris, iiroru'E! S. 
Harris, Skin, y 
Ht*venj, Ch*l. Q. 
SflfM. C. L, 

Bate*, John 
Ki'unil, F, N*. 

Brooke IV. 
Uri!»n. Hirunn. 
ButtTick. HUndman 
Damn-u, Ed Ward C. 
Danvm, Mr*. H. P. 
Ennjmoh, Ralph W. 

Goodwin, Hnv B- 
Hubbard, Ebeneier 
UudMn, Frederick 

Shalt ork, J>aitLt:l 

Bearxc, Ch orb's C. 
Child*. Al.:xiiNdtr C. 
Culrnan, JamCs 
Nlckersrm, tieth 
Black, .Montr 
Blany, &tu|]Jien 
Cook, llt'iiry 
lI.L]i-\ Franc Is. 

i F ■ li I- PRTld 

Fellows, Ail'.,-.! 
Ginsvennr, D. A* 
Klmhall, ItfwJird D. 
Kin:-, .f- i. il mi 
Oittornc, George 
Poor. Henry 
Porter, .'■■ n : ■ - ■ i La T. 
Prinee, S\. -. ■ 
Proctiir, ALn-1 
Futujinj, Mn. B. F, 

l'uln I hi nil i l' r 

Richard*, J hmii'E 
Rogers. Wu'hartl S^ 

Bwualdfrrit ctamueJ 
Tap Ley, Nuthan 
Wnrrtn. Jn^.ei 

Bartlett, Dmtd IL 
Bartlelt. ¥, I>. 
Churchill, Sylvan us 
Dowlnnd, Duttt, ■-'■"■ 
Matthews, Churfes 
Thatcher, M:iL i he w 


Barrows, Edward 
Barrels. Thopiiss 
Bill in niF.JLtsenh JJ. 
Brtswurtlt. laauc C 
HiLiyf--. L !►■ ■ rt l- nc r 
Cobb. Jonathan 
Co I hum, C'hsrlcs 
Cot bum, Waldo 
Cooliiljfi-, Geo we 
Crehurc, Jeremiah 
Downing, Jutm-I 
IliiWbL 1 , Edward 
Fold, Encs 

Cm. | | ;, !,!!■■[,. ,'iT 
II IV, I'. ".HUM I 

MutkintijiJi, C baric* 
Fulterton, Wm.C. 
Richardson, Jnm?l 
Sarnptoti, Ezra W. 

Smith, Humphrey 
Tuft. fc. # < 

WJuiiiitf, WUlsftUI 
■\\ in ,|,vs . EUzabfUl 

Sliar, Jama* 

liil!, ii. i .-I -i h-.-r 


En y l ! ,.^. 
3ri-wn, Nathuikd W. 
ttibU, WiLUam 
Tybalt, CharlH 
Ltbi-r. B. B. 


Abbott, William E. 
Adatiii. Willijiiri T 

A»:lr-w, J ibEi 
lM ill- i-, Mrjiiii-n 
Binl. Jacob 
llrtnlky. Ch artel 

din utii. NntbflU 

cw Mi. to. h. 

Clfl^P, Callimrfjiv 
L'lniio, U conge 
Clan i. Wlltldm 
LVflnliln, John 
Darl]n^, FrtderickL. 
^arbum. Axel 
DotliH?, (Jeorva 
Drew, Siiinuffl fl. 
Es^LmlR, L. W, 
ElljLjrt 4 ;.J. 
Etaerwti, tUram 
EdLibroo^J. W- 
t'oiiuo, GLorit*? T. 
TnAtvt.Mn. H. 
Cantorr, ITcury J. 
Ub-aiii'i], lt..ftw'fi] h Jr. 
Urnfr, Havld 
Uor# 1 TJikicFioa 
I J.u-S r Alphoui 
ll.i^iii.i, J i-.i. iirl L F. 
Hill, Joints II. 
IIii]linfii«-ortb T A. 
Muiun h l/.'W)i 
May, John J. 
Mm [mi, IV re* 
Mnyb-y, YHwl 
N. « ' .in. CliDoyar 
HnyJiOti, ThOrrJna 
Pitrce, lleqry L. 
Pien]tf, h/swin 
I'i^fr^e, lt4>bt!fi 
FHut, <>L<JT«e C. 
l J i ■■ ■:■■■■, Ljiaha 
Rhodcd h Knberti 
Rivera, Ijiielnda R. 
RujIffleA, B. Ii. 

lNkVTVCr T " i:i:i : -i E, 
^- ii.hi. r. .IninL-ft 

Bentof, It- W- 
Htoiulikh, Moaet 
aLL'QTiJi. A. T. 
Stone, StiJItiion 
SIk.iI:, He II ben, 
Swan, W. U. 
Ti -EUjilu, W. F, 
Tliailur, Levi 
TiurniiiA, Mrs. J, 
r J n ilut[iiTi, E. ]'. 
Tilc*tfjli, -N'litliAhltl 
TtlaftOtL I In-ljmi 
Tunkvr, Tlmuttay 
Tunic. Jonnb 
I'ldiurn, J. II. 
Vp,e, JoihtiaW, 
Vtmr, itoijert 
W ■!■■. Edmund 

IVllpllll. OtJB 

Yuuuk, A.Lunzo Ew 

I 'I'll i r.\ . 
Prat^ Hpnry t 
SlcveriE, ily IL 

r ■ i ' ."■. !-. I ';;v, 
Aldcn, BL'TOaniln, 
Aidi n d Judali 

IUI.-j.k-, H'int hn>[j S. 
Brudlord, WilLjam 

bnWL'4, A1]pti 
DreiTij Charlei 
l>reTf. K* L ul>en 
I>n:w, Williaiu 
Drew, Win-B. 
ElUion,Win. P. 
Ford, An tm it. 

i- ■ -l . .'■■ i- ) 

Fc-ti.T, Juirii-ii 
r> n jxnur h BL'brcca 
Fia^er, .-,i ■ ■iii,-| A. 
Fniifr, ThntiLoi 
«iffonl T 3. N. 
Ilt.ll. SuimiuL 
llitrtciMT. Kimball 
Hathaway* Joahua 
Knuwlen, Siirnui-'l, Jr. 
Ltwin, Ji>*L'ph 
Luring, OiMirgo 
l>»rlTij;, Levi 
Loripf , Samuel 

luring, Samuel J. 
Moore, Joalab 
>.;■ '*-■■■■■ i,, K- II. 
Partndge, Gloi^b 
Peterton, Jatd 
Port*!:. John 
BJcharddOu t Geo. P. 
Sampaud., Erntlui 

^dll. Jl*n|l. L. Vi 

Kump*jTi F ]j](ryd 0+ 
S4arnn=tori,Aj tvauuijr. 
Sur.-iri-.i.ii, Studiey 
Kiriitb, Jnceb 
ek^uie, Simeon 

S | ■ i ii u '-j f , Eli-rm P. 

SuroUUf, Selh 
Suragtue, Sttli + Jr. 
Tiiomaa, bn^-i 
Tbomoa, Juhn 
Tliomiijp TiVarren B, 
Warliwortb. Edtn 
Wl4tVQttlL JumCl 
Wiidiiwonti. J. K 
Weulmt, Alj. il tS. 
WflitelLi Kira 
wttlH, U inborn B, 
Weiton,Jehn A. 
WjnTiett, Ja^on 
Wjiiil^w, Howard 
WinMir, George 
Wlotor, George* Jf. 
WuiAor, 'Iij.ui.Lb 


Aoici, OtUcr 
Uayword, Mary B, 
Linlij-op Uj rut 
M ( inp/^J, W. 
lUTidaJi, Joel 


Bajliep. FrtdcTicVt 

.I--- ; i--^.ml, Mary 
TLiaxrur, I^dvitt 

Biison, James M. 

Jiii-. .: ..<■. Fraiieli 
CbuaiL h Mary 
Cralta, John 
Low, Wlnthtop 


Almy, ThoinaA 
Ballard, Alvau S. 
;:.. -l. ii. ii. il. 
Bonh'[} n CooW 
Borden, femraoo 
Borden. Lw 
hifrivH, N, B. 
Bordeu, H. 
Bunleu. "I'll, .ii: :i a J T 
BtTlhetL. Albut 
Brackftt, W.1L 
Buflkuj>tun t E + P* 
Cboee, 3. Ancier 
Clione, .?i r.ju.-l 
Ce^iull, Wiltlim 
Co^shali, Wm.T. 
Cralie, J. A, 
Uavul. William C. 

I J i.J : I ■ v r Nl[Ii:lil 

UurlVi?, WillinmB, 
IJwelley, J. 

Eildy, Jeaie 
Ijjdy, Morton 
Eddy, I . V* 

:■■■".. .V - 

Fotrer, Hi nam 
FuLhr, 11. T. 
Gibba, K.rbtrt 3. 
Gray, tniiiJcUn 
1 1 .-: ■■- ls .. l , Q, II, 
llai.lj4i.WLiy, J. H. 

I J .ill. :■.-,,. , *-.,! Ml.'l 

Hoar, LiLurge E. 

H-"'|:-lT, FC'tlT 

Hi>j|ier, Salmon 
Ho nun* II tram 
Learned E. T. 
Llmii[.y William 

LutiW h Ebenezflr 
EotJier T J, B. 

Him!. Wiuiim 

M ■•,-. ■>■. WjJjLam 
M. - .il. WjlLiatn, Sd 
Milkr, ^. II. 
PaiuH. Walter 
Frtiitma, G.J. 
KiinialpoLLorn, T + L. 
Kuj^e; L^-rJ „ Mi call II. 
tSinnon , J . F + 
ftlhion, Willjanj 
Bwan, 11. E. 
Taylor, W. u. 
Torry, M». Ctiurei, 
Wimlow. Beuj. F. 
Voung, J. 8, 

Atwooil, CfeuTCO 
Cbureh, Henry A# 
Delano, Warren 
Nye li.-iiU-Li 
Saw 111, If, 
Trir>|i t Jo>epb 
WhUweli, F + IL 

Child*, Peter E. 
C[»mlah Aaron 
GoliiIlI, Kraimm 
Jpj-jajna, J<ubn 
Swift, George W. 
Swift. GliTerC* 
Wood, Kiclutrd S. 
All be, a. M, 
BarUiilE LouUD, 
BecliFith. A. A, 
BouU>ll«. TboTDU B. 
Bradford, Lewii IL 
Briflham. U. H. 
BuikruvB, w. 
Crocktr. Alv*. 
Cm by, B, IL 
Dny, William F, 
Davli, Aiunxo 
Fay» Gtorue F. 
Goddard, H. L* 
I in v Ward. Walter 

JllULILLJl. C, W. 

K'.-unedy, 11. J. 
Laui;, Janit:> IL 
ManLLall, Jonas A. 
Aklntire, Karrington 
Miiei, I* M 
Moore, Warren 
NoreroM, Amana 
Pafle, .11 rt. U. W. 
Pi-i-kiiii, J-'raueU 
Piper, John J. 
Putnam, John 
Putnam, S. W. 
BNi^Iti, O. K, 
Sawytj-, Sv I * -an n* 
Sticrwin, Levi 
Torrev f Elieueier 
Wul I nee, Waldo 
Ware, T, K, 
Warren, L- W. 
WhLTe, Alfred 
Wlntciey, J. tL 
WLLUUUtt, Georffo- 
WoHi Mixiei 
Woodbury. Jaimci Mn 
W* »rk*. E. 1). 
J '.m...i:i.-', 
C«T. Ulli 
CnrpeilEAT. E. P. 

t^u-peu u-r. udver 
UrLHikur. Mm. B. 
J^eonard, Banlurd 
LewU h Abiel S. 
BicliariJKoti. Charles 
Whitney, SJiiLOn 
Dan kla, Albert E, 
UalilelB, AilartiB 
Grijei, IlLTiry M. 
Miller, Natbaniel 
Murae, A- ij. 

i(:H.,l G, 

Tbayer, lrnn 
Thajer, William M- 

Pkri^f. 1 .-.:..■ - W. 


BnncrofL /man 
liuiiu u. WLbettr 

i.'hiii. A I. ■-!,:.,■> B, 
Conant. t'fUiLtii 

iMrby, i". .i i:. i.-Li.r 

Eah'TL T Kl'LHiklin. 
EJjth.J, John 
I . -.....-■■_ i-. -, I-. 
Glv^liwood. 0. S. 
Hulnu'ji. Nathaniel 

XlLO*LtuU. AUL*lJijtUl 

Kuuwltou. Hcuiy C. 
M^oore, J. M. 

1 J H.'L-CL\ !». X. 

Km I liu lLio ii , Wn.E. A_ 
tLteyeui. X. W. A. 

TiiyLOr, StfpiKiii 
Warren, llnrui 
\Volh1, AIM £. 
M'ihllE, Awiih 
Wrij-liC, Jiuvid 

Wrjijut, Ephndm 


Tennoy, Moses 

Gorland, JoAeph 
S mi Lh, Isaac C. 

3(utcd«, Samuel 

oju rroK. 
UinEtmure, Sumner 
LcLauH, JoiLUh 
Mi'L'I'.-Llnri, .Libit 
Bawiiju, Levi 
HmiEU, Jesie HL 
Wajren, JnnaUian 
Warren, ttufuf E. 
W heeler, Jonal). 

obi at nAmmnoTON. 
Camu. Samuel 
Hopkins, Mm. C + W. 
Let, Mil, Painelia fl + 
Palmer + Blllincs 
Biee, W. W. 
Sreley, lnac 
SLratlun, Hoyal B, 
Sumner, Increu* 
Taylur, Cbarlcf J, 
Whittng, F + F. 

DaTlft, George T + 
Uavls, Weo3aU T. 
Harding. W. h\ 
How Lai. d, Kului 
Keltt^g, Bela, 
Kim boil, George A, 
Meniam, Lewu 
Sccvenii, Henry B. 


Bf.utwi-11, Geoim &. 
Brown, J. D. 
Fletener, Jotl E. 

i ;-,.-,. ,.!, i,,,i 
Green, JiMhuoL 
Hil.viit-H. Mn. V. A.C. 
Sen rtli, N.iNiiiui 
Talt, B. F. 
Tornjy, WBubM 


t:an-w, J.i»tjib 
Smith, G, A. 

Fuller, H. R_ 
SturiETant, StulfiLrd 
TiJUon. William 

Cobb^BcLiey, Mm 
Eubb Cur n t,< I ins 
Cushimj, Nathaniel 
C'ushin^, lVl W. 
Iloinoci. Ll.jjh 
1I^.|.;M£. TtLumo* 

HoLnioB, LutltL-r 


Cuahlng, Jonitiban 

C||-i::i.L-. m.-..I| 

Hatch. AUkar 
Hu*e, KO win 
Ito*e, Seth 
gimmonj, Pcrca 

n ^l:l.Vii-K. 
Mii:-, William 

Chue. Samuel 
GarlJuur. Juhn 
II'.:, Hujniilircy 

1 1 I'ukiii.-. ti, I >. 
While, MtsiLydla, 
Wluiu, Samuel 

Blur. n I ur I. Mr-.M.IS. 
Wbittonih, Mr». |^L>. 
WhiLcomb. Keuhcn 

Baker, Jutoph K. 
Brookh. Ubud 
Kelkey, Anthony 
Keliey, \eheuiiah D. 


Andrew. John A. 
Bames, L. J. 
Und'fl, Amu* 
Uimvi', "I'lLoUial T, 
Urooki, CtiarL-s 

(.:ij?imig. lll^iIl-j y. 

l>UUliyiiL + Jpsie 
Dyer, E.Porter 
FiKkt. fl. T, 
Gny, Eheuezer 
Gurdou, WiLJEam 
lleritey, Henry 
Jacob*, Jotfepb 
Lincuin, Solomon 
Little, L 
Loud, Tliumas 
.M.-..1 :L. n:, .l.i 'in'.,,i , ^..Ji.iu-j 

>inLt- , Ctuuin 

tiuult, Geo. jll. 
Sciutner, l^cavltt 
Whit ton, H. T. 
WhlUon, ThOinaa T* 

Altyn. 3. B. 
Carter, W. C- 
Cromble, U. B, 
Davis, J. 3. 
rLaftt; , E. U. 

G.m!.Lmi.J, I). 9, 
lliityiuLHittmn, Atlen 
Aliirtin, Wood&ury L, 
M.IU r, SiJIieon 
Famous, J. C. 
Prevevtt, d it. 
Un(]«rwood, Porter 
Walker, J, B. R. 

Wheeler. Hi my 
Wbft*, Alfred 
Wolcon, C. B. 

Baxter, ATexandtr 
Ford, Oliver 
Hsndv. UutHl 


II-5U S'-ll. 

Heard, Qeoret W, 

James. Irwin 
Kirn lull, D T. 
Woreeiter, In 


Brewer, Charles 
Bond, rieo.WiLhaili 
Utjud, IL'L^ry May 
Bond W r m. Stur^ii 
Choutes, John D. 
Clifford, LewUW, 
J.i.H.J,.r, Mary A, 
r XIPGET1*. 

Beal, Joseph S. 
B*?aL Thomas P, 
Boven, Charlei J. 
Sndfbfd, Tbociiui 
Bradford, Wjbiam 
Bi- « -(-.T. Eikka 
Bryunt, XarJiurdel 
Bryant, HylvaiiUl 
Bryant, SyJrunui, iU 
Delann. Benjamht 
Dill. Jumei IL 
Drew, T, U. 
Ellis. WiinamB. 
Fuller, Eicra 
H«tge, James T, 
Huhnea, Altijcander 
]lohner, CurLnLo. C 
I J.-.i : - ... jTdediah 
Huid, iV. R, 
Juhntou. Biehard 
JolinsiDi, ThuLtiuuJ, 
Keith, ll K. 
Nichols. Paul U 
Peck ham, Jospuh 
R^ed, Edwin 
Hohblns, Charle* 
Sever, Eliziibeth P- 
tievtr, ,>u[nei 
Stvtf. James ff, 
SevL-r, Jii is" li r 
Sevtr, Jnhn 
Sy mines, William 
Thijiina!!, John 
T'j.-ehu!.. AuMiniiLfl 
Whi(ien t Miliar 

Robert, J una A. 

I ,Oi i-l JCSU 
Fisher, Jacob 
Green, Mrs. Eetj 
Howe, Uear^e Vf* 
Stevcnii,J r C, 
StiHiton, Geor*n 
Synimes. U. TT 


« 't-. iz-i-. : ii . William C- 
Currier, Ebenezer 
Puller, George A. 
Stcadman, Samuel M. 

Balrd.PntjlLSB, C. 
Bent- jii, LuJi'Sj 
Chattee, PrenUn* 
UiElord, J. R 
Joues, Georfti 
Muriiy, D. X. 
R0fl*r*, Mfla-LydtaB. 
Wetd, MtTj/a, 
L i r i.m. u. 
Biicn, D wight 
Flint, Ld ward 
Flint, Mj-ju tL \I* 
) lodges, S.^L" 
KliiL^Jil. liiraitt 
SJarpvntj Edward 
Kmtfh, .1. barkpit 
Southgate, L >:... 

Aldcn, E K. 
Bjulj4, DuVid C 
Lee, SHRitt U. 
,<l-I-ai. k, l-;. n. 
t.iidjjw.ek, Willi am 
Iliirrui-..', Ll> >■ 1 1 ii -.I 
Cotton. Want M. 
JlowLnii.L, Win. M 


Adam», John Wur 
UroWu, Qeurtjo D. 
Fl.lcl.ur.J, *. 

liuitr )■;■ i". . h 
Roblunsj, JoJin 


Bronx*, Ah J ,. 



xd, Charles P. 
n, W. Warren 
1, Josiah 
>le, Oliver O. 
»le, Oliver M. 
>le, W. O. P. 


t, Joseph W. 
aft, Thomas F. 
jlder, John 
, Bowman 

Henry A. 

, Samuel O. 
, Theophilus N. 
r, Edward T. 
r, Samuel M. 

, Stephen, Jr. 
ly, Wm. N. 
y , Ames P. 
7, Philip P. 


3ft, Henry 


t, Henry 
\ C. C. P. 
\ George W. 
t, John, Jr. 


, William A. 
i, John 


Benj. R. 
ry, Jas. J. H. 


y, Joseph S. 
un, Francis 
im, Francis D. 
lton, George 
, John H. 

,' Mrs. Charlotte 


, Ebenezer 
rd, George 
>s, Daniel 
jus, Ray 



!», Ebenezer 



>n, Charles 
>n, Nymphas 


an, Seth 
;s, Josiah, Jr. 
on, Orsamus 


ts, Robert 

9, A. 

tt, Abner 
s, Charles 
s, Edward 
s, John 
g. T. 

, James O. 
,J. T. 

ifrs, Edmund T. 
lgs. John M. 
nee, Daniel 
ield, A. 
in, Thatcher 
i, R. D. 
, George W. 
s. George L. 
, Samiii'l 
, William 
wright, Geo. S. 


ion, George, 2d 
igs, Mrs. Sally 


t, Charles F. 
El bridge M. 
, Edwin 
, John 
rick, John W. 
son, D. T. 
I. Charles 


, Daniel 

Rourna, WElliaxa 
Flriiji. Isaac 
Eddy, Math KTi iel 
l-Iil-l y, /jui-hi'itg 
Picking A> J. 
Flerca, J- U. 
Pierre, P r tL 
P[pET r Solomon 
Pratt BtiJlmnn B. 
Putnam. L W. 
floule, George 
S[j-i-it. Eurle 
grimier, John W. 
Thutnpvnn, aj lAaa 
Triton u.N. M. 
Ward h Genrpa 
Wanhburn, Philander 
Wood, Crime Li ut B. 
Wood. Kliqb 
Wood h Jniienh T\ 


Wood, Wilkes 


Brewer* David 
Olmpta, t/harlM F. 

Umpur, L. ":.■■:■ - D. 
Drapi-r. Gent*! 
Dfltoher, Warren W. 
Fdlca, J,ewjft 
Godlrev T Benj. D. 
Golasmttb, Jnihn 
Mann. E.bridpre 
Mtulirw. Aaron C 
Walker. 9jiuiuel 
Wood. fturtholumew 
Woodbury, James T. 


Bacon, John E. 
Crane, Hosea 
Farnsworth, Simon 
Johnson, W. H. 
Waters, Horace 
Waters, Osgood H. 
Waters. Asa H. 
Wood, J. G. 


Blossom, Edward E. 
Bunton, Jesse 
Cook, Samuel 
Cunningham, Edw'd 
Dudley, IJ. E, 
Gannett, George K. 

ULhlllT-OClk, AteiOJ 

libLHa* TJionwa, Jr. 
Kennedy, J- F- 
Mftrlrm, Joseph 
llii-!"iiin]r. li'elmrd A. 
Ki>'iIf : ,iih, Jain<-a M. 
Bosjen, Ortaviiia T h 
Etaisq]!* Jonathan 
Whftcher. Joseph B, 
White. Mrs. M. Vt> 


Brewster, J. M. Jr. 
Brewster, Joseph II. 
Holmes, Mrs. C. W. 
Lacey, John N. 
Lyon, Horatio 
Nichols, J. D. 
Norcross, Alfred 
Porter, A. W. 


Dow, Ezekiel 


Spaulding, J. W. 


Easton, W. R. 
Fearing, Elisha P. 
Harris, Corge 
Jones, Daniel, Jr. 
Joy, Robert M. 
Nichols, William 
Swain, Charles P. 


Wilson, Henry 


Brown, William B. 

An th nn v , .1 rmeph 
Baktr.Genrga T. 
Barber, j4ittD 
Ufirncs, Iwiic 
Barium. Snmnel D. 
Barney. Albert C, 
p . . ■ ■ ■■ MLit 
BnrtFett, Ivory »[, 
Bart-Wl, Lyman 
Bh 1 au vuifl, Joseph A. 
Btj\ I^aae 

Bounty, Charles T. 
BnUrtte, G- A. 
tl: 'l.1- un, L* I'. 
B ro w n« L l ! , Joseph. 
Durt h Churl 1 * D. 
Cannon! NoT-WJ 8. 
Clifford. John H. 
*''■■■ u-:>. C. L. S. 
Cog5lmlL t Hoyden 

Crocker, Bowhmd R> 
Churchill, Sylvan (U 
Delano, George 
Dnrffce, James 
Eddy. A brum , T. 
Eddy. Will Earn 
Eld ridge, Aiuriab. 
Elliott, T. D. 
Fabcr, Edmund 
Fe«enderu C. B. EL 
French, Rodney 
Giiifra, Alexander 
GiJjtui. . I ■■ ■ s 1 1 1 l.i . -A 
Goodman* C R- 
G nod win, Nath 1 l+ Jr, 
GrinnfU. C«me|Lua 
Grmnt-H, Jr^p^ph 
Orlnn*tC I^awrsnce 

J llkel^ "-■!■:! 

Hulingc, John 
I atch.A, D. 
Ilathawjy, Nnthanlel 
Hathaway, Wm. Jr. 
Hat P] a way t Wm. IE 

III 'i'li- -, A:M::i'I 
r [■ M ' I ■!. A. II. 

I lowland, Uco. Jr. 
Hi jw hm J i Westoa 

K : . -I !-, ■'.''■■ I : i | 

Knrwloft, .l(j]iu I J rh 3d 
Lad (I, Warren 
IneonarnL Samuel 

LinnfiliuUfiinfliLel, Jr. 
Luc a j, Allen 
Lueae. William A. 
Mnkie h Anrlrew 
Mandell, T. 
Mnaifrt, Willanl 

BCiicHeif Juntei T^ 

Mnrpai], t'T-L Critfirhs 
Murttm. ija./.ojus S. 
N i c It i- rsi ^n T Joeeo h 
Packard, ^Vm, 1 1. 
Paine, Sarmtl S. 
Fprker^Jfibu A. 
Per^y. John H. 
l'i'ikj s, William 
Pierce, Andrew G. 
Freeffttt. Oliver 
Rieketson, Danirl 
RiLktitsiju, J<w£-p1i, 2d 
HoIh- h tn , Andrew 
Rnhi. L Hni h FrAJUrlch 
rt-jdiuiiii. rirniamin 
Ki-.dnian, S. W r 
Rod: nan, Wm. L, 
Rnlnh, JnH<»ph, 
Rntch, William 
Rmi.xpll, lie njjrmln 
Huflwll. 'i'lmtJlftH S. 
Sanfnd, Charh'B H t 
Sianion, A. G. 
S+.i-iiLi^Ii, .Tiil-.ii A. 
Snllin?ft,Jf)hn W. 
Swnhi. WLllLam W, 
S*irt t Thomat W* 
TulxT t ELlirjnnd 
Thorn tan. Ellthn.Jr. 
Tn I] nan, William 
TiLLeon. Henry II. 
VoPi3i|lt, f'trdjliand 
Winrl. E. G. 
Wwren, CiLarlpa H. 
yfittnaiw.k I'Junirl 
Wa(Jtiftp T William 
WhiirriMpc!, Jobn C. 
Wtjlusi.ThQOW |. 
Willinmit, Jofflpll It 
Wtjutl, John 

Clu-rk, <j. \Y r 

C/oihi>, Clicirlea 1L 
Ottrrioi, K. ti. 
Cnahin^T WLlllam. 
|lirrnjii:-1<, L. F. 
l[ak' r J. Hilh 
Ita!e. losiah L. 
Hull, S. W. 
.1. ii I- n :!-!:., H.N. 
J oho arm, JuBi-nhp 
MumlOnl^ M. SE 
Nrjvt'B, T> iiliam H, 
Pi.wn , II M. 
Pike, Jidui N, 
lV>rtrr. - 1 . ■ ! . ii 
Rami, K. fl. 
Smith, I! .i ■ i- \. 
Tbpitcber. George 
Tdtoo. J, A* 
VunnllyCi A. G. 
Wheeler. Goy E. B. 


Allen, George E. 
Allen, Nathaniel T. 
Bacon, George W. 
Barstow, E. H. 
Baxter, Daniel 
Blake, James 
Brackett, CcphflJ 
Brackett, Oilman 

Brackett. Nathaniel 
Cole, Andrew 
Crehore, Lemuel 
Donallnn, John 
ELdridpfi. ttolft 
Fuller, John B. H. 
Hjz* Itine.?, T + 
Howe, Jdhol 
Hyde, George 
Hyde. U.N. 
jL-uTtiSe ti + Jonhtlk 
Jnr.ler h[ ] Mm, H* N. 
Kendujt, R. W. 


UttlpHpld. George C + 

I^nr], Hartley 
Ijomharrl. Untel 

i - '•■■' ..'■ ; l-i:i 

Parsons, Samuel 
pi i aptan , Jouc ph W. 
Riee. Thorn as t Jr. 
tiicker, J'lmes 
K^e/ere, William 
^ :•<■;■■ .1 I i C. 
Towne, William J. 
Tomhs, Michael 
Troft'biidpe, Or«H 
Vulvjitjnc, Almtr* H. 
"n'uin^-riirht, It A. 
Walker h George V* 
Wiird, Andrew ft, 
Ward t Oforpe W. 
Ward t William F. 


Seaver, A. W. 


Dudley, Paul W. 
Morse. J. W. 
Plummer, Israel 
Whitin, C. P. 
Whitin, J. C. 
Whitin, Paul 


Baker, Osmyn 
Bright, Henry 
Clark, Christopher 
Dewey, C. A. 
Forbes, Charles E. 
Lawrence, William 
Pock, N. A. 
Whire, Cyrus 
White, M. E. 
Williston, J. P. 


Kelly, Zcno 
Metcalf, Mrs. C. C. 
Wheaton, Laban M. 


Andrew*. Robert 
Barton, En 1 ward 
Carpenter, R. E. 
Cheney, Dnno* E. 
Goddant H Du%L» 
Hu]Lt, R.MJney 
Kcllops, Mrs. S. W. 
Xl|bg'rn h Levi 

Mi-..!' ' ;.i, ■_ H. A. 

Poland, Gt'orpe E. 

I'.'ntitiiy, Daniel 

White, Thoiua»IL 


Childs, B. W. Jr. 
Howard, Emory E. 
Sigourney, Mrs. M. 


Dewey. A. N. 
Fisk, Gordon M. 
Knox, Cyrus 
Kelloag, P. P. 
Squief, John A. 
Wood, E. G. 


Bigelow, Ralph E. 


Allen, Merrill 
Bryant, Martin 
Cobb, Joseph 
Damon, Nathaniel 
Hatch, George F. 
Hersey, F. G. W. 
Sprague, Franklin 


Bellows, Mrs. C. M. 
Blake, Mrs. L. W. 
Hutchinson, A. 
Lewis, Mrs. Harriet 
Parker, H. A. 


Allen, Almon N. 
Allen, Thomas 
Atkinson, C. 
Briggs, George N. 
Brewster, Henry B. 
firewater, John M. 

Brewster, OTItctE. 
RrookB, R. F. 
ChickeHuBH H, 
Childs C C. 
Childn. H. H, 
Coltt Thomas 
DeniBon^ A> 
Emerson. Chirh?i N, 
FrancKA. IL 
Franels.Edward 8, 
Green, Wm, Warren 
Humphrey, Herman 
Kello^p. Eii^ifD U. 
Ladm. Walter 
Parker, Ji>hn C, 
Piane, William 
ri-.jiik.-t. 'I'h'irnusF. 
FOmeroy, Rohart 
Rlee. W. B. 
Hobl.infl, Oliver W. 
Rockwell, Julius 
Smllh, A.M. 
Stionp, Thomas E. 
Walker, J, A ► 


Allen, Joseph 
Andrews, Henry G. 
Atwood, A. J. 
Atwood, Elizabeth 
Atwood, Jesse R. 
Atwood, Thomas 
Atwood, William, 2d 
Avery, Joseph 
Babbitt, Benjamin B. 
Bagnnl, George 
Ballard, Allen 
Ballard, S. D. 
Ballard, William 
Haines, Alhert 
Barnes, CJinrlceE, 2d 
Barnes, Corbtn 
IM- ;■■ . Elli* 
Barnes, Ertla, Jr. 
Ramia, John C. 
Hurncs T Jiimua F. 
Barnaa, ^i>nthwrtrlh 
I- 1 n. .-, William II. 
llnrtlertp Ainasa 
Dnrtle^, Andrew 
Baulett, Edward 
Bnrtlett, llnhraim 
Burthlt, 1-iMii 1 
Burt I el t, John, 3d 
Bart lei r, Jorerih 
Bartktt, Lew Si 
UErlk-lt t Nutlmriicl T. 
Bartlett, llobert 
Harllelt, 3jtrtuiLl 
IJartli'tt, rtanf<jrd 
BartliTt, Mia. S. W. 
BartEe^t, Th fnT. as 
Bartletr, SStteheni 
Hatefl, C-lrment 
Bales, Coml'ort 
UatvB, Liufltnyui D. 
Bales, James 
Bjtttfr, John D. 
Battles, John 
Buttlci, John. Jr. 
Bunmui. Martin 
biilv:.p, William 
UlaLhmer, Ivory 
Qrulthrd, Culeh C. 
Bradford, Duvld 
Brad lord, (>urg| P. 

lS|;nJ"i -:i, S.I II ■.Hi, ilr, 
H ram hall, I^L'Tijamln 
Brainhatl, ^.Iharlnji 
HmmJiglL, EllivU. 
Bramhall, George 
UranihaJl, Georpe. Jr + 
Brflo;hnll h Hylvjinua 
Brewsier, Aaron 
Brew Mer. Isaac 
BrWB, Gerngc W. 
Brown, WLIhani 
BryaiLt. Danville 
Buiupna, Lemuel S. 
Eurhuttk, 3. M. t Jr. 
It'.iriN^u, Lewis 
Ifiii-lon. Thlrleft 
Carver Riihert 
Chandlfr, A. G. 
ChftWller, T. C. 
Oinrahtll, Bamahaa 
ChureliHl, lienjainin 
Chu rehi I L t Charles O. 
Church ill, John 
Foster. Freeman 
Chun-hill, John D. 
CJiurehUl, Lucy W. 
Clark, l-.liicui 
fl-irk, Ezra 
Ulark, NntltltDlel.Sd 
ClQTk. William 
Cohh, Uanjacnlq 
VoLlIi. Charles 
Cnbh T GrorjiE F. 
Cobh, Up man 
Cobb, Uenian, Jr. 
CollltiJiW4.iO'l, William 
Collins, Jam Pa 
Cnoper, Joaeph, Jr, 
Cotton t Jrial all 
Cotton. PrlKdlla 

Cotton, Roland E* 
Cotton. RoaettA 
Covington, E lam 
Covington, Jacob 
Cowen, Robert 
Crandoi], Benjamin 
Cnshman, Joseph. Jr* 
Danfcrth, A hen 
Dan forth. Jam e* A + 
Dnnftrrh, William fl. 
Davee, S. H. 
Davie, Eecm 
Davie, If ho hod 
Davie, .Tohnaon 
Davis, Churlej O. 
DflviH, Utlcu 
Davis, J i m nn 
Davla, Jolm W. 
Davis t Nathaniel M. 
l>aii.H r flnlTtnel 
J invir. Vi, ■, i i;n 
l>aviii, WjIIfiliti, Jr, 

Davis, William T. 

[IvLurc, Q. E. 
Dike, Simeon 
Dill, Jamep IL 
Diman, K + Sk 
Dim an, Thomas' 
Doten, Chandler W, 
Doten, Samnel H, 
DoEen, Samn^l 
Drew, Atwood L* 
Drew. Ellis 
Drew, George 
Drew. Wilirnai 
Urew, William R. 
Dl^w^ William T. 
Draw, Winslow 
D on can ton , A lei'r 
r i- 1 1 1 . 1 -in. l^ucoi 
Dunham, LyaaEidcr 
Dvcr, GL'orpu G> 
E'Jaa, Oliver 
l-j ] v.- n i ■ ' -! . D. A. 
Ellis, ISartlelt 
Eliifi, Juniaa 
El II?. Tbornaa 
Erlaiid, EAumtn Y- 
Furrla, Jeremiah 
Fititd, Benjamin T. 
Finney, B. C f 
Finney, Clark 
Finney, Elltanali 
Pltiney, Ezra 
Finney, llmii.-rn 

Freewn, Gcorpe 

f^tirrhiut, G rami lie 
Gilbert, Guatavna 
(ii. ii-.n, .i.'lni G. 
C:.i(u:lihL', J. Ini 
Goodwj'n, Charle* 
Goodwin, K. W. 
Goodwin. HI nr.E. W. 
Goodwin, NtithunM 
Goodwin. Natb l, Jr. 
Gnodwlu, W'tlium 
G nodw in , Wi 1 1 Ffl rn . Jr. 
Goodwin, WillLnmW. 
Gordon, Timothy 
GraV. Atu\tU 
Griffin, E. S. 
Urlfflri, Cleorge W. 
Cijriirv t Cltflrlci 
Hall, fMuartl U. 
Ha|i T John T. 
Hall, Itrbert Q. 
HfllU Wlslkm 
Harrison* A. if. 
liaMow, F.tha J. 
Harlow, Ephmhn 
Harlow, K'^ra 
Harlow, J'din EI. 
Harlow, Sflvunns 
Harlow, TJloli'asr, 
Ibm-iiN. A. M. 
Harney, A. 
Harvey, Sj-'lvanns 
llatbawav, Uriijamln 
IlalhaWjy T Gto. A. 
Hathaway, G. H. 
Hhj-iIit.1, Ldward B. 
IIa>rh-n, Edward 
Hay ward* l : L'/u 
1 J ay ward, James T. 
Hay Want* Nalhan 
ll^iJco, ifarnahuJ 
Hedce, itartiuhaa, Jr. 
Hedge, Kdward Q. 
Hedje, Nane, L. 
Hejliie, Inaae, L., Jr. 
Hed e*Jamef T. 
1 ledge, Thomas 
Upline". Ainuaa 
HolmeJt, Martlett 
Holiner, Burnaluu BL 
Holmej, t^nlah D. 
Holrnci. ChflMeaT- 
Holmes, <■ E2. 
Hnlmemlsaae B- 

I I i::il'.:-, -hri ]i|'. 

Hrtlnie^ I,eonanlD. 
HL.)mts.N T ,JrH 

I I ■ ■ 1 1 1 ■ !-■-, Etkhurd. 
Uylmes, Richard W, 
H cilme*, R. 

llri'lili-H, ^.i^Jlh 

Hrdmea, William B. 
Howard * LUnaoh 


Howard, John F. 

llowrland, C. H. 

Iri«ti. (J. B. *" 
Jackson, Abraham 
JackflUft, Abniham,Jr, 
Jackson, Charta T. 
JackvotP, Edwin 
Jackie ti, George II. 
Jb. kdOu< Henry F. 

I J.. liii.IL. J*COb 

Jaf kauri, Julm G. 
Jacka >i, I, i.ii i' iL S, 
Jackartu, Mi*. M- D. 
JiM-kwi. Tl.ihlruu 
Jack*.'", The: run Q, 
Jack*nn, Wiillun 
Jauk»r>u, Wiiimni II. 
JaeJoou, William M. 
JamCitim, N", 
Judn-n. Ad.mimin BL 
Juil^on, Abijfull B. 
,1 inK-u, Abbi Ant) 

JlldtKll, LIlpatllBU 

K>ndal], J at 

Rendrtck, Ami 

Km-li-ii-k, J. 
Ki, i'iii-ii.E.i, Jr. 
L^liM-'i', IF.K 
Lane. DunEch Jr. 
lanuian, N. L\, Jr. 
IjdauLi, Phiiincy 
Ltitjiur-i, J nun* E. 
l-iinr*!:, Thonia* 

Latttfoft. N'ljtiniiiltt 

Loud, JacOli U, 
Liiu»,A. IJ. 

Jjufui. Isblc J r , Jr. 
LlU'iH, S *»|iLii-r» 
Miiijti r, I 'mid 
MiiutLr, Prince 
May, l.'hurlc* 

MilVr TJlOllltfl 

M lur. II. M- 
MlLLU-r, Mi LI. 
Morse. Aulhnuy 
Mnrey t Ckurl*i 
Murium AutLin 
Morton, A. G- 
Mortun, Caleb 

M.r !■[.■:., EU*!ll 

Morton. I'-K-L-Vi^l 
Morton, Henry M. 

Morton. IfilMilw 
Murt.'li. Jwcfili 

.M. - .ii. J... \> T. 
Mrtrtiju, Jamea 
.M . i r i - 1 . _l ■ : : . 
Mi>rlnn, Njlliaiiiel 

K- 1- 'ii, l-.i»i-ni-/-i-t 

NolWJEI, HllUiUl'l 

tteloon, William 
lSV'l-^ll, William H. 
Oiney, ftitbirt 
Parker, Encuezer G. 
Parker. Jmrit* S. 
Ph.iv, Ju'iH 
Paty, Thump* 


1'.. ■■■!■■■ ', StmjUcd 
Perk S n +, I j i dvOi J t Jr* 
Pttt/Jf, M. 
tape, Kiel: up 1 
Fruit, 1,iicIlfh 
ruyiiUfiu], Lulvin, Jr. 
K- Cll, Jliuk-c 

Bll C. N.: ill ill 

Rich, Iwjc B, 
Hcliunlf, Q*r*m 
Rielnuonil, Wui.M, 
K-kunU I'n fiuBji W. 
Rldur, Uktl 
Rider, taltiel 
Rider. Mi-»H, D* 
Khil- i| "William 
ttinler, Win. F, 
HfjuLpiu*. iJiiiw-l J, 
iiuii' M i.s, Edmund 
r{'»li!>ii", rrunclaLt. 
RohtiLn*. 11.11. 
Rabbin?, Jjntlnh 
jfopltm,!*. T. 

RohLuFlP, Unfit! 

Rub I ■■■■-. Wi^iam 
It use. Mmiiul 

ltiinji'U, Au'tftW It* 
H'.ia r.<-\\, Andrew I« 

Hun '.i, ywr. u.f. 

Kuatv,!, Iji-Hlekaiil 
ll.ih- 3. I l.i--.L 

jtiuM ii, i-:. w. 

HlliT^'ll, I rancifl II. 
Huj^ell. (fL'tirjr'E \i> 
IfohsttlU MirdP 11. 

Jhl;--vil, .fi'Liii 

KiiJ-L' LI, It., i]nl,n J. 
JIujtAL'lIt l : o l'nn>n 
]{uh3l II, NulLniiirl 

Hu^li [l, N^rllQEMI:^ Jr. 

JtHHSi Ll, 'INiMlflJH 

Kmull, William O. 

K«r>. II, Wi.liUllL tj. 

Bumpim, A'iron 
Sam|jrfnii, L'.Wl* 
fiui]iph>h, Ihiuc 
Bam^H>ii, h. li'iyU't 
btiuip»L>:], Tru liiua 

BimpHD, ZlbdJel 
h=. - ,i ..]■ i -. T. 8. 

SnH-uqr-, Jillllv!' 

c^Drfl h llirtin B, 
Silver, tlhuLt* 
Bcavfj, UffM 

Sruw, Ii.-lki. IkhI 

Siitw, lcii» 
Shaw. Ji«cph EJ. 
SJlqw, Mamucl 
Shaw, BoulbwoiUL 
Bhcrniau, It. I 1 - 
SliLiiuai^ Kkvirr C* 
Si mini mi, Gt^rge 
SjLruiinjin, Lemuel 
SLmujtjni, Willism D. 

M i^.Wiij. I*. Jr. 

lamilh, fL D. 

I ^llj(l|l T J'ctir W. 
HaOflt, Wi lliii hi IL 

i Spt&r, J -i,!'. i.? 11, 
St'Kur. S, r, 
Spooner, Bourn a 
SPOILT. ClinrlnW. 

S^mjiicr, .UilliCB 
>\ ■■■ ■ '. i ■ :■ r ,s i n ■ -i W, 
Sjxhiult, Nuthnnit?! 
Sjn-iHiL-r, N ilinuiJi-J R 
Sjtuiiiicr, r l 'htniiiH 
HlMhrniff, Willi^ril 
rii ft, i tj'a rt , JuulktiA 
Ndnidi.^h, WLhiIowD. 
Stvi.ln.-n?, I^teiih;! 
SliiLliiurr]. Atlliii T. 
tiLiuliliinl. fliinlfi B. 

tiL.llHinjTl. tllfil J- 

JiMitilinl, t' rancid IL 
EtLiildajiJ, Gtorvcll. 

fljnJaanJ, Jfraacj N- 
^Iml'liinU .i.-i. ii T. 
SmddnrJ. Mm 

Slnihlflfd, Wiry 

-■ ■ . i .ii- 
tjtrotjif. Lt, O. 
Stiii it-. .iilI. J*taflbid 
Min 1 1 hi. n"., Wii.ii: in 
S" ii'i, IJ. i i ■■.". 
Bylvntcr. ClmrleiiT. 
TVllJolt, Hmutiil 
Tijlftr, AbnvrS. 
TuvLur, Jpcnb 


TliiPjui.B, AiBlUfOll 
TturniHd, L^Li^, Jt, 
TJuiirsM, (immkJiH 

'L .' :.l-, -!■■ '!► 

T j 1 1. iiuiiU, J ulm 
lluiniQf T Jidin B. 
Tiiiunui, Jiw.iut 
1'huiiL.iK. Miin IL 
Tliomao, ^^ i1Hb.hi 
Tijiirljtr, J.hljih 
Th'Liuiiii, iLelHcCa M. 
'I'uEllLiil-nii, H- 
TriliLtJi't Ih lue: 
TrilhlilH 1 . Julin 
TritjMf, l^irCDTD 

TljIjIiI . WilliiimB. 
Tribbir, W. M. 
TuiJii-r, l>4ivid 
Turner, K. C- 
Tliiekt, E 3, 
Turner, 3d ifl4 3. 
VirL'irij Jmhri 
W T ttEjj*ur([| F \VrJt 
WVrn-n T '<■'<■ -\i/.<i 
Wrrren, Items' 
WVfrtiL, Mr*. MPrv 
Wnircn, Pi'llnun W, 
Wunrn, Wiiicluw 
WntA>iL 1 A.l-L 
AVntm>u, lieiijamLEi M4 
^ ■ ;■■•,., I- ii'. .M., ,l j. 
Wiit>(]n h u. JH. 
W r 4,[Eup t Lil^iird W, 
Wjtaun, J.ihn 
WvbhhT, E. W. 
Wvllinciniu GionrQ 
W v ]l«,Fb]]^ili " 
Wvhtun T t'tj.imer 

WliituB, H.Vfr 

WIllLiiitj, AJnnlrtm 
Wliiline, LtLHJ.,^d 
Whlt.nA EilwivilB. 
Whiting UlLifl 
W T biii up, Llinbn 

^ li " Wnl,-m II. 

WhUmorc, Utn.^miii 
Wblttei], 11 riiceC. 
TrVildtr.XaTtiiLmtl, Jr. 
"Wood, Imihc L. 
"Wtiod, l>. tL 
"Wuod t (JliVETT t 
"Wuffl 1 1 N u Eh an ill . Jr. 
1 W-,i--iliv.iiiL, J^bciiczer 
Wriffht, Jrincph 
Vs 1.. 'Li, .]•■■' [-\:, Sr. 

Caswell, Willinm U. 

^ii-|[..':s.4n, E. W. 
VlL'lrl, Ilunlum 
l.ohdetu Eb*nc*er 

WL.i Lf, £»■ 

]J»yMon, Wflid N, 
UriH'kft, Julin 
lliv>EpkB 4 John* Jr. 
UidoIif, Sarah 
>By.j.ihn B. 
Iluitm-ll, Isnac 
llBjUugfl, Solob Sv 

I-ICU*. I.NtiiTOH'S. 

Cock. E.J. 

ClAjk. J. J. 

Dudley, A. S. 
Jnljiisinn,.!. F, 

HLl]ith t Jl«« 

i*i]piT T Hubert 
Stone, Jcnininh 
You iiik' , Euunin 

Adflnn, John 
,\rl:.ui'..i..lin Qulncy 
Ifciki-r, Wi,:i.:iuF« " 

h .! . '. I I • I -y 

lki-.«. J^inh 
BaKkr. Dutiitl 
B:ixtEr + Thumiiioii 
: lit'Bli, Grunns W. 

. Itc I.J-.S-lJ.ll S. 

! Ik-iil, NuttHiuitl EL 

. Bifuov, John 

hriiin-it, R f 
' UntdiKiryiLiUluTtf. 
BrihiipbtN, J^njnmLn 
t Ur^tiMii. JiKiah 
r Carvrr^Vrk-flW. 
I inurelitll T Araaf 
I CttmtTita, Geribom 

, ClltuEilJEl! F. Nuldl 
CuEtJl, Alk.lEl 

I Cuitis, LltjiLuiuln 

i Davis, A. Ii. 
I Jch ei ei h Wuilam 

j IJuiLLii, J"Im IL 
Liik'ii, Jul"Li t\ 
Ivhv.ii.!-, rlnEiiiiel IL 
LLwcIL Jt-bs rt 
I :ii' .'I. Mi-. J.Liry 
Fkld. WlUldiD 
Frederic k> Elcuer 
G3IL LieutdeL. 
IJLuvtT Jokn J, 
GLuVerj WiliiiLiil S* 

O-nmSsn, Dankl 

< jr-.- ,1 ■ .;:', Tlidiiipia 

I Jardw'ic k . Cim rlea 
JitrTiu^ T TbninuB J. 
»olt, Albert 1 U , J ■•:',;: r !■;, 11 
Jolumuti, Mi*i. B. SL 
Locki.-, Gen ret It. 
LufiI, WilllAinP. 
Lui'dj. MidH Aim A. 
MjlLtr, AlbuiLE. 

Mi Hit, Mra. ("urn Line 
Miller, Clmrle* E. 
.MiIIlt, E'l iv- it r- 1 
\lEin™*,lf!Bel W. 
AVwtnmb, P, W. 
Nvweurub.TliEuleni Jl4 
?<FUlitJ(ijnHe T Tbu*. J. 
Parker, ChB« 
Porter, WJiltcumb 
Quiney, Jo- iub 
H'linlLriln John 0, 

K'ib-.TL.4H1 , J.-rL'l'Jl W. 

Bnr^Lut, E. C- 
Bavil t Julm 

Buufktr. E. B. 
Buutber, ELLilcric 
Bt^liEjll, J:Lll1CB A. 

Thn.ycr t J,lJ4jnry 
TJuhhiwh Snmtiulp Jr, 
V«ajlu T (JeurRt 
\'aaz\f, Gi'urpP! 3d 
Vinn-ii. Mrih BJtmJi 
Wjtnl, Utnry 
Whitcher.jLjho D. 
WbEfr.N-iitbui, II. 
WLHunl, Sulumtll 
W.i.i.iiiuul, Kbeuezcr 

Writrht, AlXd 

RAVEiOLril 1 . 
Allien, Ail...iiir*illl 
Alu i'n. Ebuneior 
Aklvn, llur.iba B, 
Ai.i-i-. .l.-.-iii 

DuEjyiJi, A. K. 

h'iMrl:,,!. I.. 

GHTjrfl. Piitrick 

I I ■ . ■■'. \. O. 
UuwurrJ, N. 
Jutdaii, John T + 
AYdkii, Bnidibrd L, 
"Wkilt, AdQtiinLEU 


Bradfortl, Alu; 
JJcaa T TbeffllOrt 

(ill more, Oihniel 
Hull a bud, Charlet 


CummliipB, Amca,J r . 
Hcrw, Nmhtnj K* 

Hf> v.; .<,; \\.. w 

Ilunl, Ptttneia r. 

KicWItun, » h O. 


Bonney, George, 
IklupH, lmaac 
ChAOdV?, Hubert 
Cbure-L, JiKejph W. 
Cruvktr, Jauiel 
tLa/rkmrli'li, E. W, 
King, Thi.t'itbilut 
LmhuanJ, *J\ W, 


I'. 1 !,l : 1 1 ". . |....:jrliii!'i \i 

Itittiilall, lU»bt)tC, 
Kjl.hii i, Thuinu 
Rueck-n, J ii mil 
SjiuLiBun, i:niiLul 
W«lker, U. W. 

j Hnwik>, ILubeti, Jr* 
I, B. 
I GILhtu NlWcII 
I rj, r [l*J.lL 

tkkull, L, : ,i 


.'. . :■■ . ;< i.. - V.". 

UmLhir, JiLiiry 
1 HiHiultv r.ilM 

Bjiikt-, JuJil, II. 
I iijii.v.i. F. 
. U.itiiu^u.u^lriry Ann 
I l-Liub, Sum tied C. 
: L'l.lbLirn, Lieurftia W. 

(.'uH-Lpp, I 1'JllL'liul 

I'm* by, Wiliimn 
FHIb, UuirLti 
F.MU* T \\\l irnu 
truel, vienr,pe 
1; irJj'.ir. Wnliam A- 
(iure, iVlIm-n 
tirfi-tiullltll, Uivld B, 
(jliLLJ, Jamci 
ll!ill r AHi*il G. 
JIiivi!ii,GlLbtr.* Jr. 
1 1 1, 1:1 1 -J, L'liiirka 
Hull, ti. A. 
Jtuimtnell, J. TV. 

Kfflfni'iiv, JJuuqLd 
Lit. Wiliimn IL 
Murium, JipIiu +1L 
Melinrui^v, CJiarlca 
■M.ti U, .1 hi, J. 
Pi-iw, II. K., X. Q. 

Put [|U] tl, In ■Til' 
I fi:i ■i-iLi-IL, IJ. .".rt 
Robbln-. IVter G, 
Sargent. Jiniie-a L3. 
SiniTHLriiB |>. Ah 

I SUinfir), Mr*, £, M. U. 

1 Tiiylur, 11. 11. 

Tl.V LL.L\ tir C> 

I'lLderWund, J. M, 
j W eld* J 11 File* 
j VHu.H-nviidit.JL'siu.h 

I wi.-i. . ■'■;,.. 1 ;■ ' a. 
White, John E, 
Wiriulllttcij, P. B. 
W inflow, Edward 

W ;. In.: 1, J.ilV. AH. 

An drew ». Jur-tnh 
Burt on t W. K. 
BerEraiu, Juhn 
Buta ker, Charlea 
t'lujiite, Cfioriru 
L ■'.:., r' '.■ n..- 
JJurrtiLCL-p W, T? 
j'tuurtuiii E, 
Fiike, J . E. 
Kro thing Lund, O. !!. 
Itjinuli!.., AliM IL C. 
1 1. 1. 1 , L, B. 
T T ■ i-Lj l,tt 11 . JauieK M< 
lioi.tlnDilLjri, Aiahel 
Jenki* LJeniy £L 
JuliliAuu, E. 3. 
Lf.tlUu;, (m ■ n-u>.- R. 
M^unninjF, IL C 
.M.i i| i- k>u • ill 
Pen body. ANivd 
Pvutbudy, Gcurffo 
l'i!u|jud>, JOBeuri 
l*enboiiy, S. El 
Pcincw, E, B* 
I'll. : i 1 ^ . Charlee A, 
PblUfitt, fiiL'jjbtn IL 
Pliillirtj, tituyhea W. 
PhiUjpa. W* P. 
Fin Iterin^jLPhn VT. 
Fli'kmjtn, (liniiiamid 
Pie ki mi ri, Williiim 
rickmnn, WlHiPEn D- 
Rvgi.M, Etichiird J. 
Ruisstlli JoLin Li. 

BaltrjnBtill , l^rerttt 
Su under*. Phi lip TV, 
Sht nurd, Mirdiiufl 
Ttiwnr, S. 
Ward, Andrew 
Wuni, Cbarlei 
White, Daniel A. 
WoKtaUr. H, AL 


Clark, Thomaaf. 
Fimler, E[.b*rt 

Wetwtttr, A»f O. 

TVtbrter, DaaH 

Boydtn. WilLiam E. 
UurgcBB, Chjtr. II. 
tjn 1 1 i 11 f, llei 1 be n , Jr. 
DflVil. Weudnll 
UilhiiJjbpm, Nub mum 
Fauncr, Janiei IL 
Fvuendeu, George L. 
Fetmrnden, Wm* 
Furuiaii,J r G, 
(uaxlmln, Earn B. 
GlhkIw.ji. F. LL 
liaruer, Jolm 
liVulJi>y,P. C 
Luunard, J. 
N">l' f Abrpin 
Nj-e, EljemxCT 
Nyi, SeihK. 
R'icerj, Htn.hcn B. 
She-rmau, T* C 
Wittirman. t.C, P + 
Wiu^ p Paul 

Scott, AmeItvw A. 
-.• n 1 \T b- 

AUeit W. 1^ 
AlteulW, V. 

I :•.-.',:.. :, I i ■■•• nnl 
CliiLiii. Henry 
))amun 4 DrtliU'lE, 

! r. . :., , !■■ .11 ... I 
I J LI II 1*1! r h JCfflU 

Fip(ii:i Ebei]i-*cr T. 
Jul kin b t Eliiuh 
Jei.kinp, EhJAlt,Jr* 
Jvnkiru. IL A T . 
Oii*, AVl>tilUT. 
(Xid, Uuslvng 
IL'ljbliia, Auifon 
Steipxm, Cuk'ti 
Stetaon, Ebeneper 
htetBOii, Jounihau 
Turrey, Da\ id 
Turrey, i .'■. rl, Jr. 
TfirTt-y, George H. 
Viual, Henry F. 
Wurlc, t*utll 
Whiting. I la via 

!!-!' ll>'->. 
Tohnan, SusunnnJi 


A .L..1I--. F, A* 
. BurdwrlNJarrUB, 

I'ii.-lil.S. T. 
, FuftUrr, E. W'cUi. 

LuEiiBOti, Aim. E,0, 
I -nii h N nlhanJel 

Ffllrb, J. K. 
I rufl't'L-, Cheney 

h r j vim- , A^.iiinjin tl. 


'.-. ■Li'.--,.l-: := I-.. 

■■■: ! . : " --T. .- 1 ' =. '.:■•■. 
Green, William A. 
IIiLucall, JelTenon 
Milen, CliuJ:. 
Riehuj-daun, ?lin A.B. 

Eddy, Llrinlil E. 
Mnrtilr, JlfOfth 
Sladc, Jonathan, Sd 

■:-'On..1:'- ji.i 1;- 
Allen, Stephen G. 
Hull, John G. 
huiihiu. Mia. C. W. 

II u j 3 1 < m 1 , Franepa 
Riphin^on, O- W. 
Snnw, jjL'Tiry A. 
TuTtfl, Kuthuit 
Vinul, Robert 


Cultoh,,!. T. 
Vav, rotor 
Loud, WUliitni H. 

:- . . I ' 3 1 1 IV E ■ Ji 4 

Field, M.D. 


ALdi-u, Lid* h 
Alden, Charlea P. 
BttgET, Aaron 
1 . ■; i : h . Jared 
Beiaey, Itaiahall 

bibs, Qnrit 
Bium, Odotkc, Jr. 
Brewer, Henrr 
BrewBter. P, W. 
Brovn, Joel 
Chaffee, C T C 
Charnbtrlnln. W. G. 
CLiQiiln, CbuFk'i O, 
Chijlln,^, D. 
t liu i-i il. £. *. 
Dnm, Ruiub 
Child, TVilliatn fl- 
Clark, B^mtpaon 
C«tlcy,J, M. 
Da l ton, A- A- 
Eudy. WUinon 
Fooie, tinnier 
Fuller. (llBha A. 
HurripJ, Dank'L L> 
Ilavkim, IL V, 
Lh'.bjnd, JEiaiah O. 
1 hi I land, W. 1. 
lnpralialTi, Jnffenh, 
Inpnthnin, W, b. 
Ki nil all, Joel 
Ki Ligfthury, GeoTgi U. 
Kingiley, D. T. 
KirlThiirTi, A. II, 
Lndd, Cliaile* R. 
Mi'iriaTii, George 
OrgooEl, Samuel 
Parish, A. 
Phelpt, Charln 
Roberta, Geo-geH. 
RoiihtKju, I tusin C 
H- uteris ftlanly F> 
RuiicJl. Jamtf E. 
Saliubury, Henry 
S:t irt u t. IJ- initio 
Bhedd. J. M . 
Fbvoard, Thomai |. 
Bliamx. CkurleB 
Bloddord. W. A. 

Tulcott. N. Jr. 

Tlmin|j a ,m, .lunleft M 
Tirtany, Vrmdi 
Tracy, llpnry 
Waaon, Thomaa W. 
AVI.tte. W. 11. 
Whitney, Jomc* S. 
Woodman, IJ. 8. 

Ilosmer, Daukl 



Goodrleh, J. Z. 
t>W fin, ChaxleB IL 

Gleavm, Beuj. "W. 
Ualc, ElUhA 


Birch, Jamea £. 

Albm, Charlca 
Anlhany, Jamaa H. 
Atwood, Cha*. R, 
Rarmwj, George 
Rayliek<, Kdmund 
lkiyliei, Frauclt 
H. Ih.'.ie. J iliiiiniiJIL 
Rigclow, Andrew 
CmweJl, Cyma 
Church, J LieklahW, 
ChurLili, L. 11. 
Cuueh, Darlui N. 
Coueh, Mary C. 
Crocket, Gcorgfl A* 
Crocker, Samuel C. 
Crocker, Samuel L. 
Cmektir, V ili.iii]] A, 
] 1. - i!| ■■■: , WnL. H. 

IU'EjEI, JUbL-[lll 

Dean, Robert B, 
Dnnbar, >■■:■! >.,, I Q. 
Foater, Churl li 
Gonlfpn, Tiuiothy 
UttE It, C. A + 
Howe, Ohni-Ect 
Keith. EdTin 
King. S. IL 
lA'UEiurd, Joseph B. 
1. 1'.. mini, J. M, 
Mil It by, Ern^tnf 
HiLihm, William 
Murtoa. Mareui 
>]■■:■■.■, Lovett 
I Inline. Wii !.,:,: IL 
Fiita, AllK-Tt 
Ban lI a 11. 8 + AH»H 
llei-d, F.LifUT 11. 
Iteeil. lL-ury G. 
Simf.rJ, Aipkeue 
SkLi.iiT :, :•: 1 !,,n 11. 
Stinka, Sylvandatf. 
Wilhar, Joncidi 
W Ilium, a, EnAeh 
Vouog, JeB*e C- 


Bon J.rr, Jonathan 
I*ec, Artemaa 
EniilU, Uenry 

Hals, William 
Knowltnn, William 
Stoddard. Elijah 
Warren. Ell ' 
Wood T Mri. Am 


Canton, William C» 
Scott, Sumntl W* 
Tnft, Moaes 
Thayer, JoNeph 

W i. pelor: k , Chn§r A, 
Wuerloi^SlUu i\L 
Wilcox, U + E. 

Clapn, Mn, |„ 
Cram, Jerome Q. 
Scott. Junius G. ' 
£tet«on, Everett 

Wooden, DwEclit 
Butlruk, Francis: 
Clmh. Ifctfstel n 
Cbrk, Henry M. 
Cook, S, IL. 
Panicle. JL>hu 
Davie. F..L 
Gore* Christopher 
Xiith* William H, 

LAWLdD Outge 
LcWlF, -flLfVit 

Lyman. Theodore 
Moore, Ajnorj 

lMnii.--.,ri r. .1, W- 
Panne titer. Zruad 

Priest, J, II. 

flh*l !!■"■». N. 

Wuiker, Thuonli, W. 
Warren, Andrew 

WhltneV,4. tl. 
V. :,■-.■:;. -. ,|,.! .. g, 
Worcester, Mary C. 

GiiiiDTt. t itf.^p n> 

RghinaoEi, George, 
San lord, A, 

BodfUh. Duvld T Jr. 
Boyd, II. 

Blirnpua, Ellphalrt 
Buries-, Stephen (J. 
CoTr, 1 rands 
Cuahman, Janob 
Ellii T H. G,t>. 
Fearing, William 
FeaniLjr, WlIIIlUlI P. 
GFlibe, George, 
GThhs, Moiea 
GIFjIw, Stephen 
lIrLlKJi.fl.ah It. 

giuiow, L R 

Hathiivuy, A + B. 
Kenmy.J. M. 
Kinney, Lewti 
Lincoln, J, S. 
Mih?*,T. R- 
Miller, Selh, J>„ 
Morse, S, F. 
Murde^k, Bartlctt 

.\J ■-!...!, .1. | . 
Manning, Samuel D. 
N\e, A* Si 
Nye. I».n nl 
Nye, T. S. 
Sarcry, Thomai 
Sherman. Hum'l P. T. 
Sprout* Jainea It. 
TUdnle, fcmnuel T. 
ToTwy, J t B. 
Tobey, Beth 
Tower, An drew 
Tnwnnend, David 
Vaughn, II. C. 
Weston, O. F, A~ 
Wetton, Hannah 

KnowTet, E. J, 

}i i ; i ■ - ■ '. • 1 1 , J ■ - . ph 
Tnlesdrdl, L.J* 


Bent, Luther 
Bhrelow, Tyler 
Brlgham, John 
Cheucry, W in lh*opW* 
Davenport, fliarlri 
Farwiil, William E, 
Fnmch, ThomotL. 
OiBwy, Royal 

UOOCtl, jQFllltP, G. 

Mcut-'l, Air*. Jo>itt 
Inprulutiin W. U. 
.)• > h ■■!,. Anljpu 
Lincoln, WJllfjwn O. 
Livermort, Tim in us 
Maper, Jrticie* W. 
Motm, A, a* 

Noyei. SambcL 
Fojrt, LIiiriKin P* 

-I .1 .-, Jnnrii 
* CP*TEC. 

Blpdow. E. M. 

CIlLMO, O. F + 

i i-i-.i-, Lh ■-. 
Hottt>, Jam? i Q. 
Morion, Albert 
Morion, E. P. 
Robin son, J. J. 
Smith, L>. D. 
9[cveni, Mn. n h IL, J. D. 

Ah?ood T E. EL 
Atwood H Stmoon 
t '■'.!.■, Iniiib 
Frvflmnn, K r H. 
Frtfmao, Samud 
f 1 1 ■ i r i ■ ' - 1 h.- 1 1. . JoHbun 
J 1 Lird i ii p, ,u- rcmiih B. 

J^Utch, li '■ ■!■.-. . 

Ui^LTimuP. W, 

^lijfKltia, Samuel 
Kenip, Tliomu 
>PT*ti i m h i Wirrrn 
I'lUk.Hl^hn C 
Swvlt, Jornea 
Hi* i ir..ii-liii 
Bwett h JVrjub 
Wiit>^ F yutbBiiicir. 
TVyerHtieyrEfe T. 
Vi.uiij. Koiih 


Bell, WiLLtom O, 
FlrtflbwvW. Q. 
i J - .■:...-.. « . llL'Tiry 

Kami. 3. IL 
Tbayer, 3. F. 
\Vi||i.iiu-, Sylvnter 


ChamliirLJii, Pkitius 
Uunn'mtl, K. X. 
Lucu, I.v.-ii.inl 
Prerrcott, nTanELa 

Bonis, Elliu S. 
Kr>L'lJ, Juliii S. 

FrLjicb t Cttnrlaa 

Un nl mil:. AlIcJoIue; E. 

LIurdjiiLi, tiivij-a. J J+ 

Harding, WUJjuiIM, 
Hiirnlln^, Wi.lio tL 
Hi t, Toouilu 

Hiinv, Aji|jJi r..|, 
J Ji :.: ( .: : . ■. , r .. :i ... I 

lliintruM.fiiT.fir« W. 
KuuIImii n, t. M. 
LonffLrv. LydlmJI. 
Ltinu, Jacob 
L'i. i. .r> . i, -.. .1y. 
Lniid, Ji>bli W, 
Lqu), 1^ |J_ 
Yrntt-, <.!*.! nutjiii 
Rt'eJ, JutJub 
BLulULrrla, Klim 
BliBiw h NnLbnulel 
3hu* F WllliiniiA. 
Btow*lL Ktth 
TLrwlt, Albert 
Tiircll, All red 
TirT**H p Corm?liti# 
Tirrhl, JjIIUim 
Tul't-. HLaa >iienii 
Vjiiuon, Ebcneftr 


Hill, \\i Imih it. 

GharJbonrn t P. A. 
I^ywcy, Daniel N» 
FOLrtfl, Aanbel 

Griffin. N. ll + 
Elopkins, A- 
Jji^l>k1li[L, Mark 
Jnin*;r>LTL T J. N* 
Whkmnn T Scjmour 

Falrbank, E. J. 
Murduelc, Elkhi 

Bacon, Bobort 
CLitlrr, Steuben 
Thomputi^ B. I". 

1 1 m -l. i, ,,. ]. . Bow«n 
t'aiiti, WHU 
CLLmnil»ffl, John, Jr- 
Culler, hi-riji'iiiin 
HnJpon.E, W, 
Jawrlt, lljrviji K. 
Jr,hrmnn t Alhrrl H. 
Kiln hull, -Tnl.rb B, 
Mauninir. ITrioh 
Pollard, A. P. 

Foltard, Samuel O* 
Bleorrt 'Pniman 
BLct.arElnon, Albert L, 
Btoa«,WUlIim A. 
Thnmpfon, AbijLh 
Winn. J. B. J 

AMr ! I-.. Emorr P T 
A3 l«o t Benjamin D. 
Alien, ChaHc* 
Anpier. C. W. 
Bafcpr, Chirtea 
BntigP, Edward IX 
Barnard, Jcbn 
Barton, Ira M. 
Bates, Joauph N* 
BeiHifr, Mflrrick 
Be mis, Nathorj T* 
Bond. dr>Hpk 
n.-'..].-n, J..|ji, 
EnJwn h Wi]l«rd 
Bul^ck, Alex. DL 
Blirbank, A. I*, 
Bui man. BciijaRiii) 
barter, Buplib 
Chandler, Jowphino 
Cbapin, I r--i ■■■.- 

r'li null, .F:i'-!J 

Cht'eitev, IJonwo 
Clark, * nun I 
Ci 'ii n lit, Edwin 
Cdu^lfin. <. If. 
t.'urlij, -Alhtrt 
UurCla, Mrs. Albert 
l>iivi9, Barnabas 
bavin, Isaac 
IJm r ir> F John 
J)»vH, MrHr John 
David, Sr r G. 
Di^ 1 , Jonatban 
Fiiiin?, Wm. D. 
tirtb, Ahraham 
i n tlifLTi SumncL 
Vul trjmlirr, J. Bl 
FcwlLT, Mrt, A. U* 
Fatter* 1 1 '■•-■:: i 
iimris Thoiiwi H. 
0:itusi-"Nurli-a E, 
Gates, it)]\.u 4 
Gutes, Mrs, Juhtl 
GatLi, Bamui?l F. 
(jrid.:!prd + laaBC 
(»■.*■■. I w in. Isaac 
flrpcn 1 Julin 
Hi!L-<ly H Ltvi 
lIurrin.LTHiTi, Denj. 
■ Itnrcif, Alien 
' Iley^ond, Ul-uj. F. 

Hill, Alonm 
i I Inwe. Gei T*ia 3, 
llutt-JaniJ, JLrtlab P. Jr. 
LlLiwIaiul, B. A 
.!■..■! ■!',. I.. hn W, 

Kmmcutt, Y. U* 

Kinnieult, Tbomu 
Knnwitoii, Chan L. 
Lamb, Edward 
Leonard, Bam'l B. 
Ijlnrolu, Levi 
Mann, Gen, K, 

M.I .'.. •!■■-■ \.\\ 
Mur">n, TL Ij, 
AUClenmn. Wm, EL 
."iTeKariaiul, Warrou 
Mcrcair. CalehB. 
Miller. tluirylT. 
MorriBOD. A. M. 
Mi>r«e. Minon LI. 

>l"'.v.T, E ' | .'■-. I 1 1 1, 

.M ::■' ■ k. I--I n 

. N . .■•'■ i \'.i.\ iii-p 

NlcIuIi, Uenry P, 

I'lLLIU'. >LllllQ!l!tl 

Punildei", E, Q. 
P^rry . Bsnttal 
1'iiLl'ilis. I vera 
Pond. F.i- tin., W. 
Prutt, ChurleaH. 
Pratt, Jouph 
Pratt, Bum nor 
Road, llijurv J. 
Brynohls, WerdfilJ 
Rice, fiet»rjre T, 
Riee H Wm.W. 
ItLchuTtltrm, Gfln. W. 
SiLllabvry. Stephen 
Seavernn, +l"ohn L. 
Smith, wm. A. 
Sun ill, R. L. 
Snow, W. N. 
Souther, Siitn&el 
Bleb bin a, E. S. 
StowelU Miia fl. G. 
Sumner, Genrpj 
Tall, SU'nben, 

Tl l'.t-T, J y-.:-,i'l 

Th^niaa. ttfitlflh 
Tliurber, Charlei 
TIlloEdun. O. IL 
Tower* lldfitln W. 
I'lHi'ker. Jn.*. Jndfon 
Walker, Gilbert 
WoKhbnn>, InhitTiod 
WelllL^bm, T, W, 
"Wheeler, El*nrj' A- 

Wheeler, W, A. 
Whltcomb, iHTld 
Wltiloma, Martin R. 

wm .vrnAii. 


BaaaKt, Joaeph 
Cuppswell, Natb'l 
Croeker, Jamea B. 
l-iuJri.JLH-. John 
iM.L.-i.l.v. Retirpcn 
Gcrhani. OliT^r, Banf!i 
JBppmt. Humucl 
ITowei, Ebcnerer 
Knowh's, Allen 11. 
Know lei. Jonioa 

Otff, Alll'lH 

Bhnvr. (iudrpu 
Sirnpltini No till S, 
Small, Simeon N, 
Swift. Char)enF + 
Thacher. Henry 
Thoeher, Uenry C. 
White. William 


Brifl-B*. U W* 
l)imun t Byron 
J'erry, J. D, W. 
Rogert, Robert 
Sherry, Charles, Jr. 
r:C[- Ul l.i.Hi i.i . 
Cnnk, Jainei S. 
Ili.^pklnt, llorutlo L.'i' k, Stephen M. 
Lr L h L\ J nin-B 
Potter, ,Li", w A* 
Tinltliam* Wjltiam 
Westeott, Aj*a A. 
Whlnpbi, Charles H. 
W'hipFjIe, Jumea L. 

CKJfTHAL r-.iu,*. 
Ail am a. J. A, 
Wood, Jotcnh, 

Edward*, Jamra T- 

l'lir.'l]ij. T Gcorpe N- 
Robijt«.John P. 

r^ i :■■..- i ■.^, 
RrowtL,,T<jhn A- 
JJavLa, Jcuneu jVL 
IluKaril, I lowland 
Reynold*, Albeit 5* 
Hodrnan. Robett 
Sweet, Ileury 
WNltaina,XaEluUL W. 

CuMoii, Chariot. 
F^rd, John R. 
NoTtham + Stephen T. 
> Reynolds, Bttujhcn Ll, 
SlimuunP T I'! Iijf 
Wi|bar T r'rniieifl 


Adamp, John F. 
Allen. Gcfirge E. 
Arnold. tUnev 
Bates, FrrdiTTck 
Ulod^fctt, Willi am W. 
Ilryunr. Jarnej L. 
Clafliu, IdViTion 
Claiip, Sflvauu* 
Clark, IJaniDl A. 
Clark. Edwin R. 
Crawford, IJmrpe 
Cuphman, Kobert 
Deun, Msrcua L, 
Dcxtei. Simon W. 
Duriuell, Jatiob, Jr* 
Fnhbrolhei'. Ii. L, 
Falrbrother, Lew la 
Fhdt, Stephen P. 
French, Epluralm W. 
French, S. 
fja^e* Rieliard B, 
Gardner* I' m. r- T, 
God", Dai l us 
Golf, DatiiiB L. 
Ilaekcit, Olifet L + 
J.>|]u»..i), Beron R. 
Kin cod, C.E. 
LcwEn.N'. . 
Martin, John J, 
Merchant, i. 
Moiea, Charlei 
Moore, J- 
Morton, Tdyod A. 
Mumford, George 
Nickerdun, Anael D, 
Pitcher, Benj,L, 
Piteher, Ellis B. 
Pitther* George W. 
I'm t L. Hiiih'h 

RandolT H N. W, 
Reed, John B, 
Rider* J, M- 
EJayltt, FrcdeTicV C* 

Sherman* R, 
Shnve, Bam u el 
^teania, J terry A. 
Thayer, Atsmon 
TlKirnton, S. E T 
Taylor, Judo 
Thayer, Edward 
T>'ler. William 
Walker. Will lam B. 
WlK-uton, Jiiiueu L. 
WliWney, J&mcaO* 
Wilbuur, Jhi^hua 


Armlngton, A .Watson 
Axnyld, N, J. 
Arnold. U. J, 
Arnold. S.O. 1 ,,. :..u-r, DanM II. 

Ilurntew* A' OL 
Barton, WHuBm It, 
Iltmrn, ALiflListijJ 0, 
Brudftrd, S. S[ui>dlah 
Wrentnallr Sabln 
Uronka. Churlei 
Brown, luuie. It. 
Brow B.J, Carter 
Brown. Peter, 11. 
Bulkluy, Walter 
Eulluelk, Miss Julia, 
BulJucs*J. W. 
BliMlkJe, Mm. R 
Burpere, Alerander 
Burners, Triflam 
CarpfnU 3 r. Charles E. 
Caswell, Alexh* 
Chsmbem, Rubert Bv 
Chapln, Royal 
CLaniEi, George L. 
Corhk, Ju?eph. J. 
Coriiu. lleortte 11. 
Crock**, K.B, 
Crous, Wl.llam J* 
Davl*. Thr-nmit 
Dp WHt, Henry A. 
Dike, A. B. 
Thmau. James LeVu 
Dyc'i, Elislia 
Fearing, ,Iamnfl W, 
Feuiier. Jamca 
Feuucr, Jervmiuh 
Fphaenden, Wro, B* 
Field, Daniel 
Fuller, Hiram 
*\: II i:.. AllKrt S. 
Camrnell* WEEJEam 
HaiUdjuy, Samuel B. 
IJurtwell, JepIio B. 
Hill. ThnmasJ. 
Hopnln, W.W. 
Howlaiid, Henry A, 

1 I-.I.I1V.I. .].-!.. -till 

llnu'Luiid, J[din 

H nut, Joshua 

I vii, - 1 . L . -.- 1 ■-. Brown 

JjcVion, Thomu 

jLT,ckn T ThoimiB A. 

K ends II, II. L. 

KEnjr* William J. 


Lolhiop* nenry* W, 

MnochestrT, Jacob 

Maekie. John 

M- ■:-. EaN P- 

Maiun, John N. 

Man ran, Joneph 

^Iltit* Sam u el 

Miller, Frederick 

Ml Her, Lewi j Ij. 

l^ih'llcinL s. lb 

Putt dti, WilllamS. 

FiirD^iLLi, Usher 

Peuree, Edwanl 

l'earHuii. Robert A. 

Perk, A. G. 

Potter, Charles 

Rathtmu. Tl^mcaB- 

KemlTielun, E. U. 

kicliardi, Chntlei I. 

ItEcliinmid, Win. V,. 

L -.\ ',-.-■ i.. J. IL 

Root, Jumev P. 
, Bnhln, Rrcntual 

SB 1 i-bn ly ,TheophElui 
! BEiiimotifl, Srth 
l Bniilh, Amoa I>, 

Smith, JaineiY. 

S^rofllie, AmatB 

Bt^ere. Jonah 

Swain* Lj 

TutCoU, JaHiei M, 

TV-y -.r. 1 ■:=; ii I .\- 

Thompson, TbomM 

Thnrber, lhjjttcr 

Thurston, l . M, 

Vea*le, Jo*eob 

Ylall. William 

Warren, Henry 

Waterman, Mlsa E. 

Waterman, Basolvc<l 

WuUon, Mil. Matbew 

Waylantl, Francia W. 
Whipple, John 
White, Benjamin 

8 L AT EH .1 V| LLC. 

Buck, Edwin A* 

1 1. .in, mi, Ansel 
Jnhniom George 
Sinter, Mr*, Ruth 
Slater, William S. 

--M IT '■ I I .■ Lj», 

Morse, Joseph 


Weat, Bamnal fALIS. 

Clark, Edmund N. 
Eurle, Tun. 1 1, v 
Pi— iiirtag* Benjamin 
Haxard, Porter G. 
MertilL, S. Ji. 

WAT BRir. 
Oammcll, A. it, 
Johnson, R, B + 
Maion T Christopher 
Turner, Thomna G- 


Brown, J. Albert 
^tilliium, Gctmge fi. 


BuIFoh, Oenrge 0* 
Bartholomew, S. B. 
Cook, Lvmiii A. 
CpS, W'Ellli 
Mnnon* Mi l-Ii-m N, 

Pulne, I I N. 

VcrV, Jotnel 


Cohon, Ueniy M. 

Porter, Nnfirrian 
Bam urn, William H, 
Fiirmim, K. T. 
liErkok. 1-t. E. 
Gillette, Mrs. Sally 
Gillette, Timothy P. 
Mori >. Edmund 
Plant, John 

hrnrn.i r..j;T, 
Barbpr, A. E, 
Bam um, P. T. 
HlriiftK Mrt- A* 
Clarke, R. T. 
Link ii , I kin U- 1 
Ferffuann, B, B, 
Goods' I L, E, 11. 
Hale, A. R. 
Hall. William B. 
Hewit. Nathaniel E. 
lIo|[i?,ter. D.F. 
Hopklna, Alfred 
lFi<i>kirifl, Jxlin 
Di-pklns. L.W. 
Howarti, H. V. 
Howe, Ellna, Jr. 
HubbeH. E.E, 
Lrird* I .'in i.-k 
Xlehcda* Horace 
rarrott. Henry R, 
I'latt, F. E 
Sherman, Mrs, Ira 
Smith, y. W. 
Staples, JaTnes 
Sterlinjr. Sherwood 
Htnrg1*.J. M. 
Sumner, SamuelB. 
VTilmoUfl. 11. 
W)^^!, Frederick 

Bamea* Wallace 
Dunbar. Bdward L* 
Boot, S. Emeifon 

' ■■■' -i ! -■• i 1:- 
Lothrop, IL W. 

l!i nl-i v<-, EzekicL 
CiBrke f William B. 
Gold* S. W. 

Arnold, J. H . 

Awdrewf, ChaTle* E, 
Benedict, Mr*. A. G. 
Benedict, Mrs. C. H. 
Brew«cr Lymart D- 
Clark, WnCLL 


Crofut, Henry 
CroiBy, Mn, P. D, 
Grifflnp, Martin H. 
Hopkins, (((-uwaJ. 
HoWi<b, Jurvli L 
Hoyt, G, M, 
novt T H, T. 
Jackum, 1 Vderiek J. 
J amy, WlUliu F. 
Powf.N, C. 
Rued, Lvinan 
Rogers, Diwhjht E. 
Btarr, Georir u 
Stubbing A, N. 
Btavenn, £>ariu« 
Taylnr t Mrs. W. F. 
Tn)* ti ri dee ► M i5« ILE. 
Tif^iIt, John 
Tu-eeiiy. W.H, 
Whjtu, (VC, 
Wblte. William R 


Brown, Clurla 

I' f KM AM. 

Smith, David 


Hyde. Churles 


Everett, Samuel E, 


Hai-vd, A. 0. 

DtfUK O. Wnilian 

i.. . Wll la .. B. 
Maltby, M, E, 
Wells, Roman ta 

Hart. H J.. 
Planer, William 
Porter, Sarah 
Richard?. Cknitlea 


GrlawnTiL Mm, Rnrah 
Lyman, Mia* Abby 
Penin, Lnvak'tte 


firnab, Jo*cnb C. 


Batty, Wm. G. 
Morgan, Elijah B, 


Lewis, Mm. Polly 
Famous, Ihjlc 

UuguB, Dyer 

MAT! J >uHTi r, Lucia* 
Boy n ton T John W, 
Browne, Gardner fl. 
Bulhnl, Clusi, 11, 
Burton, N.J. 
t: i«- ii v ,.- 1 i. KjMF'd s. 

Cooley, F. B. 
J Jay, Thonuu M. 
Fcutndcn, F. 
Glcueon, F. L. 
Gould, Ui o. H. 
II-: i .kcr, Jilih 
H- i-i in i\ Jumet H. 
Hnwi', Edward ih 

Hutchmann, H, W> 

Xh]Ufllniry t lS\ 
MaUifT, Upland 
HlNlfpA, l>anil-l 
Pond, Hn.CF. 
Pratt, Mi's Either 
Ripley, Mn. M. T. 
Bobbin*, J'ii- hi :i- 
Knblnaon, IT. E. 
Run*, Mm. Chna. J. 
Stowe T C. E. 
Tollcott, Caleb M. 
Talleott. Mr*. B_ G. 
Trumbull, J, II. 


Ilunt, Chartfti 

jewett out. 
Shipman, Thomas L 


Raymond, John M. 


Cwnron. Ol tf. 
Clem-ma. Henry IT. 
DanielBon Hei. L- 

1 1' ■■■!■■ ■■'!'.!, .tl.rtin 

Huteliln*, tiaac T, 
jArilr*, Will mm 
Leavens, Wlllard 
lr- wi", Orrin J. 
Martin, Earl 
Martin, Jo nut h an W. 
Potter, M™, Warren 
Reynolds, Samuel 
Saylea, HajTif O. 

Sayle*, Santa L, 
Webftcr, EaekitJ 


L*ntu Joseph P. 




finch, Lucy 
Beck with, J. G. 
Pierce, Mary 

ITHi, lAaT, 
Aycr, Joseph 


Bcrmnton, E. C. 

■ Ia%.-'I i - |-i:!i. 
Bunce, Walter 
Billiard. E. E. 
Knigb r , J ub 1 1 , Jr, 


Booth, Walter 
Ruth. Fenner 
Parker, Chmrkm 
Parker, Edmund 
Parker. J. I mi 
Pratt, Jul) '■■ 
Webb, L. R> 


Judd T J. 6, 


Hanineld.J. K.F. 

Jnlintan. W. G. 
Rogtn), A.F. 

JftW HB1TA1N. 
Erwin, Cornellai 
Judd, Albert J, 
Nurtn, Frederic H. 
Slauley, lleury 
Stanley , Olivet 

BroWn t San ford 
Gilman, Chester W, 
Hull. Edwin, Jr. 
Hmderanii, Jamei F. 
KcMojrffH NVnnian 
Pi ttihanp, S. 8, 
S nv.h. I J : i r i n-5 E!. 
BmUb, John C, 
Spencflr, F. A- 
WAtanu, JfimM L. 
Weaver, N. K , 

new uaven. 
Allin.D, Lewi a 
-\r k ■ •; i I . Jmhu 
Untwotk, bliimea F, 

Uaenn t ] iiir.l 

BaUlNLn.Wm. B, 
Bishop. R^ IL 
Buiiop, Tinmthr 
BlDCtkman. Alfred 
Boubriffbt, I J. 

llji-w-irvr. J.i|;ii-fl 

Bristi], Wm. B. 

i ■ .-. |- .-. [., 
< n nrriiHTl"[W John. B. 
Conp*r T n. S. 
J>oflnctt, David 
£>nn o^Jacn L-a D. 
Day. Jcrritiinuj 
Hurrie, .I^hn 
Dntton, llii-njj 
Button. S, VT, S, 
EM a worth, Befflff U 
ElUvorth, Il^ary W. 
EriirliHb, Cburlea L. 
I 1 1: ■■■> -. i:. s. 
ntek 1 Eleater T. 
Fit( h. WSllTam 
GarH^ld, J. M r 
Giuha.Jullilh W. 
t IotmJ rti' h , C haunrjy A. 
<ri- -Li-jlIk Cbauucy 
llnrlie%-. Jam Fa 
Mi.-iiiLi.-n. D. II. 
InjFeratdl, Chat. B. 
innerviil, Baluh I. 
iTea, E(l 
Tvpit LevH 
JaenckJit Abel B, 
Jarman, W* T, 
Jewett, P A. 
K-P-ini. 15, H.. 
Kindle v T IL C 
Kine*tey, Wm. L. 
Knight, Jonathan 
r<atbrop, I>avjil A. 
Lvman, Chester 9. 
Ljov, William, Jr. 
Miirhle, Edwin 
Maynord, HarnUfll 
Miininn. Eneaa 
i f.'-n-p.. David L. 
Park. K, A, 
Peck. Nathan 

FTiclpa, B. D. 
I'-irlt-r, Ji.Jiri A. 
P>[ II. R. 
Root, David 
SalLabury, Mri. Abby 
Salter, C. C, 
Hanfard, Uorvey 
Sanfnrd, J .. 
ShepariI T flLarlci TJ. 
H.HlriiBii, Benjamin 
riilljman, llenj., Jr 
SkiTnierv Aaron N. 
Hniills, Uernrge F. 
ftnuthworth, Well* 
y tei'le, Uwjrgfi 
Slone, Benjvmin W. 
Stafford, ThuuiatJ, 
BtretL Au^uitua R. 
Stroujt, Edward 
Tin hj liu" , S. A. 
Ta^l At water 
Trowbridge, lleury 
T?ler h Mnn I J 
Whit*, Henry 
WhltE](!aey + lI,N. 
Whitney, Ell 
Whitney, W, D. 
"VVi:.che»tftr, I). tr\ 
Wocrflrutf, John 
Woe il tey ,T hecklore D* 


Alb?rtfon, Jamei M. 
Bjtmea, Arora 
Bnirnlopt'P, AllEuatui 
Brown, Edward T. 
Coll, Hobtrt 
Croclter, Banii-l 
YttiK Thonrna 
Frln \ t Andrew M. 
BaVLn, lli-ury P. 
Lewis, C. A. 
McEtfuin Betiey P. 
MrRwt :t + Hohcrt 
pcrlii nF, Ellai 
Prrklna, N\ S, 
F^rkim.N, S., Jr. 
ShL-narti. Ck L 
Si i '.il\, r-*rn.nktiu 
SUTT, William H, 
Tate, William 
WiNiamf/riiomiii W* 
William*. Mrs. T. W, 


Falrman, Zernh 


Batt^li, Bobhlna 
£Ldrldge, JOMUh 


Benedict, Mra. Mmy 
Bennett, John 
Ditti h Mi*i Julietta 
BuNur. Tbnmaj B. 
Etwell, II. H. 
i; ii. Ehenezcr 
Hoyt, l-J-i-Ji 
(lovt, Henry I. 
llnl/i.-Ll. Matlhlav 
I JH- It wood, Miu J. A. 
Morgan, Mr?. E. L» 
Noih, Daniel K. 
OuigUy, L. G. 
Tre5dwph T Mni.M,E. 
White, tJhwlea B, 

Almy,J. TJ. 

BftCOOH T* Cr 

BliwkatnTic. Lorenzo 
Bond, Alvan 
Breed, Jtihn 
Bilckinnliam, Wm.A. 
Bujihnell. Geo. L, O, 
Carndl, Laeius W, 
Dunham, Jfthn, Jr 
Grm'U. Gardner 
Gulliver, Daniel F. 
Hlnkley, William 1L 
ll'.i1.hi.r.l. R. 
lIUlltUTHl^Hi E^ T. 

John io n+ CI iiirlca 
Km ne. W. W. 
^a^ood, H. H. 
Pierce, «oae» 
Rockwell, John A, 
JtifE-i-i*. Caleb B. 
I! in.L, Hei. F. 
SaiLon, Julin A. 
Slater, J. R 

M- .'i. E. P. 

flrnry, Samuel 
Tomrkini t B. W. 
Tucker, D, E. 
WjltianiA, William. 
Williams, Mrs. W. 

Fenner, Arnold 


Hriipiiiin. <!t"i. G. 
Namn, An^lin B. 
Nauli, Mrt, Clariaaa 
Hvlleck, Mrs. Mary A, 


Frnn, Samuel P, 
Fiaher. C, M* 
[Tarrii, It, C 
Miriarty, Mlcbaat 
Mor#* t George H. 
FUmntOL. D. B, 
Biojiieni, Mrs. A. T> 
Shaw, Edward 
TajrMJr, Joacnh W, 
Tdurhtllbtt. E. N, 
Whirfi.Td.Mm. J. A. 
Wilkinauii, Edmund 

J:.., Rvn |.j; L 

Bnlley, Alonm 
Bill, Bee eKetIL 
Cbirk. C. L. 
Croiby, A,Ck 

l' •:<■ '■■!. .!■'-■ f^l 

Frink, C. L. 
Holt Chirk 
Ki-lloRift Edward 
JLeUuppf, George 
I.rfxunia, Dwlptit 
MitehalL Chauncy 
Preston, 1" B. 
White, Stanley 

Blackman. Helen 
Ithani, AuRtiu 

S ALL- L'.- LIST. 

Chittenrlen, T. 
llolley, Alernndcr A. 


notrhklns, Susan J. 
In^niliaiu, Jidin TJ, 
SlH'flleld. Amoi 
Sill, ElUha 

TalliUan t Thumoj 

Scan, Charlea 

Whitloek, U. p. 
Whitlock. ilary 


TTiL.-L- in-—. Timothy 
Junes, Ktlaha 
Lnwia, Oliver 
^L'Ward, pIl-ii |u.urin 7. 
Woodruff! Unvld P. 


Marxiuund, F. 

Flak, M. B. 

I ' ■■-. * i ■ ■ 'IV M^- 

Newton, Shneon 
Smith, Wdham 
Warren, Cbarlea 
WobhbuTn, Miia E. A. 


V.-\:.. Ira 

I>u\LnU[)rt, Theodora 
Elder, Oi-'QTft^ 
Ha!U Thmnaa S. 
llaliey, Kauiuel F. 
I-li-iyt, Mink Annie 
Itojt, Will tarn 
Leeds, Jolm W. 
Palmer, Mra. Ellen 
Falnner, Miss Hannah 
UuiuEall, Iiaae 
Setly, Alhert 
^Li*tena T L. W h 
ThurstLin, Richard B. 
Ward We] I, laaac 
Warren. J, ]), 
Webtj, Mi<a Mary 


Avery, Rf-prer O, 
firewater, Charku O* 
Brewfltor, (^eo- S. 
Bre water, Wm, H 
Hull, Mm. Charlea 3. 
Hyde,Theop. IL 
Mollory, Cbarlci 
Mallory. Charles S. 
Mathews, Andrews S, 
PalinLT,N- B. 
Palmer, W. L. 
Smith, Himry 
i*mith, Nathan G. 
Winder, DudW JL 
Whitman, A. L, 

F»ure + Jwicph B, 

Bkhardacin, Merrill 

Maion, William H. 
Maar>o, Mm. W. H, 
McGregor, John 

Klngvbury, John 

Hndeva, AJnhi-na 
McKinatry,John A* 


Dobana* John 


Gllb«rt» W. K. 


Kellogg, B. W, 


Curtis Banj. D. 
Curtia, Charlea B. 
Curria, til 
Curtia, E. Wooater 
Cu rtli, John W. 
Curtis, Samuel S, 
De Forrest, John 


Brace, E- 
Butler, Nathan 
Hurl hurt, A inns 
Milvi, Charlea M, 
Sti-ele, Sherman 
Talcnjtt* Henry 
Vanderbilt, C., Jr. 


Colton, Kraitu* 

u. ! in- i-;:k" li 
Aiken. William F. 
Culton, WiljisS- 
Goodrich, Sinunn 

M ..'-I'. .1 '. i L" 

SKiithwuirh. Palmer 
fluThnan. Levi 
Stuart, Caroline B. 
Wnrren, Ahner S. 
William*. Mrs. J. 
Woodhouje, Samuel 

Cruft, Mm. S.J. 
W inslow, Mrs Mary F. 
Wjnaluw, K. II, 

Adama, Amoi B. 
Arnold, J. B. 
Hrainard, Miw H. E. 
lluriefldQ. A. B. 
Carj>pnter h Chaa, E, 
Consnt, John A. 
Lnn-lMimu, Mrs, D. S. 
Fulfer, Luclan H. 
Fuller, Luclua J, 
TT.rx-l.-iis Whiting 
II ul laud, G. 
Lincoln, Allen 
Oils, William K. 
WoldOn t Ja ntl 
Lqrd&OI m, Charlotte 
Lovell, Wilham A, 


Allen. 3amu#J IL 

Miok-ll. Ilci-kl.iuli 
Huakelk, Thmnaa It 
llaydeu, .1- K» 
Uajden, N,W, 


Baldwin, EKm. 
liuUctey.C. U. A- 

Smith, ni.tia 


Wadh am a, George D, 

\\-\\ loax 


Earon, SinuucilN'- 
Bhker, Ell la 
Benton, NaLtianlcl S, 
Boy n tan, John F, 
Buntca*, L, <i. 
Burton, Jumca 
CamnbclL John N. 
fortiliig, Eraatua 
i'.i - ! i r ■ ;l 1 1 . ij'.rl 
Dehvan, Edward C- 
r'enuo, Henry 
Gooiil, James 
[ In wl i;y, Gideon 
Hglt, Jared 
JiHiusLm, IL Ij, 
KSsb BufuaTJ, 
Mar ill. Allien 
Man L h, |lnnry 
Morgan, E, IL 
Murmy, David 
GLeutt, Thoa. ^. 
Partotti, L. 3, 
Peoae, EraitUa J u, 
Perry, Eti 
KUkin. T, C, 
Banaom, Alm'nn 
KdEhthme, Joel 
Bathbone, J. V, 

Bocaacle, T, B, 
panford, Joseph P. 
Steerna, E. S, 
Taylor, William £L 
Todd, James 
Townsend, Howard 
Tread well, John G. 
Treadwell, Wm. B. 
Van BeBwalear. 3b>p*km. 
Vemam t John IL. 
Wild, Alfred 
Wild, Mrs. T.D. 
WEdilow, F, 
Wilder, John N- 
Wllllaini, C.P. 
Wuud, Bradford IjL 

Bartlctt, Jjrwii L, 
Bnriiiictr>n, W,Ivea 
Cait. William 

n.-jikiii'K. .f. .; iii 

Ktorra, Kiehanl S. 
Winalow, John 


Abel,W. IL 

I L i ■_■ 1 1 ■ ! i. I r Benjamin 
Huflh., Mvfun P, 
COW, G^ C. 
Cutter. Aunmi W. 
Jiart, Jniaeph, Jr. 
Lluwaid, Georjte 
LynUp. Alberluf L- 
Bieh, G. U, 
Bawyer, J « in « D. 
Wipn&rd, Sidney 
WL|fi:imD. Bicliard 
Wood » Joecph T. 


Pnrtcr, Mm. Henry P. 
Hi i wi-» t Jome* 

TOwle, MNUKil 

r-i.v f i: PLAIN!, 

Tnwle t Simeon 
Altertan, David 


Thnmlou, Ariel B, 
hiw-toue; citt. 
Abcnierthy, Charlei 
Adams, B. H, 

ArlaiUB, I. -'".I. I- il K. 

A()ams, Thomaa W, 
Alden, Paul 
Allen. Ethan 
Allen, Jciaeph 
Allen. Theodore 
Allen, William 
Alvord, Coridoa A. 
AimeU, H. F- 
Anthony. Ed ward B» 
Arnold, B. G. 
Arnold, Edward B. 
Attcrbury, Robert B- 
Ayr**, ^ark 
H-.----M. D. G. 
Bailey. Hr-nry M. 
H:.k-'r, I'.-, .1 H- 
Batch. CuDLtLB L, 
Baldwin. Abraham 

1-ilLNkrl. WlMi.llll 

Barclay, MrfrJua, B. 
Barker, Henry B. 
Barker, J»]]n B. 
Baring, Samuel 8. 
Bami a. AifredS. 
Baruev, Hiram 
Baruum, t.Uiiirlea 
Barn um, Johenh I. 
Hai-stow, Caleb 
Uarlkett, John B, 
ttjirlivir, Phinea* 
Mos>eit, Zenm D.*3r* 
Beach. M. S, 
Beard, Irs, 
Het'be, Charlea E, 
Beehe, W, J, 
Hercher, William A, 
Hcllowi, IL-ury W. 
Betreilii:!, Edward C, 
BfTitSey, NVmi-in S. 
Hernanl. Charles £. 
B •■rfV , Nut I i,i n If I 

Bigel'iw,, t:hnrli:l D. 
lJi.llu-.Kfl. Frederict 
Hi liujir;, lli-nrv M. 
BllllTipa,J. M. 
Bi Hi li if", SatnnelJ. 
Bird,Gll"r W. 
Bliven, Jeremiah P. 
Hliaa. Warren 
lii-:u 1 1 .i: ■ n . G. B, 
H.rPiii'iri, Seri'iio I). 
BonneV.B. W. 
Bowem, Henry 
I : i ..- 1 :- . - i . F. B. 
Brad Torrt, Gei.rgeP* 
Bradford, Hoi-klah 
BradfOrd r J. Stryfcer 
Bradronl, Kicifa M. 
Bradiord, Beth 
Bradley, Juaenh W. 
Bnjwtter, A. Ii. 
BrewBier, George R, 
Bre water, J, L. 


BrtWflter, Nith ii 11 
Brid uhn m , $m n ucl W. 
Brigga, E P. 
Bmntun, Mrs. A. 
Brook', Eil ward L. 
Brown, Alfred B. 
Brown , A- S. 
Brown, Charles A, 
Brown, ElijnhT, 
Brown, Fmrn i* 
Brown, Georce U. 
Brown. Joseph O- 
BrOWn, Thomas A. 
Brownell.Lewii T. 
Tirvnnt, W|)j r Cullen 
Bryant. W. C. 
Hulkky, 1J. D. 
KunitftL4td, F. J. 
H'iii.l; . J. M+ 
Burr. F . A. 
Burr, J. A* 
Bushm!!. Charles L 
Butler, Charles EL 
Bulltr.J'Q. A. 
Bottrr. KJcTinftl 
Calef, H, G. R. 
Carpenter, S,>L 
C 1 1- j ■►■ i (i r. W. 
C h r r i ii ■_- 1 ■ -ii . J. It. 
Cutter, Robert 
Carter, Bi-n.janiiu 
Cot! En, .".-'.;■.--. -I r^ 
Catliu, t .vn ilr; 
Catlip,N.W r S. 
Chaney, William 
C u i:L|.i|-. r E. II. ' 
Chapin, William l>. 
Chapman, John W, 
Chapman. Robert M 
Chmincy, William 
Chedsey, Vathan A. 
Cheeper, George B. 
Chonte, Jowpli H. 
Churchill, Cfitt. B, 
Churchill, William 
Claflui, IT. B. 
Clark, U, a. 
Clark. Edward P> 
Clark, Elijah F, 
Clark, F* U. 
Ckirk.Jnhu C. 
Clark, l^awronce W> 
Ctark, LucluaE. 
Clark, Stillman A. 
Cleave land, Augustus 
Cot, Darid B- 
Cotlln, Edmund 
Colt, Wlolm A. 
Colby, Gardner R. 
Coles, Oscar 
CultalHOre, Da? is 
Collauiorc, Ebeneier 
ColhliuOre, tJ ilnun 
Collier, Ezra 
Colltna, Geni"jre C- 
C.'ollin-, l>«rpc S. 
Conant, Alnnzn O- 
Conner, Willi un C. 
Cornell. ». Uh 
Crane 1 ! B*i>jr F. 
Crane, Edward 
Crane, Frederick 
Crane, Jinn E. 
Crockcr,] n crdmand A. 
Cro*by. Selh 
Crosby, W. B, 
Crowe U, Llis-ha 
Currier, John. ]■", 
Currler.J. W. 
Curtis. Benjamin 
CUffhinan T !). A, 
CushmaTi, l| n M. 
DalAnd, William B, 
] 'u-f-r., Edward U. 
Daltnn, John C> 
Din forth, C. E, 
Dflrli up, Alfred B. 
Davis, Jnmesj Mr 
Daris, William W. 
Dean, Edward W. 
Dearhurn, Geo. H. 
Dctinn, Theuduru 
Dexter, Gt-orge 
De*ter r Iknry 
Doane, WiLlium 
Dodge, Albert L. 
Drape r, Simeon 
Browne, Jixli nil T. 
DudFcv. Uriah H. 
.Dwindle. Win- IL 
Eaton, B. F. 

F:il..||, N.i"!lJ[jLcl 

Etlis, Frank A. 
Evarts, William >f. 
Fcarttig, CFiarlen W. 

Ferguson, J uhn J> 
Fc*aeUiJn"n. llenr) I ♦ 
Fldd, Duvhl 
I* i>ii, Benj ii m , n 
Flihtr Nat[iiiTiiEl 
Koeg» Wil^am lf- 
Fosj Gevgr G, 
Fnincia, C. fl+ 
i- r.LiiLL-, D, (.i. 

J" I'-I'i- >-. J. .UrJ 

Fuller, Edward 

Fidler + Hiram 
Fuller, Horace W, 
Froth in ff h*nj T Roh'll. 
Frya, Jed 
Gay h Sy<inpyH, 
Good h uc , Jonathan 
Goodman, Bi chard 
Goodnow, Abed W. 
Good now, Kruemna D. 
Goodrich, W57W. 
Greeley. Horace 
G«en t f>, B, 
Green, Horace 
Green.J. W. 
Green T O. 
GrirUn, Edward P. 
Griflln, Hnrnwa 
Griflttll. G. W. 
Grmuell, Mosea H. 
Hall, Pvh'K 
HiLllet,J, G + 
l[nllw:k T IjewT» 
Hiilltjck, Wm. A. 
Ifcilsitd, H^MqttHi 
Ilumpnond, W. II. 
1 1 .: r- ! - ■ 1 1 . B. I .. 
I C li ■ . J -a i . ■ k . CJias. F. 
Hartley, Robert M. 
Harris, Jnhu T. 
I Mch. Walter T. 
Hallway, Thco- E. 
]li*wk, Samuel 
Huyrlen, V, 
Heyward, Chaa. L, 
Iltrriek, Jncoh B, 
Hcrrlnii, SUnH C. 
EUU c£arU»B E. 
Hixnn, David \i, 
HolenLiih, W. F. 
I r : - i -■ ■ ■ . h. OLarlLB A, 

I TvIil,! .-, <, nr:! j 
Holt, Jfiaeiph fi. 
Hopkina, i : i ,'..;■] F. 
iJo|ikin;», Janies 
Hotik'nip, Hiiilney W. 
Uosnck T Davitl 
JJowea» AmoA 
UowEuud, G- 
UnwlJiLd, wmiarne 
Jiubhard,8aniudT T 
iluitiOll, ErusuiUB U. 
Hull, Jltiiiiy 
Uulbeit 11. C. 

U ■ . 1 1 1 ■ ■ i r< ■.■ r . Solon 
Hunt, tjeorwe W. 
ilnnUL W; 
Ihinr, .Im'iili 
Hurltmtj B. A. 

II line, W. W. 
lde T Henrir 
IncnllH, KfhcdiaH 
Irea, Abram 
Jaekaon, Henry M. 
Juekaon, Mugli B. 

J i.."k -■■!!. .1.1:1 I A S. 

Jackson, Wm. II. 
Jetvaup t ^lenhen W. 
Jonea, ClwLrlca J", 
Jndi-dn, Chas. G. 
Killer, Ilii rv A. 
Kl-IIi -<7e-, Edwin M- 
Kendall. Ch:Lrl«a B. 
Kendall, J:3L]iii9 W L 
K^-ikI-jII William U- 
Kili_ r , 1 i :l! - n-- 

Kinp, -.i.iii.i s G- 
Kiu^^iej, tl. Tit, 

Kiiipultiy. JameeLt 
Ki.;.,:, Cideh ii. 

f .■ - n ■-, -■ ■ "ill I >. 

Jjim burr , Ec! ward W. 
I.M3H-I n, Clmilua 
l^ejiviLt, Jnshua 
Inland, Cliarlei 
Inland, Warren 
Leverett, Geo, B. 
Unary* Jared 
Lmle, Cliurki B. 
LillloflcLrJ, Erutna 
LrfiekwiH>d, Lt-griLtid 
LtMliwDDd, L, E, 
i.-vi . A. A. 
Li'.m-, Edward A, 
IjiTKn 1. Ci tuh II. 
I . •' - ; . .■ mil ; X. 
3! LiHIl, . r .i.-.-h 1* 
Marnk + Samn'd 
Marshall, O. H. 
MiirHhitll, .liiiiithun, 
M ^r^ ! . nll T J nn athan G + 
.SUrrln, K- W,,Jr. 
Marvrci. A.JS. 
M .i : '; i ■ ■ ■-, Frnnk J. 
Mm hews, Edward 
MeCuvnudfci R r C. 
MnrrwEu, Timothy T. 
Miller, Almon 
Miller, J i-dudinh 
Molten, Henry 
Morgan, Geo, D. 
Moiynn, Ja». F + 
Morgan, N. Dcnbron 
Morton, LavI F. 
Mocc«, Henry W. 
MuKtn. Lorenzo 

Motley, Jame« 51. 
Mnnn, G + D* 
Munioe, E. fl. 
Myrdock, M. tl. 
Nichola, Edwnrd A. 
Nickeraon.B, E r 
Norton, Anaon P. 
Nojcb t Henry D. 
Orm-il,v, .1. .hit It., Jr. 
IVje, E. W. 
Parmer, A. M. 
Pa.tiicr, W. P,, Jr. 
Punpbom. John W. 
i'arker t W 1 1 .urd 
PeaniLi, A. F. 
PenrBtm, S. G. 
PiTk ham, Walton H. 
Pendejcter, F. V. 
Purry, Juhn C* 
Perry T Jnhn O* 
Pi rry. Richard P. 
Pierce. Baich W. j 
P.kiS Rnbert O, 
Pop«, Nathiinlel 
Potter. Ray W. 
Pratt, Charles 
Prentiifl, Georae L, 
Quincy, John W, 
Oiiiney, Samuel 
Bond, William w, 
Kiiwmjii, WliLlam L T 
Bichardson, C. B. 
Riehcrddon, HeniyA. 
RoTiinaon, S. B. 
J louorij Gilbert, Jr. 
Kuuk, William T* 
Uus.e,!, W.J, 
KunnelU Wm T W. 
Sanger. C, P. 
^i^rnt, WiiiianiH. 
Seoviil, Thoe, L. 
bewail, 5lerriU 
Phut tuck, Warrell 
fthaWp Henry W. 
Khaw, Horaee G, 
Shaw, Prober P. 
Sliaw, Wm.MuUM 
Slieldtm, II. C + 
She Id nn t Prealon 
Shepard, Thoa. M. 
Snepurai Tboi, s. 
Sherwood, Tho*. D. 
Shott. J. 

Slimnway, Wm. TV. 
Siliiniaii.Charlea A- 
Silverman, Henry ftl. 
Sinfr, H. 
hlade, Edward 
S lade, John 
Smith, Chailea 13 r 
SmitJi, Eujj^ne 
Smith i Gerirpe W, 
Smith, William 1L 
Smittt, J^T.S, 
MiKthwiik. Niithan 
Spring, Gardiner 
Steams, George C. 
Stearnd, Thoinoa G- 
Stetson, Chnrle* A 
Stone, William L. 
Stone. Wiijium W. 
Strong 1 . Gcotko E. 
SturgLB, Jonathan 
Swan, Win. II. 
1 1 - . - 1 hi. Arthur 
Tup f'tu, John 
Taylor. Joseph. B, 
Terry, Juhn 1'. 
Thayer, Edwanl P. 
J " " i ■ ■ ■ ■ -i - . GrirT.Lh 
'S ii- Nhi-,-iii"in 
ThrniKif. Luiiia S. 
Thompson, L. 11, 
Tluuii[jBon, \jinil 
Tirtnny,C L, 
Tjllin^haat, Philip 
TilUm, Theodore IL 
Touflry, Sinclair 
Townsenrl, B, P, i 
Tnowl>ridge T Amos H T 
Tro w brid aej U ru .E.L. 
Trumbull Jrilm 
Tu eta e rm an ,G uilarua 
Turner. Fruneii S. 
Turrell. William 
Twomhly, II. Jf. 
I'nderWihul, H. 
WadAwOTth, Daniel 
Walet, Salelu U t 
Ward. SAmiHjl 
Warden, Mr. 
Wardwe]l,J £J hnM, 
Warrant Edward J. 
Warren, Georfle 
Warrau, Horaee M* 
Wprrcn, ■; I. 
Wale m, Horace 
W uteri, William 
Weld, DeForeit 
VrVatou. B. Warren 
White, Alexander M. 
While, Char lei J. 
While, Etra 
While, George A. 
White, George C 
White, Gaortft G, 

Wtilte. George G. t Jr + 
Wj b 5te. Henry Kirk 
While, JiJCephT. 
While, N. 
White, S T clsOn L. 
WJiice, Xurmau 
White, Sli-phen 
White, Thu mas R, 
W T hite, WiEliam A. 
White, William Bh 
Whi[ P , William E, 
Win tie mure. Timothy 
Wjiiirlesfy, Granville 
WilcOT.Johr, K. 
Williams, Klihu 
WiJijams, John E. 
Witcon, A. D. 
Winthrop, B r H. 
Wood, Chartca B. 
Wood, J. A. 
Wood, Thoniai S. 
Wri^tit, Tlu-ron O. 
■Wymun + L. B. 
Yale, B. Buchanan 


Brajton.Mlai L. B, 

A Jli i'. -,, .Mi ml 

f I ' I -JiUCKKI-SSE. 

Cable, John M. 
Clrtikn Henry F. 
Cornell, William W. 
Be Grotf. 51 n). M. A. 
EflBtrnuo. U. G. 
Hull. George D. 
IniuB, George 
■Ii !-..ii, JnriLid A. 
Manu. Jamea H. 
Robert*, Charlei 1-L 
WinsLuw, Jamea 
May, Samuel J. 

Alden, Charles* L 
Churchill, George 
Clarli, Thatcher 
Corbin. P. M. 
Files, Andrew B, 
Ferris, John A, 
Filky. M-iivsiB T* 
Freneh. S. U, 
Fulkr,J.W t 
Keeler. J. S, 
Kellocjr, Gile* B. 
NLhnli,J, H. 
Prppiice, Jamei R- 
Kobvrtflon, Willie F. 
Snow, Thomoa K. 
Bttwjrt, P. P. in], Martin L 
Warren, Henry 

Harrington, Thoi* B. 

new -ii-:ii--=:v. 

Comhlt, Gilbert 
lii-.-l ,:uiJ.iii . AmoJt 
<3ltEkMVK.F| r 

Watson, Charlea L. 


Parsons, Mr-, it. J. 
Thaver, U. E. 
Webb, C. Ucn net* 


VI. I I 1 1 ■ 1. 1 I ■ El J .-. _ 
Allen, William U. 
Auhiti, Philip A 
Bamei, R, L. 
baTrowi. Arad 
BlddJe, Nlchotaif 
ttiudley.J. W. 
Breek, Samuel 
BrOWU, Austin 
Caldwell, Stephen A. 
Curry. Matthew 
Carpenter, Jamei 
C luinnlier, J os* on K> 
Clark, B, J J. 
Clark, E, W. 
Cllntnn, Edwin 

( .v-,-iijii. ir. r. 

<.' ■■■ i !■■!.. "- . I.U i=i 
[>rnw:,, Willi,;, ii A. 
Errthiae, [LuIulJVL 
rates, i !■■ n _i- 
L'dk-fl. M L wia R. 
t'elluu S + M. 
Flctil, Jamea 
Pnn( C (n T WUiiam IT. 
Onri>v,Watbiua i ton L» 
GoL^d J. Eilgar 
Grigga, Timothy B. 
IBnlduek, 1> .Jr. 
Uajdlne;. Pnnce A. 
llaKtltine, Jehu 

. tt, &. 

ITazelMne. Ward B* 
Hill. MnnJipl1 
Tlupkin.o John C T 
lluTry, ]->.i'.:. i.. L. 
.lrmes T Andn L W M. 
Kcnney, H* F, 
Kjnnsbury, Chaa. A* 
Lsthnm, S+T. 
^awrence T N. S T 
Leeds, Joseph 
Lewi*, Joseph W. 
Little, Amos R. 
5ferrick, S. v. 
Milton, Albert 
I'almer, B.F. 
fa.v u e, Edwin W. 
folter, Alonzo 
Hand, A. W. 
Kot)i[iBon, D. M. 
Ii-iiui'.isLm t JohnB. 
Rotch, Joseph 
Riitch, T humus 
Sartain, Jutiri 
Savery, Jnhn 
Savcry, P. B. 
Slade, A tired 
Smith, Jamea 
Soule, Horace II. 
South worth, J. BL 
Steven a, Lemuel 
Toothaker. Cha*, E. 
Warner, Albert 
Warren. U. of. 
Wetherill, William 
Wliilldeu, Alexander 
Whitman, Wm* E* 
Whitaey, A, 
Williams, Charles 
Win nor. Hem 
Wood Thai. 

ITiKStX Vll.l.H. 

Jennlwn, Jnitph F. 




Albert, Anrmstni J. 
Biirtlctl. Eleiuer S, 
Cobu, George F 

Carroilit Chailea 


(•"HI '^MUL"T3I, 

Mitej, Joseph 51- 


Dosher, John ll- 
5Vu>e, Henry A. 


Rtibertaon t ChBr|eB H. 


Chase, Wm. IT, 
Bavls 1 , Jell'erson 
Fitlebrown, Thompj 
Graham, James D, 
Suwoil, Thomas, 



Baker, John 
Camp, Hiram U. 
Dexter, Edmund 
I "I v.. M, George K- 
Greenwood, M. 
1 <■•■■■ \, Robert 
Starhuek, C. W. 

Ml' t V I lU, Cr 

Sumner, William 
Hwaaey. John 
Wiitpin, Sainucl 
^V is wall, William 

j-i I-:viu.a:-u. 
Clarke, J, T. 
I'uller, A* 

fvi rhlt'i. ■*. 
i : i ■ . Salmon I'. 


Keep, John 


Graham, 1' 


Lewie Charlea II, 
l^e wis* George A, 


Cn»hman,Geo. W. 
Edwardi, Mr*. C. G* 


Horton, GiiRthviiG, Jr. 
Kimball. Jwiahi', 


Holmei, K. 
J'ettingil]. Wm. B. 
Vl0lett T W,A. 


GoyFcrrd, Giorge 
Me]Rae, Duncan 
Stuple*, C. A, 

CuHhmun,Wm. H.W, 

i:i->-Ki:»: 1I1LL. 
Cnshman, Chas. W* 
Saubom, Stephea 


Adama. F. H + 
Allen, h K. 
Allen. J. Adams 
Bnwen, t:haunoey T* 
Bowen, Gtor^e a. 
I! row i., Samuel 
Brnwn. William 
Chandier, W. W, 
Ulark. A M. 
Clerk, t\ D. 
tarrar, Arthur 
Faunce, JefTerBon 
Fuller, Henry W. 
Fuller, J. C + 
Fuller. O. F. 
G reeky, BtfkQii S. 
Hl^iiiHon, Gco-M* 
Ilosrd, E. W. 
Holbrook, L. H. 
I Inland. C, 
1 1- ..- ; ii.-i , Charleq B. 
James, J. L. 
Kellotrp. CharieiP. 
Lincoln, D. H + 
Mitchell, J. Sidney 
Perry, Sicnenn E. 
I'leree, Aflahel 
S:i!i u.m .:L. W, W. 
S.ui r, ..h > -. William S. 
^awyer.C, B. 
Smith, Gilbert E_ 
Tohey, Charlci 
Trowbridge, S. A. 
Warren, N. IL 
Weltfl, Frederick C. 
Wlilttv, Horace 
W'Ulard, Alonw) J. 
WEllinme. John W. 

W|||;,j., * . A. Li. 

Ay*r, E. O. 

! : | i ! S i : ■ ■ I . i "■ 1 " ■ . n . 

Tlaynard.'lohn S* 
Til (son, John 

Ellis, Benjamin F. 


avvirB;R + 
Cone, Sylvester W. 



Sargent. George B, 

Cornish, Freeman 

Alilvn, C A. 


Brawn . E. C. 
i>unn i, E. G, 

Clark, Jo hull. 
Fuller, V ran el h D. 

GiddlncB, O. B. 

J.ewl* JftTJICB T, 

Morae, Ambrose 
W.j„ r :, r .\(m. J. AL 



Atkins, A. H. 
Bradford, I. F. 
Bradley. C. T. 
Chase, H. A. 
Coggswell, Thomas 
Cook, M. C. 
Cushman, Charles M. 
Cnshman, Mrs. £. J. 
Goodrich, Edwin, H. 
Qoodrich, T. W. 
Hughes, L.G. 
Haley, C. F. 

Kellom.L. H. 
MerrflC 8. 8. 
Miles, F. B. 
Miner, G. B. 
Nazro, John 
Payne, II. C. 
Rice, John 
Rock, L. B. 
Roger*. J. P. 
Ross, Laura J 
Sanborn J, 
Taintor, William 
Williams, Edward A. 


Peabody, 8. Hobart 

Cnshman, Chae. D. 


Morris* John 8. 


Cushman, Joseph R» 



Welch, Addington D. 




White, Gideon 


Hanbnry, Benjamin 

Waddington, John 


Lee, Henry 

Ashton, Robert 



Brewster, Chiia.Staxr 

The following firms, societies, associations, &c, have subscribed various amounts: — 



Kimball ft Childs. 


I The Legislature. 


Hayward ft Briggs. 


Baldwin ft Stone, 
Blake. Uowe &Co. 
Bowdlcar ft Co. 
Bradlee ( Jo si ah ) ft Co. 
Bryant, Allen ft Co. 
Burr Brothers ft Co. 
Calrow ft Co. 
Chandler ft Co. 
Cheney ft Co. 
Dana, Farrar ft Hyde, 
Dutton, Richardson & 

Fearinjr, Thatcher ft 

Whitton, • 
Field, Converse ft Co. 
Gove (John) ft Co. 
Hawes ft Crowell, 
Hunt ft Webster, 
Lorinp ft Graupner, 
Mcllen ft Co. 
Naylor ft Co. 
Ordwav, BradishftCo. 
Page, Briggsft Babbitt, 
Read, Chad wick ft 

Rice ft Kendall, 
Rutrglc*, Nourse ft 

Sampson ft Tnppan, . 
Scuddcr (Chas.) ft Co. 
She! ton ft Cheever, 
Smith (D. R.) ft Co. 
Stimson, Valentine ft 

St. Andrew's Lodge of 

F. A. Masons. 
Tyler ft Batchelder, 

Whitwell, Marsh ft 

Williams ft Page. 


Estate of Dowse. 


Tucker ft Cummings. 


Union Lodge of F. A. 


Ames (O.) ft Sons. 


Lawrence Academy. 


Holmes (Josiah) ft 


Magoun ft Son. 


Bortlett(I. HO&Son. 
* inard * Son. 



Jerauld (H.) ft Son. 

W. N. Eng. ft Claasl- 
cal school. 


Wheaton Female 


Pomroy ft Sons. 


Ballard, A. ft S. D 


Sayille (Geo.) ft Co. 



Chapln (Royal) ft Son. 
Smith, A. D.* J. Y. 


The Legislature. 


Brothers' 8oc*y Y. C. 
Fitch, W. ft E. T. 


Frink ft Prentiss, 



Humphrey's Sons. 

mew torx cmr. 

Lovett, Southwick ft 

New Eng. Society. 



New Eng. Society. 



Old Pilgrim Church, 
Southward (This 
was the first sub- 
scription made ft* 
the Monument.) .4 


Annawan, Capture of. Dr. Shurtleff. 27 

Apple-Tree, Peregrine White's 20 

Banks, Gov., Speech of, at Plymouth 28 

Bradford, Governor. H. Billings 12 

Breakwater, Plymouth, England. H. Billings 7,8 

Brewster, Elder William. H. Billings 14 

Burying Hill, Plymouth. Dr. Shurtleff 19 

Canopy over Forefather's Rock ; 36 

Carver, Governor John 3 

Chase, Hon. 8. P., Speech of, at Plymouth 32 

Church, Boston, England. H. Billings 5 

Compact, Social 2 

Cradle, Fuller 20 

Dead, Memory of. 16 

Delft, Gates of. H.Billings. 15 

Delfthaven. H. Billings 13 

Evarts, W. M., Esq., Speech of, at Plymouth 31 

Everett, Edward, Extract from Oration of. 13 

First Sabbath in New Haven 21 

Hale, Hon. John P., Speech of, at Plymouth 33 

Hall, Town, Boston, England. H. Billings 4 

Leyden 11 

neard, non. J. T., Speech of, at Plymouth 29 

Hill, Burying, Plymouth. Dr. Shurtleff. 19 

Map of Plymouth 37 

Mayflower, The Ship. H Billings 2 

Mayflower, Shallop of. H. Billings 20 

Passengers of 2,3 

Monument, Cushman. Dr, Shurtleff 18 

National. H.Billings 30 

Laying Corner-stone of. 28 

Contributors to 38-M 

Pilgrims' Attempts to escape to Holland. H. BiUin gs. 

First Sabbath on Shore 8 

First Meeting-House. Dr. Shurtkff 17 

Dwellings of. 10 

Hardships of 11 

Of the May Flower. W. M. Harding 

ltock. H.Billings 3 

Tribute to the 4 

Spirit and Policy of. W. M. Harding 22 

Pilgrim Society, Account of. H. Billings 34 

Members of. 38-48 

Riding to Church. H.Billings 24 

Robinson, Rev. John. H. Billings 10 

Star-Chamber. H.Billings 20 

Virginia, Settlement of. H. Billings 25 

Warren, Richard, Esq., Speeches of .28-31 

Watson, George. Dr. ShurtUff. 24 

White, Peregrine 20 

Williams, Rev. Roger 23 

Winslow, Governor. H. Billings 10 

Plymouth Rock — " The door-step into a world unknown, — the corner-stone of a nation." 

■ — Longfellow. 

" Europe has begun to study the principles of the Pilgrim Fathers." — Hon. Abbott Lawrence. 

" We find men of education who seem to have no exact information respecting the Pilgrim 
Fathers. The ignorance still existing on this subject ifl almost incredible." — Dr. Waddington, 



i, and the same reverence for the Pilgrim Fathers. And whoever from pure and disinterested regard for the 
ject, and desire for its accomplishment, could aid the Ladies' Mount Vernon Association in their noble work, 
nnot withhold their mite from this Monument merely on the ground that it is a local object, or a work less na- 
in its feeling than the paying of any honor to any patriot, any statesman, any benefactor. Let the Fouxd- 
as well as the Defenders of the Republic be honored. 
There are in the six New England States somewhere about half a million of voters. They are chiefly advanced 
■isiderably beyond the want of the mere necessaries of civilized life; they constitute, with their brethren of the 
Pier States, the best educated people in the world ; they support schools, churches, colleges, educational institu- 
of every grade ; they pay hundreds of thousands, — millions a year f;r charities, hundreds of thousands 
amusements, hundreds of thousands for intellectual recreation, — for books, lectures, etc., to say nothing of 
millions spent in ephemeral enjoyments. How long need it take them to build this Monument to their ances- 
s? TVonld it be much for half of them to give, at this moment, one dollar each? This would bo more than is 
Iqnired. No one can question that they are able to do this. 

Is it too much to ask these 500,000 persons — Give of your overplus, or give of your saving prudence or self- 
ial, to the average of ten cents a year for five years ? But we are not limited to voters alone ; we arc not 
nited to New England, or to the North, or even to the United States. Already has an invitation come to us to 
id our agents to our mother country, who still prides herself in giving birth to the Pilgrims of the May Flower, 
1 vies with us in doing them honor. Indeed, wherever the English language is spoken, the memory of those 
n is cherished at the hearthstones of all those who are kindled to devotion at the recital of deeds of heroism, 

.orifice, and stern endurance. 
. The aim is to carry this work forward on tho most economical plan. The Architect is now receiving no com- 
Bnsation, that being provisional entirely on the completion of the work. As far as practicable, to save expense, 
re employed who, having other means of livelihood, can labor for a moderate remuneration, as is the case 
rfth the General and Financial Agent. Some of the local agents, giving but an incidental attention to the work, 
no compensation; others, devoting more time, receive a commission less than is paid to many agents for mis- 
looary and charitable societies. 

An objection has been made to the giving of certificates, statuettes, etc., to subscribers. This objection, 
tthough made by a very small minority of persons, it is perhaps well to meet by a statement of the grounds upon 
ihich they are given. 

1. They are an inducement to some to subscribe who would not otherwise do so. 

1. They will take the place, oftentimes, of other things of like nature which are procured merely as ornaments 
matters of taste. Those who obtain them on this ground can feel that all they give beyond their cost will go 
-not, as in the case of articles purchased at the shops, to enable the seller to amass a fortune and build a costly 

ixuion — but to aid the Pilgrim Society in their noble and patriotic enterprise. 

8. The Monument is intended not only as a memorial of the Landing of the Pilgrims, and a commemoration of 
deeds and sufferings, but as an expression of the gratitude of their descendants for the inestimable benefits dc- 
llved from the great principles upon which their commonwealth was founded. To keep these always before the 
Binds of their descendants, and,/or the benefit of those who may not be able to visit Plymouth, it is desirable (and 
ronld more than compensate for its cost) to place a good representation of the monument in every house in 
be land; and it is hoped one will be called for to be put in every public library, the hall of every association, in 
irerj seminary, public school, pastor's study, and lady's parlor iu the country. 

[To the Editor op the Boston Daily Advertiser: 
On Friday last, I made my pilgrimage to Plymouth 
lock. When standing there, I felt it to be the holiest 
pound on which I had trod after some five thousand 
fles of travel through this glorious land, though I must 
lfess my heart's aeep feelings of reverence were un- 
isantly jarred by the previous sight of those funereal 
ftppings in the front of Pilgrim Hall. / could not mourn 
T tne departed sauits and heroes of the May Flower, I 
felt that ii it were possible their names should be wiitten 
b flames of fire, and lifted up from that spot toward 
heaven to draw men there, and inspire them with the 
ike patient endurance, beautifying hope and undying 
kith. I heard with pleasure that a Monument worthy 
if the sainted memories of the Pilgrim Fathers was pro- 
posed to be erected. I hope tho gentlemen who have 
token this business in charge will not forget that Eng- 
and venerates the memory of her worthiest sons, and 
trills with, emotion at every recital of their glorious 

The embarkation of " the adventurers " is one of the 
few historical fresco-paintings that adorn the walls of 
the National Palace at Westminster, of subjects deemed 
tnost fitting by the public sentiment of England for re- 
membrance and gratitude, and, as an Englishman, I 
Brink that such a monument as the one to be erected at 

Plymouth should be the joint work of both nations. Tho 
Pilgrim Fathers of America were our sons, tho Pil- 
grim mothers our daughters. Thero is a common senti- 
ment of reverence for them through both nations. "What 
more proper course than that both nations should join' 
to celebrate their virtues in a common testimony of 
veneration and love? Every true Englishman — every 
true American — must desire the most perfect practica- 
ble union of both nations, and everything that can brinjr 
them nearer together, so that one soul shall animate 
them both, should bo nailed with enthusiastic joy. 

I trust that the committee of management will dele- 
gate some one of their number to go to England with the 
completed plan of tho Monument, and go from town to 
town, to announce the object proposed, and I am puro 
he will meet with a response worthy of my country. 
Thero are thousands who would gladly aid in its accom- 
plishment, and a Monument so erected, ami hairing on 
its front a record of the erection and dedication by the 
two kindred nations, would suggest feelings of amity 
and fraternal relationship to all the thousands of visitants 
from both hemispheres, and tend powerfully, in its own 
degree, to cement perpetual peace and amity betweeu 
England and America. 

I am, sir, vours faithfully, ENGLISHMAN. 

Boston, Sent/21, 1858. 
